Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of FCS-Specification-ScrapBook

02/10/14 14:05:00 (10 years ago)



  • FCS-Specification-ScrapBook

    v24 v25  
    203203If an Endpoint can provide both, a persistent identifier as well as an URI, for either Resource or Resource Fragment, they `SHOULD` provide both. When working with results, Clients `SHOULD` prefer persistent identifiers over regular URIs.
    205 Resource and Resource Fragment are serialized in XML and Endpoints `MUST` generate responses, that are valid according to the XML schema "[source:FederatedSearch/Resource.xsd Resource.xsd]" ([source:FederatedSearch/Resource.xsd?format=txt download]). A Resource is encoded in the form of a `<fcs:Resource>` element, a ''Resource Fragment'' in the form of a `<fcs:ResourceFragment>` element. The content of a Data View is wrapped in a `<fcs:DataView>` element. `<fcs:Resource>` is the top-level element and `MAY` contain zero or more `<fcs:DataView>` elements and `MAY` contain zero or more `<fcs:ResourceFragment>` elements. A `<fcs:ResourceFragment>` element `MUST` contain one or more `<fcs:DataView>` elements.
     205Resource and Resource Fragment are serialized in XML and Endpoints `MUST` generate responses, that are valid according to the XML schema "[source:FederatedSearch/schema/Resource.xsd Resource.xsd]" ([source:FederatedSearch/schema/Resource.xsd?format=txt download]). A Resource is encoded in the form of a `<fcs:Resource>` element, a ''Resource Fragment'' in the form of a `<fcs:ResourceFragment>` element. The content of a Data View is wrapped in a `<fcs:DataView>` element. `<fcs:Resource>` is the top-level element and `MAY` contain zero or more `<fcs:DataView>` elements and `MAY` contain zero or more `<fcs:ResourceFragment>` elements. A `<fcs:ResourceFragment>` element `MUST` contain one or more `<fcs:DataView>` elements.
    207207The elements `<fcs:Resource>`, `<fcs:ResourceFragment>` and `<fcs:DataView>` `MAY` carry a `@pid` and/or a `@ref` attribute, which allows linking to the original data represented by the Resource, Resource Fragment, or Data View. A `@pid` attribute `MUST` contain a valid persistent identifier, a `@ref` `MUST` contain valid URI, i.e. a "plain" URI without the additional semantics of being a persistent reference.