Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of ISO_TC37SC4_Standards_in_preparation

07/08/20 09:40:40 (4 years ago)



  • ISO_TC37SC4_Standards_in_preparation

    v5 v6  
    44|| '''ISO spec (title)''' || '''Date shared''' || '''Deadline for feedback''' || '''Way to comment''' || '''Remarks and links'''
    5 || ISO/CD 24623-2:2020 Language resource management — Corpus query lingua franca (CQLF) — Part 2: Ontology \\ \\ [ download] || 08.07.2020 || 26.07.2020 || Provide comments directly to project leaders: Stefan Evert (FAU) or Piotr Bański (IDS)\\ <stefan.evert , banski> at < ,> || This document got approved as Committee Draft in May 2020, was then modified according to the experts' comments and will be submitted in early August for the DIS ballot. At this point, we are most interested in whether there exist any readability issues -- is the document understandable? Should it be more reader-friendly and if so, how? We will naturally also gratefully acknowledge technical remarks although due to the nature of the process and time restrictions we reserve the right to react to them as part of the DIS ballot. \\ Our [ LREC-2012 paper] provides the context and a bird-eye-view.\\The !GitHub page of the project is and will grow during July and August.
     5|| ISO/CD 24623-2:2020 Language resource management — Corpus query lingua franca (CQLF) — Part 2: Ontology \\ \\ [ download] || 08.07.2020 || 26.07.2020 || Provide comments directly to project leaders: Stefan Evert (FAU) or Piotr Bański (IDS)\\ <stefan.evert , banski> at < ,> || This document got approved as Committee Draft in May 2020, was then modified according to the experts' comments and will be submitted in early August for the DIS ballot. At this point, we are most interested in whether there exist any readability issues -- is the document understandable? Should it be more reader-friendly and if so, how? We will naturally also gratefully acknowledge technical remarks although due to the nature of the process and time restrictions we reserve the right to react to them as part of the DIS ballot.\\* Our [ LREC-2012 paper] provides the context and a bird-eye-view.\\* The !GitHub page of the project is and will grow during July and August.