
Version 3 (modified by, 10 years ago) (diff)


VLO Facets


Currently, the CLARIN-D Centers use different means to represent relationships between resources. In the following, some of these representations are analyzed.


HZSK represents all resources of a corpus in one CMDI record. Thus, the target of a relationship (<ResourceRef?>) has always type (ResourceType?) Resource. The individual resources are further specified in the component part of the CMDI record by refering to the <ResourceProxy?> via its id attribute.


<ResourceProxy id="ACDIMB865D8-D9BA-7F9B-E652-D00D960850B4">
  <ResourceType mimetype="text/xml">Resource</ResourceType>
<HZSKTranscription ComponentId="" ref="ID8392DD18-04C3-9DC7-A7F5-2FA8A3639EA4">
  <Name>Rudi Völler Wutausbruch</Name>
  <TranscriptionConvention>HIAT (simplified)</TranscriptionConvention>


BAS represents the resources of a corpus by several CMDI records, and employs a variety of approaches to represent relationships:

  1. The relationship between the CMDI record for a corpus and its parts is specified explicitly in one direction by means of CMDI's built-in <isPartOf> element.
  2. Relationships with a target of type Resource are further specified in the component part of the CMDI record by referring to the <ResourceProxy?> via its id attribute
  3. Relationships between individual components, such as from <media-file> to <media-session-actor> are represented by referring to the target's id attribute as well.


<ResourceProxy? id="c_0000000001">

<ResourceType? mimetype="text/xml">Metadata</ResourceType?> <ResourceRef?></ResourceRef?>

</ResourceProxy?> or

<ResourceProxy? id="r_0000000001">

<ResourceType? mimetype="audio/raw">Resource</ResourceType?> <ResourceRef?></ResourceRef?>

</ResourceProxy?> ... <IsPartOfList?>


</IsPartOfList?> ... <media-file actor-ref="s_0000000001" ref="r_0000000001">

<Type>audio</Type><Quality>3</Quality> <RecordingConditions?>un-supervised answering of a question prompted via telephone</RecordingConditions?>

... </media-file> ... <media-session-actor id="s_0000000001">

<Role>question answering</Role> <Name>unspecified</Name> <FullName?>unspecified</FullName?> <Code>0001</Code> ...



IDS-Mannheim represents resources by several CMDI records, and employs a variety of approaches to represent relationships:

  1. The first version of the historical newspaper corpus MKHZ represents relationships by <ResourceProxy?> as well as OLAC-Dcmi-Terms elements such as <hasPart>, were both point to a PID (see for example
  2. The second version of the historical newspaper corpus represents relationships by <ResourceProxy?> and further specifies the semantics (and anchor text) of the relationship in the component part of the relationship (see for example
  3. Relationships in the corpora of spoken language are represented by ResourceProxy?'s only, and partOf relationships are further specified by means of CMDI's built-in <IsPartOf?> element (see for example

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