08/05/13 13:24:30 (11 years ago)

restructuring, moved Implementation to Design and Results

1 edited


  • SMC4LRT/chapters/Results.tex

    r3204 r3233  
    158 %\section{Usability}
     158\section{SMC-Browser Advanced Interactive User Interface}
     160Explore the Component Metadata Framework
     162In CMD, metadata schemas are defined by profiles, that are constructed out of reusable components - collections of metadata fields. The components can contain other components, and they can be reused in multiple profiles. Furthermore, every CMD element (metadata field) refers via a PID to a data category to indicate unambiguously how the content of the field in a metadata description should be interpreted (Broeder et al., 2010).
     164Thus, every profile can be expressed as a tree, with the profile component as the root node, the used components as intermediate nodes and elements or data categories as leaf nodes, parent-child relationship being defined by the inclusion (componentA -includes-> componentB) or referencing (elementA -refersTo-> datcat1).The reuse of components in multiple profiles and especially also the referencing of the same data categories in multiple CMD elements leads to a blending of the individual profile trees into a graph (acyclic directed, but not necessarily connected).
     166SMC Browser visualizes this graph structure in an interactive fashion. You can have a look at the examples for inspiration.
     168It is implemented on top of wonderful js-library d3, the code checked in clarin-svn (and needs refactoring). More technical documentation follows soon.
     170The graph is constructed from all profiles defined in the Component Registry. To resolve name and description of data categories referenced in the CMD elements definitions of all (public) data categories from DublinCore and ISOcat (from the Metadata Profile [RDF] - retrieving takes some time!) are fetched. However only data categories used in CMD will get part of the graph. Here is a quantitative summary of the dataset.
     175\caption{Screenshot of the SMC browser}
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