Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of FCS-Specification-ScrapBook

02/12/14 16:59:17 (10 years ago)



  • FCS-Specification-ScrapBook

    v36 v37  
    367367The XML fragment for ''Endpoint Description'' is encoded as an `<ed:EndpointDescription>` element, that contains the following children:
    368368 * one `<ed:Profile>` element (`REQUIRED`) \\
    369    The value of the `<ed:Profile>` element indicates the Profile, that is supported by the Endpoint. \\
     369   The content of the `<ed:Profile>` element indicates the Profile, that is supported by the Endpoint. \\
    370370   Valid values are:
    371371    * `basic`: the Endpoint supports the ''basic'' Profile \\
    378378The `<ed:Collection>` element contains a detailed description of a collection that is available at an Endpoint. A collection is a searchable entity, e.g. a single corpus. The `<ed:Collection>` has a mandatory `@pid` attribute, that contains persistent identifier of the collection. This value `MUST` be the same as the ''!MdSelfLink'' of the CMDI record describing the collection. The `<ed:Collection>` element contains the following children:
    379379 * one or more `<ed:Title>` elements (`REQUIRED`) \\
    380    A human readable title for the collection. A `REQUIRED` `@xml:lang` attribute indicates the language of the title. An English title is `REQUIRED`. The list of titles `MUST NOT` contain duplicate entries for the same language.
     380   A human readable title for the collection. A `REQUIRED` `@xml:lang` attribute indicates the language of the title. An English version of  the title is `REQUIRED`. The list of titles `MUST NOT` contain duplicate entries for the same language.
    381381 * zero or more `<ed:Description>` elements (`OPTIONAL`) \\
    382    An optional human-readable description of the collection. Is `SHOULD` be at most one sentence. A `REQUIRED` `@xml:lang` attribute indicates the language of the description. If supplied, an English version is `REQUIRED`. The list of descriptions `MUST NOT` contain duplicate entries for the same language.
     382   An optional human-readable description of the collection. Is `SHOULD` be at most one sentence. A `REQUIRED` `@xml:lang` attribute indicates the language of the description. If supplied, an English version of the description is `REQUIRED`. The list of descriptions `MUST NOT` contain duplicate entries for the same language.
    383383 * zero or one `<ed:LandingPageURI>` element (`OPTIONAL`) \\
    384384   A link to a website for this collection, e.g. a landing page for a collection, i.e. a web-site that describes a corpus.
    499499=== Operation ''scan'' ===#scan
    501 The SRU operation ''scan'' is currently not used in the ''basic'' profile of CLARIN-FCS. An ''extended'' profile may use this operation, therefore Endpoints are `NOT RECOMMENDED` to define custom extensions that use operation.
     501The SRU operation ''scan'' is currently not used in the ''basic'' profile of CLARIN-FCS. An ''extended'' profile may use this operation, therefore Endpoints are `NOT RECOMMENDED` to define custom extensions that use this operation.