03/13/13 18:06:34 (11 years ago)

added notes from Menzo about DCR CLAVAS interaction

1 edited


  • SMC4LRT/chapters/SMC.tex

    r2672 r2696  
    12\chapter{Semantic Mapping Component}
    5 \section{?? DataModel}
     5\section{Data Model}
    77Terms ?
    13 \section{Semantic Mapping on concept level}
    15 merging the pieces of information provided by those,
    16 offering them semi-transaprently to the user (or application) on the consumption side.
    18 a module of the Component Metadata Infrastructure performing semantic mapping on search indexes. This  builds the base for query expansion to facilitate semantic search and enhance recall when querying the Metadata Repository.
     13\subsection{CMD namespace}
     14Describe the CMD-format?
     17\subsection{DCR in SKOS}
     19Describe the mapping from DCR into SKOS
     21DCR recognizes following types of data categories:
     22simple, complex: closed, open, constrained, (container)?
     28\caption{Data Category types}
     30\todo{cite:  ISOcat introduction at CLARIN-NL Workshop}
     32The export to CLAVAS-SKOS only considers/regards closed and simple DCs from the metadata profile are exported.
     33A closed DC maps to a concept scheme and a simple DC to a SKOS concept in such a concept scheme.
     34However it needs to be yet assessed how useful this approach is. In the metadata profile
     35there are many closed DCs with small value domains. How useful are those
     36in CLAVAS?
     37Originally, the vocabulary repository has been conceived to manage rather large and complex value domains,
     38that do not fit easily in the DCR data-model.
     39Therefore a threshold seems sensible, where only value domains with more
     40then 20, 50 or 100 values are exported.
     42Open or constrained DCs are not exported as they don't provide anything to a vocabulary. \todo{cite: Menzo2013-03-12 mail}
     43However, they can become users of a CLAVAS vocabulary. Actually, providing vocabularies for constrained but large and complex conceptual domains is the main motivation for the vocabulary repository.
     45Currently (before integration of VAS and DCR), the only possibility to constrain the value domain of a data category
     46is by the means a XML Schema provides, like a regular expression. So for the data category \concept{languageID DC-2482}
     47the rule looks like:
     50        <dcif:conceptualDomain type="constrained">
     51                <dcif:dataType>string</dcif:dataType>
     52                <dcif:ruleType>XML Schema regular expression</dcif:ruleType>
     53                <dcif:rule>[a-z]{3}</dcif:rule>
     54        </dcif:conceptualDomain>
     57A current proposal by Windhouwer\todo{cite: Menzo2013-03-12 mail} for integration with CLAVAS foresees following extension:
     60        <clavas:vocabulary href="http://my.openskos.org/vocab/ISO-639" type="closed"/>
     63\code{@href} points to the vocabulary. Actually a PID should be used in the context
     64of ISOcat, but it is not clear how persistent are the vocabularies. This may pose a problem as part of DC specification may now have a different persistency then the core.
     66\code{@type} could be \code{closed} or \code{open}. \code{closed}: only values in the vocabulary are
     67valid. \code{open}: the values in the vocabulary are hints/preferred values. Basically the DC itself is then open.
     69This would yield a definition of the conceptualDomain for the data category as follows:
     73  <dcif:conceptualDomain type="constrained">
     74     <dcif:dataType>string</dcif:dataType>
     75     <dcif:ruleType>XML Schema regular expression</dcif:ruleType>
     76     <dcif:rule>[a-z]{3}</dcif:rule>
     77  </dcif:conceptualDomain>
     78  <dcif:conceptualDomain type="constrained">
     79     <dcif:dataType>string</dcif:dataType>
     80     <dcif:ruleType>CLAVAS vocabulary</dcif:ruleType>
     81      <dcif:rule>
     82         <clavas:vocabulary href="http://my.openskos.org/vocab/ISO-639" type="closed"/>
     83      </dcif:rule>
     84  </dcif:conceptualDomain>
     87I.e. the new rule pointing to the vocabulary would be \emph{added}, so that tools that don't support CLAVAS
     88lookup but are capable of XSD/RNG validation, can still use the regular expression based definition.
     94something similar for the link to an EBNF grammar in SCHEMAcat:
     98      <scr:valueSchema
     99               xmlns:scr="http://www.isocat.org/ns/scr"
     100               pid="http://hdl.handle.net/1839/00-SCHM-0000-0000-004A-A"
     101               type="ISO 14977:1996 EBNF"/>
    29116We distinguish two types of smcIndexes: (i) \emph{dcrIndex} referring to data categories and (ii) \emph{cmdIndex} denoting a specific
    30 "CMD-entity", i.e. a metadata field, component or whole profile defined within CMD. The \textit{cmdIndex} can be interpreted as a XPath into the instances of CMD-profiles. In contrast to it, the \textit{dcrIndexes} are generally not directly applicable on existing data, but can be understood as abstract indexes referring to well-defined concepts -- the data categories -- and for actual search they need to be resolved to the metadata fields they are referred by. In return one can expect to match more metadata fields from multiple profiles, all referring to the same data category.
     117``CMD-entity'', i.e. a metadata field, component or whole profile defined within CMD. The \textit{cmdIndex} can be interpreted as a XPath into the instances of CMD-profiles. In contrast to it, the \textit{dcrIndexes} are generally not directly applicable on existing data, but can be understood as abstract indexes referring to well-defined concepts -- the data categories -- and for actual search they need to be resolved to the metadata fields they are referred by. In return one can expect to match more metadata fields from multiple profiles, all referring to the same data category.
    32119These two types of smcIndex also follow different construction patterns:
    65 \subsection{Function}\label{method}
     152\subsection{Query language}
     156\section{Semantic Mapping on concept level}
     158merging the pieces of information provided by those,
     159offering them semi-transaprently to the user (or application) on the consumption side.
     161a module of the Component Metadata Infrastructure performing semantic mapping on search indexes. This  builds the base for query expansion to facilitate semantic search and enhance recall when querying the Metadata Repository.
