
Version 12 (modified by twagoo, 11 years ago) (diff)

replaced 'external' links to wiki pages with WikiLinks?

Web-annotator/API interaction scenarios


  1. Authentication
  2. Visiting an annotated web page
  3. Viewing an individual annotation
    1. Unresolvable target
  4. Annotation creation
  5. Editing an annotation body
  6. Managing readers and writers
    1. Adding readers and writers
    2. Removing readers and writers
  7. Managing annotations
    1. Deleting an entire annotation
  8. Notebooks
    1. Retrieving list of annotations in a notebook
    2. Adding an annotation to a notebook

ToDo: (general): add example XML serializations of requests/responses to serve as basis for (modifications of) the schemata


  • User logs-in to annotation service, so the UID gets known by the server.

ToDo: Add to API the "who-am-I" service that allows the user to obtain his/her UID and list of notebooks(read and write), incl. their id's and rendering names.

Status: done, pls check SpecificationDocument#Userrealm and XSD and XML#RespondingGETapiuser

Visiting an annotated web page

  • User: visits the page <...>.
  • Client: requests the lists of annotations to which the user has "read" access.
    • GET api/annotations?source=<...>&access=read
  • Service: returns list of annotation id-s with the corresponding headlines, notebooks, owners, and target sources URI's;

ToDo: Olha: example XML +schema of the respond.

Status. Done, pls check XSD and XML#RespondingGETapiannotationssourcehttp:en.wikipedia.orgwikiSagrada_FamC3ADliaaccessread

  • Client: Resolving fragments (mapping) happens after the response. There are two internal lists for the client: the resolvable and unresolvable target.

Viewing an individual annotation

Resolvable target

  • User: selects an annotation with "at least one resolvable" (debatable) target for reading.
  • Client: retrieves the annotation
  • GET api/annotations/<aid>
  • Service: returns the annotation

ToDo: Olha: xml.

Status. Done, pls check XSD and XML#RespondingGETapiannotationsAID02exampleusageforresolvabletargetsources.

Unresolvable target

  • User: select an annotation with unresolvable targets for reading.
  • Client: get annotation and its target sources
  • GET api/annotations/<aid>
  • GET api/annotations/<aid>/sources
  • Client: get cached representations for target sources
  • GET api/sources/<sid>/cached
  • GET api/sources/<sid>/cached/<cid>

ToDo: Olha: examples XML+schema of the respond, for all 4 calls.

Status. Done, pls check XSD and XML#RespondingGETapiannotationsAID01exampleusageforunresolvabletargetsources, XSD and XML#RespondingGETapiannotationsAID01sourcesexampleusageforunresolvabletargetsources, XSD and XML#RespondingGETapisourcesSID05cachedexampleusageforunresolvabletargetsources, XSD and XML#RespondingGETapisourcesSID05cachedCID005Aexampleusageforunresolvabletargetsources.

Annotation creation

  • User: creates a text note on a selected text.
  • Client: sends the annotation to the server
  • POST api/annotation

ToDo: Olha: input example XML+schema of the body.

Status. Done, pls check XSD and XML#RequestbodyforPOSTapiannotations.

  • Service: responds with the annotation <aid>, with temp id-s replaced by the permanent ones, the full URI for the target sources, action:create cached representation.
  • Client: sends cached representation
    • POST/api/cources/<sid>/cached
  • Service: store representation

Editing an annotation body


Managing readers and writers

Adding readers and writers


Removing readers and writers


Managing annotations

Deleting an entire annotation



Retrieving list of annotations in a notebook


Adding an annotation to a notebook