
Version 2 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


VLO Taskforce Virtual meeting March 19, 2015

Overall Topic: Recommendations for the VLO-Facets

Participants: Thomas Eckart, Peter Fankhauser, Susanne Haaf, Axel Herold, Jörg Knappen, Jens Stegmann

  • (1) Discussion about the VLO-Facets-Document

Descriptions for facets 1-8 did not need further discussion

  • (2) Discussion about Facet 9: License

"License" will become description facet as search facet "Availability" will be introduced with a small controlled vocabulary (free, free for academic use, restricted, upon-request) a mapping from license information to availability values will be necessary in order to properly fill the "Availability"-facet * Thomas will provide a list of current "License"-values and their frequencies within the VLO * Peter will hand the list over to Erik Ketzan and Paweł Kamocki (both IDS Mannheim) who hopefully can propose a mapping based on that list and on work that has already been done in that area

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