Changes between Version 42 and Version 43 of DASISH/SpecificationDocument

04/11/13 12:09:17 (11 years ago)



  • DASISH/SpecificationDocument

    v42 v43  
    18 [[PageOutline(1-2, , inline)]]
     18[[PageOutline(1-3, , inline)]]
    229229= User Interface prototype =
    231 == Main window view: ==
     231== Main window view ==
    235 == Context menu: ==
     235== Context menu ==
    273273||{{{PUT api/annotations/<aid>/body}}}||Updates the body of the annotation <aid>. Used e.g. for correcting typos in the text part. The updated annotation’s body is given in the body of the request.||
     275== Sources ==
     277A source represents (a specific fragment of) a specific version of an annotatable object.  For instance, if an annotatable object is a web-page that has 3 versions and users have annotated versions 1 and 3, then there are 2 sources in the Data Base that correspond to the “web-page”.  Naturally, these sources represent versions 1 and 3.
     279Note that access to the whole document with <aoid> is possible via its <sid>=<aoid>#, with empty fragment descriptor.
     281Adding sources to the DataBase and removing them is a responsibility of the DataBase Management System.  In fact, adding a source is a “side effect” of creating an annotation on a certain URI.  Moreover, is the source with <sid>=<aoid>@<vid>#XXX is added to the DB, then the source <sid>=<aoid>@<vid># must be added as well, unless it is already in the DB.
     283If all the annotations that refer to a certain source are deleted, then the DB managing part deletes this source from the DB. A read-only REST API for inspecting Sources (incl. fragments) is needed.
     285Cached representations are managed by the client, therefore creation and deletion API is necessary. It is possible to store the cashed representation not only of the fragment precisely corresponding to an annotation target source, but of a larger fragment and even of the entire annotatable object.
    276288=== api/sources ===
    278 A source represents (a specific fragment of) a specific version of an annotatable object.  For instance, if an annotatable object is a web-page that has 3 versions and users have annotated versions 1 and 3, then there are 2 sources in the Data Base that correspond to the “web-page”.  Naturally, these sources represent versions 1 and 3.
    280 Note that access to the whole document with <aoid> is possible via its <sid>=<aoid>#, with empty fragment descriptor.
    282 Adding sources to the DataBase and removing them is a responsibility of the DataBase Management System.  In fact, adding a source is a “side effect” of creating an annotation on a certain URI.  Moreover, is the source with <sid>=<aoid>@<vid>#XXX is added to the DB, then the source <sid>=<aoid>@<vid># must be added as well, unless it is already in the DB.
    284 If all the annotations that refer to a certain source are deleted, then the DB managing part deletes this source from the DB. A read-only REST API for inspecting Sources (incl. fragments) is needed.
    286 Cached representations are managed by the client, therefore creation and deletion API is necessary. It is possible to store the cashed representation not only of the fragment precisely corresponding to an annotation target source, but of a larger fragment and even of the entire annotatable object.
    288291||= '''Resource''' =||= '''Description''' =||
    294297||{{{POST api/sources/<sid>/cached}}}||It is a multipart POST, with the request body consisting of a description containing the metadata specified by the Cached Representation realization class, e.g., screenshot, and a single file (multiple files must be archived). The description has a form as follows: {{{<cachedrepresentation-description>}}}{{{<mime>multipart/related</mime>}}}{{{<tool>ToolID01</tool>}}}{{{<type>MHTML</type>}}}{{{</cachedrepresentation-description>}}} Adds a new cached representation of {{{<sid>}}}, by taking the cached representation from the request body.||
    295298||{{{DELETE api/sources/<sid>/cached/<cid>}}}||Removes the cached representation {{{<cid>}}} given in the body of the request from the list of cached representations of the {{{<sid>}}}. It is removed from the database as well, unless there are no more references to this representation.||
     300== Notebooks ==
    297302=== api/notebooks ===