Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of ISOcat

08/28/12 08:09:06 (12 years ago)



  • ISOcat

    v12 v13  
    3939 * [[|Java 6]]
     40 * [[|Apache Ant]]
    4041 * [[|1060 NetKernel 3.3.1 Standard Edition Development Kit]] (with some additional patches included in our codebase)
    4142 * [[|PostgreSQL 8.x]] (an external instance uses 9.x)
    4344 * [[|Tango icon library]] (to be phased out, but still some leftovers)
    4445 * [[|famfamfam silk icon library]] and [[|silk companion]]
     46 * [[|mimeparse JavaScript library]]
    4547 * the ISOcat forum is based on [[|phpBB]] (with some additional patches included in our codebase)
    6365 * download and install [[|1060 NetKernel 3.3.1 Standard Edition Development Kit]]
    64  * start !NetKernel using the appropiate startup script in {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/bin}}}
     66 * start !NetKernel using the appropiate startup script in {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/bin}}}
    6567 * goto [[http://localhost:1060]]
    6668 * goto the ''Module Management Wizard'' in the ''control panel'' and update all existing modules
    6769   * at time of writing this will update the HTTP Client Services, the HTTP Transport and XQuery
    6870 * shutdown !NetKernel (''Kernel Shutdown'' in the ''control panel'')
    6972 * checkout our precompiled !NetKernel patches from [[source:cats/patches/NetKernel/trunk/dist]]
    7073 * and copy these files in the equivalent places in your NetKernel installation directory
    71  * remove all jars from {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/lib/expanded}}}, so the libraries our patched modules use will be unpacked with a next restart
     74 * remove all jars from {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/lib/expanded}}}, so the libraries our patched modules use will be unpacked with a next restart
    7275 * checkout some 3rd party !NetKernel modules from [[source:cats/patches/NetKernel/trunk/contrib]]
    73  * copy these jars into {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules}}}
    74  * add the following to the end (before {{{</modules>}}}) {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/etc/deployedModules.xml}}} to enable these modules
     76 * copy these jars into {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules}}}
     77 * add the following to the end (before {{{</modules>}}}) of {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/etc/deployedModules.xml}}} to enable these modules
    7578   {{{
    8083   }}}
     85 * checkout the SLOOT !NetKernel modules, which is an in-house developed module with generic !NetKernel tools, from [[source:cats/shared]] into an own folder
     86 * download the [[|mimeparse JavaScript library]]
     87 * create a {{{local-props.xml}}} file in the SLOOT folder specifying the location of !NetKernel and mimeparse
     88   {{{
     89<project name="local-props" basedir=".">
     90        <!-- local 1060 NK directory -->
     91        <property name="nk" location="/path-to-1060-NetKernel-SE-DK/"/>
     93        <!-- external library directories -->
     94        <property name="mimeparse" location="/path-to-mimeparse"/>
     96   }}}
     97 * rename the old {{{ext-xquery-2.4.3.jar}}} module in {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules}}} to {{{ext-xquery-2.4.3.jar.BAK}}} to prevent some clashes
     98 * run {{{ant}}} in the top SLOOT folder
    81100 * checkout the ISOcat !NetKernel modules from [[source:cats/ISOcat/trunk]] in your ISOcat source code folder
    82102 * the modules in the {{{develop}}} are !NetKernel modules to serve static files that in a production environment will be served by the HTTP server, e.g., Apache
    83103 * some of these static files need to be downloaded and placed in the right directory
    86106   * download the [[|famfamfam silk icon library]] and place the content of the archive into the {{{develop/mod-famfamfam/famfamfam/silk}}} directory
    87107   * download the [[|silk companion]] and place the content of the archive into the {{{develop/mod-famfamfam/famfamfam/silk-companion}}} directory (there are several other ''silk companion'' icon sets, which might be interesting for new developments)
    88  * add the following (adapt the path to point to your ISOcat source directory) to the end (before {{{</modules>}}}) {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/etc/deployedModules.xml}}} to enable these modules
     108 * add the following (adapt the path to point to your ISOcat source directory) to the end (before {{{</modules>}}}) of {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/etc/deployedModules.xml}}} to enable these modules
    89109   {{{
    90 <module>/ISOcat/src/develop/mod-gi</module>
    91 <module>/ISOcat/src/develop/mod-Tango</module>
    92 <module>/ISOcat/src/develop/mod-famfamfam</module>
    93113   }}}
    94  * tell the !NetKernel HTTP frontend fulcrum to resolve request for the files of these modules by adding the following below the ''Add your modules below here...'' comment in {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules/mod-fulcrum-frontend/module.xml}}}
     114 * tell the !NetKernel HTTP frontend fulcrum to resolve request for the files in these modules by adding the following below the ''Add your modules below here...'' comment in {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules/mod-fulcrum-frontend/module.xml}}}
    95115   {{{