Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of DASISH/SpecificationDocument

04/11/13 11:27:32 (11 years ago)



  • DASISH/SpecificationDocument

    v33 v34  
    267267||{{{GET api/sources/<sid>/cached/<cid>/metadata}}}||Returns the meta-nformation of <cid> if it exists.||
    268268||{{{GET api/sources/<sid>/cached/<cid>/content}}}||Returns the file that is the cached representation with <cid> if it exists.||
    269 ||{{{POST api/sources/<sid>/cached}}}|| It is a multipart POST, with the request body consisting of a description containing the metadata specified by the Cached Representation realization class, e.g., screenshot, and a single file (multiple files must be archived). The description has a form as follows: {{{<cachedrepresentation-description>}}}{{{<mime>multipart/related</mime>}}}{{{<tool>ToolID01</tool>}}}{{{<type>MHTML</type>}}}{{{</cachedrepresentation-description>}}} Adds a new cached representation of {{{<sid>}}}, by taking the cached representation from the request body.||
     269||{{{POST api/sources/<sid>/cached}}}||It is a multipart POST, with the request body consisting of a description containing the metadata specified by the Cached Representation realization class, e.g., screenshot, and a single file (multiple files must be archived). The description has a form as follows: {{{<cachedrepresentation-description>}}}{{{<mime>multipart/related</mime>}}}{{{<tool>ToolID01</tool>}}}{{{<type>MHTML</type>}}}{{{</cachedrepresentation-description>}}} Adds a new cached representation of {{{<sid>}}}, by taking the cached representation from the request body.||
    270270||{{{DELETE api/sources/<sid>/cached/<cid>}}}||Removes the cached representation {{{<cid>}}} given in the body of the request from the list of cached representations of the {{{<sid>}}}. It is removed from the database as well, unless there are no more references to this representation.||
    272272=== api/notebooks
     275||{{{GET api/notebooks/owned}}}||Returns the list of all notebooks owned by the current logged user.||
     276||{{{GET api/notebooks/<nid>/readers}}}||Returns the list of <uid> who allowed to read the annotations from notebook.||
     277||{{{GET api/notebooks/<nid>/writers}}}||Returns the list of <uid> that can add annotations to the notebook.|| 
     278||{{{GET api/notebooks/<nid>/metadata}}}||Get all metadata about a specified notebook <nid>, including the information if it is private or not.||
     279||{{{GET api/notebooks/<nid>?maximumAnnotations=limit&startAnnotation=offsen&orderby=orderby&orderingMode=1|0}}}||Get the list of all annotations <aid>-s contained within a Notebook with related metadata. Parameters: <nid>, optional maximumAnnotations specifies  the maximum number of annotations to retrieve (default -1, all annotations), optional startAnnotation specifies the starting point from which the annotations will be retrieved (default: -1, start from the first annotation),  optional orderby, specifies the RDF property used to order the annotations (default: dc:created ),  optional orderingMode specifies  if the results should be sorted using a descending order desc=1 or an ascending order desc=0 (default: 0 ).||
     280||{{{PUT /notebooks/<nid>}}}||Modify metadata of <nid>. The new notebook’s name must be sent in request’s body.||
     281||{{{PUT /notebooks/<nid>?annotation=<aid>}}}||Adds an annotation <aid> to the list of annotations of <nid>.||
     282||{{{PUT api/notebooks/<nid>/setPrivate=[true, false]}}}||Sets the specified Notebook as private or not private.||
     283||{{{POST api/notebooks/}}}||Creates a new notebook. This API returns the <nid> of the created Notebook in response’s payload and the full URL of the notebook adding a Location header into the HTTP response. The name of the new notebook can be specified sending a specific payload.||     
     284||{{{POST api/notebooks/<nid>}}}||Creates a new annotation in  <nid>. The content of an annotation is given in the request body. In fact this is a short cut of two actions:
     285{{{POST api/annotations}}} and {{{PUT /notebooks/<nid>?annotation=<aid>}}}.||
     286||{{{DELETE api/notebooks/<nid>}}}||Delete <nid>. Annotations stay, they just lose connection to <nid>.||