wiki:CMDI 1.2/Schema version management

Version 4 (modified by twagoo, 10 years ago) (diff)


This page is a subpage of CMDI 1.2

Schema version management

The issue

Currently the CMDI 'toolkit' (general component schema, component-to-schema stylesheet and related resources) is being developed and released from the trunk. The trunk version of these documents is checked out on the production server and gets updated through a cron job. This makes testing a hassle and proper versioning impossible. Since we should keep 1.1 maintainable even after the release of 1.2, a better structure is desirable.

Proposed solution


  • Centralised development with versioning possible without the risk of altering production
  • Allows for parallel development of 1.2 and maintenance (such as emergency fixes) of 1.1
  • The CMDI version can be derived from the schema location (e.g. in a component specification


  • Releases are still pulled from svn and not pushed (as with maven artifacts). Convenient but not so tidy.

Centre impact

  • Component Registry has to change its referred schema and stylesheet locations
  • ems04 (hosting needs to have its cronjob updated


Tickets in the CMDI 1.2 milestone with the keyword schemaversion:

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Status
No tickets found


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