    66164In this section, we describe the actual task of the proposed application -- \textbf{mapping indexes to indexes} -- in abstract terms. The returned mappings can be used by other applications to expand or translate the original user query, to match elements in other schemas.
    67165\footnote{Though tightly related, mapping of terms and query expansion are to be seen as two separate functions.}
    68166% \footnote{This primary usage of SMC for work with user-created query strings explains the need for human-readability of the indices.}
    71 \subsubsection*{Initialization}
    73 First there is an initialization phase, in which the application fetches the information from the source modules (cf. \ref{components}). All profiles and components from the Component Registry are read and all the URIs to data categories are extracted to construct an inverted map of data categories:
    74 \newline
    76 \textit{datcatURI $\mapsto$ profile.component.element[]}
    77 \newline
    79 The collected data categories are enriched with information from corresponding registries (DCRs), adding the verbose identifier, the description and available translations into other working languages. %, usable as base for multi-lingual search user-interface.
    81 Finally relation sets defined in the Relation Registry are fetched and matched with the data categories in the map to create sets of semantically equivalent (or otherwise related) data categories.
    83 \subsubsection*{Operation}
    84168In the operation mode, the application accepts any index (\textit{smcIndex}, cf. \ref{indexes}) and returns a list of corresponding indexes (or only the input index, if no correspondences were found):
    119 (3) \emph{container data categories} -- further expansions will be possible once the container data categories \cite{SchuurmanWindhouwer2011} will be used. Currently only fields (leaf nodes) in metadata descriptions are linked to data categories. However, at times, there is a need to conceptually bind also the components, meaning that besides the "atomic" data category for \texttt{actorName, there would be also a data category for the complex concept \texttt{Actor}.}
     203(3) \emph{container data categories} -- further expansions will be possible once the container data categories \cite{SchuurmanWindhouwer2011} will be used. Currently only fields (leaf nodes) in metadata descriptions are linked to data categories. However, at times, there is a need to conceptually bind also the components, meaning that besides the ``atomic'' data category for \texttt{actorName, there would be also a data category for the complex concept \texttt{Actor}.}
    120204Having concept links also on components will require a compositional approach to the task of semantic mapping, resulting in:
    141225\subsection{Mapping from strings to Entities}
    143 Based on the textual values in the Metadata-descriptions find matching entities in selected Ontologies.
     227Find matching entities in selected Ontologies based on the textual values in the metadata records.
    145230Identify related ontologies:
    164 \subsection{Semantic Search}
    166 Main purpose for the undertaking described in previous two chapters (mapping of concepts and entities) is to enhance the search capabilities of the MDService serving the Metadata/Resources-data. Namely to enhance it by employing ontological resources.
    167 Mainly this enhancement shall mean, that the user can access the data indirectly by browsing one or multiple  ontologies,
    168 with which the data will then be linked. These could be for example ontologies of Organizations and Projects.
    170 In this section we want to explore, how this shall be accomplished, ie how to bring the enhanced capabilities to the user.
    171 Crucial aspect is the question how to deal with the even greater amount of information in a user-friendly way, ie how to prevent overwhelming, intimidating or frustrating the user.
    173 Semi-transparently means, that primarily the semantic mapping shall integrate seamlessly in the interaction with the service, but it shall "explain" - offer enough information - on demand, for the user to understand its role and also being able manipulate easily.
    175 ?
    176 Facets
    177 Controlled Vocabularies
    178 Synonym Expansion (via TermExtraction(ContentSet))
    180 \section{Linked Data - Express dataset in RDF}
     249\subsection{Linked Data - Express dataset in RDF}
    182251Partly as by-product of the entities-mapping effort we will get the metadata-description rendered in RDF, linked with
    183 So theoretically we then only need to provide them "on the web", to make them a nucleus of the LinkedData-Cloud.
    185 Practically this won't be that straight-forward as the mapping to entities will be a hell of a work.
    186 But once that is solved, or for the subsets that it is solved, the publication of that data on the "SemanticWeb" should be easy.
     252So theoretically we then only need to provide them ``on the web'', to make them a nucleus of the LinkedData-Cloud.
    188255Technical aspects (RDF-store?) / interface (ontology browser?)
    203 \subsection{Content/Annotation}
     271\section{Semantic Search}
     273Main purpose for the undertaking described in previous two chapters (mapping of concepts and entities) is to enhance the search capabilities of the MDService serving the Metadata/Resources-data. Namely to enhance it by employing ontological resources.
     274Mainly this enhancement shall mean, that the user can access the data indirectly by browsing one or multiple  ontologies,
     275with which the data will then be linked. These could be for example ontologies of Organizations and Projects.
     277In this section we want to explore, how this shall be accomplished, ie how to bring the enhanced capabilities to the user.
     278Crucial aspect is the question how to deal with the even greater amount of information in a user-friendly way, ie how to prevent overwhelming, intimidating or frustrating the user.
     280Semi-transparently means, that primarily the semantic mapping shall integrate seamlessly in the interaction with the service, but it shall ``explain'' - offer enough information - on demand, for the user to understand its role and also being able manipulate easily.
     284Controlled Vocabularies
     285Synonym Expansion (via TermExtraction(ContentSet))
     287\subsection{Query Expansion}
     290\section{Semantic Mapping in Metadata vs. Content/Annotation}
    204291AF + DCR + RR
    207 \subsection{Visualization}
    208 Landscape, Treemap, SOM
    210 Ontology Mapping and Alignement / saiks/Ontology4 4auf1.pdf
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