Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of ComponentVersioning

04/10/12 11:46:52 (12 years ago)

definition of deprecation


  • ComponentVersioning

    v3 v4  
    77* '''Component''' refers to both components and profiles as specified by the [source:metadata/trunk/toolkit/general-component-schema.xsd general component schema] that exist in the ComponentRegistry;
    88* '''Versioning''' refers to the precursor/successor relation that may exists between two components. It does not imply a structural or functional extension or inheritance, i.e. the structure of the precursor component does not put any constraints on the structure of the successor relation; no assumptions about the structure of the' one can be made on basis of the structure of the other. Versioning does not imply deprecation (see below) of the precursor.
    9 * '''Deprecation''' refers to a state in which a component is no longer 'advertised' by the registry (it will not appear in the list of published components) and will be explicitly marked as such to the client. However it will still be accessible by its URI so that instances based on deprecated components will remain valid. Apart from this, the properties of published components apply. Deprecation can be combined with versioning.
     9* '''Deprecation''' refers to a state in which a component is no longer 'advertised' by the registry (it will not appear in the list of published components) and will be explicitly marked as such to the client. However it will still be accessible by its URI so that instances based on deprecated components will remain valid. Apart from this, the properties of published components apply. Deprecation can optionally be combined with versioning.
    1111== Design ==