
Version 5 (modified by Martin Matthiesen, 9 years ago) (diff)


Test login within the Service Provider Fedaration

As Service Providers (SP) can not test the login from a federation that they are not a part of, we use a manual mechanism to achieve proper testing. Every SP can request a test of their configuration and therefore proof the proper configuration of their SP.

How to request a test (for SP)

In case you are a SP that likes to test the possibility to log in to your resources, please create a ticket (by clicking clicking it in the navigation at the top or by clicking here and assign it to the appropriate person. A list of persons that are willing to login in for certain countries can be found below.

Please provide the link to the login page and a detailed description on where to find the right button/form that should be tested. This assures that the tester is able to help you quickly (without getting annoyed as she/he has to browse the page for a couple of minutes to understand the page layout).

How to test a SP (for tester)

You will get tickets if people like you to test their SP with a detailed description on where to find the login to test. In case of an error, please provide the error to the SP that created the ticket. You can recall your willingness to test logins at any time. Keep in mind, the longer the list is, the fewer logins every person has to perform. To have testers for every country is an important task, on the way to ensure proper configuration of all SPs.

List of People to login for a certain federation


  • Thomas Kisler, Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (e-mail: is up to date in user profile)


  • ???
