
Version 6 (modified by Sander Maijers, 8 years ago) (diff)
  • FIX: Order of nginx ssl_certificate. * ENHANCE: Add instructions for testing https given SNI.

Creating a TLS certificate

Bundle for nginx's ssl_certificate (site, intermediate, root)

## as root:
cd '/root/certstore/wildcard-clarin-eu-new/' &&
printf '\n' > 'newline' &&
## Concatenate certificates in this order for Nginx
cat '' 'newline' '' 'newline' '' 'newline' > 'bundle.cer'
dos2unix 'bundle.cer'

Bundle for nginx's ssl_trusted_certificate (root, intermediate)

## as root:
cd '/root/certstore/wildcard-clarin-eu-new/' &&
printf '\n' > 'newline' &&
## Concatenate certificates in this order for Nginx
cat '' 'newline' '' 'newline' > 'trusted_bundle.cer'
dos2unix 'trusted_bundle.cer'

Testing connectivity to an HTTPS web server that uses Server Name Indication

If you have e.g. a Docker container listening on, port 443, issue:

curl -v --resolve '' ''