09/11/13 18:04:14 (11 years ago)

intermediate version - ongoing work on introduction

1 edited


  • SMC4LRT/chapters/Literature.tex

    r3140 r3551  
    6 This work is guided by \todoin{two (or three? + Infrastructure} main dimensions: the data - in broad, Language Resource and Technology  and the method - Semantic Web technologies. This division is reflected in the following chapter:
     6This work is guided by two main dimensions: the \textbf{data} -- in broad, Language Resource and Technology  -- and the \textbf{method} -- Schema matching and Semantic Web technologies. This division is reflected in the following chapter:
    88\section{(Infrastructure for) Language Resources and Technology}
    1414Chapter \ref{ch:data} examines the field of LRT in more detail.
    17 A comprehensive architecture for harmonized handling of metadata -- the Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI)\footnote{\url{http://www.clarin.eu/cmdi}} \cite{Broeder+2011} -- is being implemented within the CLARIN project\footnote{\url{http://clarin.eu}}. This service-oriented architecture consisting of a number of interacting software modules allows metadata creation and provision based on a flexible meta model, the \emph{Component Metadata Framework}, that facilitates creation of customized metadata schemas -- acknowledging that no one metadata schema can cover the large variety of language resources and usage scenarios -- however at the same time equipped with well-defined methods to ground their semantic interpretation in a community-wide controlled vocabulary -- the data category registry \cite{Kemps-Snijders2009,Broeder2010}.
     18A comprehensive architecture for harmonized handling of metadata -- the Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI)\footnote{\url{http://www.clarin.eu/cmdi}} \cite{Broeder2011} -- is being implemented within the CLARIN project\footnote{\url{http://clarin.eu}}. This service-oriented architecture consisting of a number of interacting software modules allows metadata creation and provision based on a flexible meta model, the \emph{Component Metadata Framework}, that facilitates creation of customized metadata schemas -- acknowledging that no one metadata schema can cover the large variety of language resources and usage scenarios -- however at the same time equipped with well-defined methods to ground their semantic interpretation in a community-wide controlled vocabulary -- the data category registry \cite{Kemps-Snijders+2009,Broeder2010}.
    19 Individual components of this infrastructure will be described in more detail in the section \ref{ch:components}.
     20Individual components of this infrastructure will be described in more detail in the section \ref{ch:infra}.
     22A number of solution evolved in the recent years.
     23The first to undertake standardization efforts for the exchange of catalog information were digital libraries.
     25Z39.50 as base protocol, Worldcat, mapping/configuration files.
     26These catalogs are further described in the section \ref{sec:other-md-catalogs}
     28In the recent years the evolving research infrastructures all identified a common/harmonized search as a crucial component of the system and came up with a number of solutions, however often reduced to collecting metadata, reducing to dublincore
     29and offering a lucene/solr based facetted search.
     30These catalogs are further described in the section \ref{sec:lrt-md-catalogs}.
     32Riley and Becker \cite{Riley2010seeing} put the overwhelming amount of existing metadata standards into a systematic comprehensive overview analyzing the use of standards from four aspects: community, domain, function, and purpose.
    2234\subsection{Content Repositories}
    7991\todoin{check if relevant: http://schema.org/}
     93\subsection{Existing Crosswalk services}
    81100\subsection{Ontology Visualization}
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