Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of MDServiceImpl

07/14/10 14:32:28 (14 years ago)



  • MDServiceImpl

    v10 v11  
    3838 elements/terms::
    3939  this compiled list of elements used in all the profiles
    40   with the information on usage in the profiles (think inverted-index)
     40  with the information on usage in the profiles (think inverted index)
    4141  Currently this is for the user to search by just one element irrespective of the various contexts it is used in.
    4242 profiles/components/elements::
    4343  Select one profile, you get all the components and elements listed.
    4444 data categories::
    45   DataCats (currently |218|) listed from the Metadata-profile#5 from isocat
     45  DataCats (currently |218|) listed from the Metadata-profile!#5 from isocat
    4747Here are the functions listed in detail (We try out various mechanisms of interaction, so the handling is a bit chaotic or "diverse"):
    48  * A basic search functionality is implemented.
    49   with:
    50   * multi-selection for collections as basic filter for the queries (however the handling of multiple collections does not seem to be solved in MDRepository, so we just send the first one..)
    51   * you need to select a collection before submitting the query.
    52   * simple query input
    53     * Autocomplete in query-input-field - lists the available elements.
    54     * boolean queries don't work yet..
    55   * a primitive `Queryset` allowing for handling/viewing multiple queries in parallel. The queries are listed under each other and can be flipped-out and -in
     48 * A basic search functionality is implemented with following features:
     49   * multi-selection for collections as basic filter for the queries (however the handling of multiple collections does not seem to be solved in MDRepository, so we just send the first one..)
     50   * you need to select a collection before submitting the query.
     51   * simple query input
     52     * Autocomplete in query-input-field - lists the available elements.
     53     * boolean queries don't work yet..
     54   * a primitive `Queryset` allowing for handling/viewing multiple queries in parallel. The queries are listed under each other and can be flipped-out and -in
    5656  Sample queries:
    5959 Title any the
    61  * The query input is supported by the selection-lists in the menu on the left:
     61 * When formulating the query the user is supported by the selection-lists in the menu on the left:
    6262  * [[Image(source:MDService2/trunk/MDService2/WebContent/style/imgs/icon_filter_10.png)]] `[cmd_filter]` in the `Terms` and `Profiles/Components`-tab [[BR]] => copies the name of the Term into the query-input field
    6363  * [[Image(source:MDService2/trunk/MDService2/WebContent/style/imgs/icon_detail_10.png)]] `[cmd_detail]` in `Profiles/Components`-tab [[BR]] => opens up a detail-view of given subtree, with information from ComponentRegistry and with input-boxes on elements (think: '''searchByProfile'''). If we want this, it should be integrated in the selection menu, under the result-page it's not positioned well..