
Version 3 (modified by Twan Goosen, 7 years ago) (diff)


Virtual meeting on VLO development status 2017-10-24



  • VLO 4.3 development status
    • Open issues (see milestone)
      • Cross facet mapping
      • Solr 6
      • Incremental import
  • Planning
    • 4.3 beta release
    • 4.3 production release
  • Annual conference recap (see notes from task forces meeting)
    • Vocabularies and mapping
    • Resource types
    • Licence categories (discussed in CLIC meeting, see excerpt below).
      • Relation to Licence vocabulary?
      • Also see this proposal for an alternative approach in the VLO
  • Other business?


Excerpt from CLIC meeting at CAC 2017

  1. Discussion about VLO:
  • There is a confusion between different categories that are either not consistent with the ones in the other communities or not clear even to the people who upload the content: e.g. public, academic, restricted. Though there are concepts free/open/public, also the dichotomy between academic users versus academic use. We should disambiguate those matters. Overall, we will have to use the wording of open access, also even from simply political views.
  • Whatever would be the decision on the procedure how to assign types of data for the new data being added to the VLO, what to do with the legacy data?
  • Currently in VLO 80% are of unspecified category! So at least for the new data, the copyright clearance should be the first step, but still the backlog of those legacy datasets is the question to take decision on.