wiki:CMDI 1.2/Schema sanity/Namespaces

Version 12 (modified by oschonef, 10 years ago) (diff)


This page is a subpage of CMDI 1.2

Namespace per profile

The issue

In OAI-PMH Section 3.4 metadataPrefix and Metadata Schema its made clear that to be compliant a metadata record should have an schema location that matches the URL of the schema registered for the metadataPrefix. Due to the flexible nature of CMDI there can currently be many schemata associated with the metadataPrefix, i.e., one per CMD profile.

The solutions for this issue can either based on agreements within the CLARIN community on using OAI-PMH for CMDI (solutions 1 to 3), but it can also mean changes to CMDI with regards to namespaces (other solutions).

Proposed solutions

First solution: be pragmatic

One can be pragmatic and conclude that we have been using OAI-PMH for harvesting CMDI for several years now, so this non-compliance can be ignored.

This was the preferred option in 2012, see this note.


Everything stays as it is


Non-compliance does indicate a problem, and will puzzle implementers

Centre impact

None, as nothing changes

Implementation examples

None, as nothing changes


Oliver (IDS)?: NACK: CLARIN is about standards, interfaces and sustainability; this solution utilizes OAI-PMH in non obvious means and therefore violates CLARIN's principles. We should not do this.

Second solution: profile specific metadataPrefixes

A metadataPrefix per profile, e.g., cmdi0554, cmdi0571, cmdi2312. Each of these metadataPrefixes is linked to a different schema.

A first version of this has been implemented. The harvester can list multiple metadataPrefixes per provider endpoint. When a provider adds a new metadataPrefix this currently still requires an update of the harvester configuration to actually request the records offered for that prefix. There can be an agreed pattern in the CLARIN community, e.g., harvest every metadataPrefix starting with 'cmdi'. In that case the harvester doesn't need additional configuration but can infer the to be used metadataPrefixes itself.


Compliance, and partially implemented


Needs additional configuration per provider or CLARIN specific agreements on the use of OAI-PMH

Centre impact

The centers that currently use multiple CMD profiles but use only one cmdi metadataPrefix need to implement the metadataPrefix per profile approach

Implementation examples



Oliver (IDS)?: NACK: This is rather a crude hack than a solution, because it (again) utilizes OAI-PMH in non obvious means. We should not do this.

Menzo?: Update: the harvester will change to selecting the metadata prefixes based on matching (with a regex) the metadataNamespace. This namespace will always be the same for any CMDI related metadataPrefix, even in CMDI 1.2. To make the current implementation robust it will likely be implemented as a* regex, so when 1.2 introduces a new namespace it should fit this.

Third solution: up to the centers

Leave it up to the centers to choose between the first or second solution.


If you don't care about compliance you can leave everything as it is


Mixed compliance within the CLARIN community. Still needs some additional configuration or CLARIN specific agreements on the use of OAI-PMH

Centre impact

Depends on the wanted compliance level

Implementation examples



Oliver (IDS)?: NACK: Mixed compliance within CLARIN is a recipe for disaster in a (near|distant) future. We should definitely not do this.

Fourth solution: CMD envelop and payload specific schemas and namespaces

The envelope of a CMD record is fixed and described by the minimal CMD schema (TODO: needs to be synced with the latest version of the envelope generated by the CMDI XSD XSLT). We can bind this schema to the metadataPrefix and also use it in the instance. The profile specific schema would then only describe the profile specific part of the CMD record. However the namespace schema binding in xsi:schemaLocation only allows us to use a namespace once, which means we need two namespaces one for the envelope and one for the payload:


Compliance with OAI-PMH


Namespace changes for all CMD records

Centre impact

  • All tools that work with CMD records need to be changed
  • All CMD records need to be changed

Implementation examples


<OAI-PMH xmlns=""
    <request verb="ListMetadataFormats"

Minimal CMDI XSD

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:cmd="" xmlns:dcr=""
  targetNamespace="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">

Profile schema

<xs:schema xmlns:cmd="" xmlns:xs=""
  xmlns:dcr="" xmlns:ann=""
  targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xs:element name="ToolService">

CMD record

<cmd-e:CMD xmlns:cmd-e="" xmlns:cmd-p=""
  xmlns:xsi="" CMDVersion="1.1">


Oliver (IDS)?: This is better than solution 1-3, but still has the issue of using XML namespaces in non obvious ways. The XML namespace specification section 3 Declaring Namespaces states the following on uniqueness:

The namespace name, to serve its intended purpose, SHOULD have the characteristics of uniqueness and persistence.

If we use the same namespace name (= URI) for different schemas, we are violating the XML namespace specification. We should not do this.

Fifth solution: profile specific payload namespaces

Same as the fourth solution but instead of a fixed namespace to be used by all profiles each profile payload gets its own namespace.


