
Version 9 (modified by sroth, 11 years ago) (diff)


<Stephanie+Olof> Concerning the proposal for the XML-serialization of an "annotation whose body is a binary relation" (see Specification Document) we would like to remind of our discussion input from one of the earlier Skype meetings in January 2013 (cf. Olof's e-mail from Januari 18th). We refer to the current draft on while resuming the discussion.

  1. It might be appropriate to use from and to xml attributes instead of tags for the relation tag. This seems to make more sense semantically, not least because it would mean that we could follow the style of the ref attributes in e.g. reader and writer.
<body type="relation">
        <relation from="SID01XX" to="SID01YY">implies</relation>
  1. According to the latest draft, the targetSource element is to contain URI and versionString elements. On the other hand, the parent targetSource element has the attribute xml:id with a value of SID. According to the technical summary, sid contains both aoid, i.e. the URI of an annotatable object outside the DB, and vid, i.e. version identifier (if not omitted and thus being equivalent to the latest version). So we wonder why you put that in and what the benefit of these two elements would be.

<Olof> In the examples in the specification document <targetSource> is in some cases identified by "xml:id" and also a "source" on page 7. Is there a reason for having a temporary id as an xml:id and not the whole uri+fragment in the relation reference?. For the client it´s important to know where to look for the URI to be able to get the fragment containing the start/end for the annotation.

<Twan> I think indeed this could be solved without the xml:id; the source URI should already be a unique ID.

<Menzo> Yes, and if the relation body is serialized in RDF it has to be URIs instead of IDs.

<Olof> I think we need to establish an XSD schema as soon as possible for the representation of the serialized objects and a few close to real life examples. This will be a good exercise for finalizing the exchange format, for finding other issues and ideas for future improvements.

<Twan> Yes, I agree. Is this something we were going to do?

<Menzo> Yes, I think the plan was that we would create more XML examples including schemas. We didn't decide on a schema language ... unfortunately XSD is still the prevalent one ;-)

<Stephanie> Would be helpful if the future examples as well as the schema definition files could be provided in real file format (XML, XSD) directly, instead of just as images in the specifications document. We propose to use a new subdirectory structure within the back-end directory on Clarin SVN to this end.

<Olof> In the example (page 3) identification of the annotated node (start/end) is made by using xpointer (fid), Wired-Marker uses hyperanchor <> and it works in a somewhat different way. Hyperanchor allows storage of color etc. and requires less work effort and no changes in Wired-Marker. Is xpointer important for identifying the annotation, and if so is conversion from hyperanchor to xpointer required for the client?

<Twan> I haven't looked into hyper anchor but I don't see why xpointer would be a hard requirement as long as it does the job of reliably referencing a fragment. I'm a bit worried about storing properties of the annotation (such as colour) in the fragment identifier though.

<Menzo> I agree storing (some of) the annotation info in the fragment identifier would be wrong. The fragments identifier should only contain information to pinpoint a specific fragments in a source, not additional rendering or annotation info.

I don't know hyper anchor. In principle I would go for a standard where possible, e.g., XPointer or one of the W3C recommended media fragments. Also because WiredMarker? is only one of the tools that could do something with the annotations, i.e., when possible don't bind it too tight to WiredMarker? but keep it generic. But I guess this can only be a guideline, annotation bodies and cached representations could be tool specific, also there will be very specific fragments (LEXUS lexical entries, ELAN annotations; but those might still be referenced with a standard fragment identifier (Xpointer?)).

<Olof> It would be a big change in the Wired-Marker source to replace hyperanchor, we need to make a mapping for input to and output from the client. #291

<Olof> When retrieving more than one source or annotation we need an wrapper, this should be specified in the REST-specification. For ease this wrapper should always be used, even if the result is one object. This wrapper should also contain information about the total amount of objects if it is larger than the pre-defined maximum of objects returned. This is important for the specified paging e.g. "GET api/sources?uri=<aoid>&maxSources=<number>" on page 14. We also suggest to replace the maxSources with a more general parameter (e.g. "max") that can even be used for limiting the maximum amount of annotations returned. Furthermore, we need a param for start to be able to get the next set of objects. E.g.:

<result start="0" max="10" total="42">



<Twan> I think this is fine as well, I would propose to add it to the API specifications like this.

<Menzo> Sounds good :-)