Custom Query (37 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (37 matches)

Component Ticket Priority Reporter Status Summary Type
VLO web app #43 trivial dietuyt closed origin for LRT should be CLARIN LRT inventory defect
VLO web app #28 minor patdui closed Keep track of recently viewed results/items enhancement
VLO web app #29 minor patdui closed Link to correct archives based on the metadata enhancement
VLO web app #34 minor dietuyt closed make partner images clickable defect
VLO web app #38 minor patdui closed extract proper language names from language code facets defect
ComponentRegistry #59 minor dietuyt closed bookmark profile/component option enhancement
VLO web app #60 minor dietuyt closed remove Unspecified and Unknown from initial facet list enhancement
VLO web app #84 minor patdui closed Some links are changed from orginal in the result page task
VLO web app #85 minor dietuyt closed show context (record nr in result set) while browsing through results enhancement
VLO web app #96 minor dietuyt closed no previous / next links for single result enhancement
VLO web app #98 minor patdui closed Record with duplicate id does not show defect
ComponentRegistry #10 major patdui closed xml:lang in profiles/components enhancement
ComponentRegistry #11 major patdui closed Add a save and a save as new button enhancement
ComponentRegistry #12 major patdui closed Move clear changes button and make behaviour more clear enhancement
ComponentRegistry #13 major patdui closed Support Multilingual attribute enhancement
ComponentRegistry #14 major patdui closed Make browsing open for anyone (lazy login) enhancement
ComponentRegistry #15 major patdui closed Adding "null" to ValueScheme (controlled vocabulary) doesn't show the item in the editor defect
ComponentRegistry #16 major patdui closed Make download xml, expanded enhancement
ComponentRegistry #17 major patdui closed Allow reorder of elements/components in editor enhancement
VLO web app #24 major patdui closed Make non-ascii facets work defect
VLO web app #27 major patdui closed Show list of resources (Written or Media etc...) in Show result page enhancement
ComponentRegistry #35 major paucas closed unvalid xsd output enhancement
VLO web app #37 major patdui closed extract proper country names from country code facets defect
VLO web app #46 major dietuyt closed open in original context for the LRT inventory defect
ComponentRegistry #52 major patdui closed Make workspace xsd's downloadable enhancement
VLO web app #61 major dietuyt closed add a resource type facet enhancement
ComponentRegistry #91 major patdui closed Reload edit pane with registered component/profile defect
ComponentRegistry #99 major patdui closed Clicking in the gui to fold out a component results in duplicate data defect
VLO web app #101 major patdui closed Add external archives to VLO defect
VLO web app #105 major patdui closed Create import based on conceptlinks enhancement
VLO web app #129 major patdui closed Rename origin to collection task
VLO web app #131 major patdui closed ShowResultPage should give proper error when result can not be loaded defect
VLO web app #132 major patdui closed Delete by dataprovider needs to escape spaces to work properly defect
ComponentRegistry #57 critical patdui closed Publish should move a profile/component out of private and into public workspace, keeping the id defect
VLO web app #62 critical dietuyt closed 10 facet values instead of 5 enhancement
VLO web app #92 blocker patdui closed Breadcrumb to VLO-home task
VLO web app #93 blocker patdui closed Fix scaling of image defect
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.