  • Compliance with OAI-PMH.
  • Unique namespaces per profile payload, which enables better default XML handling:
    • schema based object mappings are often based on the assumption that a combo of namespace and element name is unique
    • validator may cache schemas based on namespaces, with reuse of a namespace for a different profile the cache might have to be explicitly flushed


  • Namespace changes for all CMD records
  • Generic tools needs to be able to handle the diversity of namespaces, e.g., by ignoring or skipping them:
    • XPath 1.0: *[local-name()='ToolService']
    • XPath 2.0: *:ToolService

Centre impact

  • All tools that work with CMD records need to be changed
  • All CMD records need to be changed

Implementation examples

Profile schema

<xs:schema xmlns:cmd="" xmlns:xs=""
  xmlns:dcr="" xmlns:ann=""
  targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xs:element name="ToolService">

CMD record

<cmd-e:CMD xmlns:cmd-e="" xmlns:cmd-p=""
  xmlns:xsi="" CMDVersion="1.1">


Oliver (IDS)?: Even though this solution has the largest impact on centres, it is (IMHO) the best solution, because it is most standards compliant and (if the refercences issue is solved properly) allows a very smooth integration with OAI-PMH and off-the-shelf XML tools. The longer, we postpone this solution, the larger the pain for the centers will become, so we better make that decision now and be done with it.


Tickets in the CMDI 1.2 milestone with the keyword keyword:

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Status
No tickets found


Discuss the topic in general below this point

The goal of XML namespaces is to provide a clean partition the "name universe" for XML. The XML Namespace recommendation states:

"We envision applications of Extensible Markup Language (XML) where a single XML document may contain elements and attributes (here referred to as a "markup vocabulary") that are defined for and used by multiple software modules. .. Such documents, containing multiple markup vocabularies, pose problems of recognition and collision. Software modules need to be able to recognize the elements and attributes which they are designed to process, even in the face of "collisions" occurring when markup intended for some other software package uses the same element name or attribute name." Namespaces in XML 1.0, Section 1 "Motivation and Summary"

The overall approach of CMDI is to define a set of (metadata) components, that get compiled into profiles. Authors of components are free to choose the (inner) structure and the names for their components on their own. Two independent metadata authors can easily come up with Profiles, that contain components that uses the same name, but a different structure, i.e. one Creator component, that just has no further inner structure and another Creator component, that is further structured in Name, Organization and Email.

The CMDI profiles will be compiled into XML schema documents and components become XML elements. In the current implementation, CMDI puts all XML elements into one generic CMDI XML Namespace, i.e. the two Creator elements are identified by the same QName. However, these two Creators conceptually different things, cause they have a different structure and thus, their XML representation have conflicting content models. As long as XML instances created from these XML Schema are not used in together in one context, things work. But if used together, this is a recipe for problems. For example consider the following scenarios:

  • XML Parsers: an XML Parser parsing and validating a batch of CMDI instances from various profiles can cache an internal representation of a parsed XML schema based on XML Namespaces to speed up the processing. However, if it first caches an XML schema, that contains no "Creator" elements, it will reject all instances, that happen to contain "Creator"s. Or, if it caches the "flat" Creator, it will reject the structured Creator.
    For example, Xerces-J has the following comment in ff

"store the external schema locations. they are set when reset is called, so any other schemaLocation declaration for the same namespace will be effectively ignored. because we choose to take first location hint available for a particular namespace."

The comment is in the reset() method of the SchemaValidator. This hints, that the parser might cache schemas based on XML Namespace names, if instances of the parser get re-used.

  • XML Binding: frameworks to map from XML to Objects can fail on CMDI profiles, because all profiles use the same XML Namespace, thus a programs fail if they encounter CMDI instances from a different profile.
  • XML Databases: native XML Databases might also run into a the XML schema caching issue, if validation is turned on. The popular eXist-db uses Xerces-J under the hood, so the above mentioned issue with Xerces-J may also automatically lead to problems with eXist-db.
  • Using CMDI in other contexts, i.e. embedded in other protocols. One example is OAI-PMH. CLARIN requires centers to make their metadata available for harvesting by means of OAI-PMH. OAI-PMH required to link each metadataPrefix to an unique XML schema Section "3.4 metadataPrefix and Metadata Schema": it defined "The XML namespace URI that is a global identifier of the metadata format" and "The metadata schema URL - the URL of an XML schema to test validity of metadata expressed according to the format". As long as centers only use one profile, they are fine. However, if their repository contains CMDI records from various profiles, it's harder to select an appropriate schema to announce via OAI-PMH.

A clean solution to avoid these problems it to have a general CMDI XML namespace for the wrapper elements of an CMDI instance (Header, ...) and a profile specific namespace for the elements below the Components elements. The following approaches could be used to lessen the impact of this change for users who don't care for Namespaces:

  • ignore Namespaces in XPath:
    • in XPath 1.0: *[local-name()='ToolService’]
    • in XPath 2.0: *:ToolService"
  • use a "flattener XSLT": this stylesheet will put all elements into the same namespace (and deliberately breaking validation). Users can than use their traditional XPath expressions. However, "flattened" CMDI instances SHOULD only be transient contexts, i.e. they MUST NOT be used for long term storage or exchange. (Menzo has prepared such a style-sheet. Thanks!)
  • use a SAX filter to change incoming namespaces (here is an example for adding such a filter to JAXB)

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