
Version 3 (modified by vronk, 13 years ago) (diff)


FCS - Feature Matrix

This shall be a comprehensive list of individual features that every FCS-compliant search engine must/can implement. They are discussed in detail in FCS-spec.

SRU/CQL proposes conformance levels, but this is too coarse-grained and fuzzy. We try to be clearer here and go down to the level of individual features.

Obviously the list is not complete. TODO: complete

explain response
Provide information about the configuration of the service, mainly about available indices and defaults.

We have to examine, if explain-record can be the single authoritative source of information about a repository.


simple term search
accept a simple term query
TODO: decide substring or full-word
index search
support searchClause-queries:
 index relation searchTerm
See more about indices in next chapter.
supported relations
SRU proposes:
  any, adj, all
honor search context
Allow to restrict search to specific collections/resources specified as a parameter (see SearchContext)
boolean search


Indices are to be used in different operations.

  • search
  • scan (/aggregate)
  • output (/group, /sort)

This needs to be explicated in the description of the repository.

Types of indices:

supporting index-search on isocat data categories.
search by cmd-indices?
content search supporting also MD-filters

We should agree on some basic set of MD-indices, at least for output that "should" be implemented would make life easier to software and users. Hot candidates are:

  • title/name (default string representation of the resource)
  • language
  • resource-type
  • creation/publication date
  • or simply inspire by the VLO-facets

Search Result

provide resource reference
provide DataView@type=X
In which formats can you provide the results?
provide DataView@type=kwic
Can you provide basic keyword in context view?
provide ccs:Metadata
Do you provide information about the Resource (and/or ResourceFragment?)? What kind of information (what metadata-fields?)
provide link to CMD-metadata
Fill ccs:Metadata@cmd-link with reference to CMD-record.
provide CMD-metadata
alternatively resolve and embed the CMD-record

supporting operations

scan indices
implement scan-operation allowing to query the terms available in individual indices