09/12/13 13:08:29 (11 years ago)

finishing introduction, adding citation, smaller reformulations

1 edited


  • SMC4LRT/chapters/Design_SMCschema.tex

    r3551 r3553  
    5 In this chapter, we lay out the functioning of the semantic mapping on schema level, the task the Semantic Mapping Component was originally conceived for within the larger CMD Infrastructure (cf. \ref{def:CMDI}).
    6 Semantic interoperability was one of the main concerns addressed by the CMDI and is weaved in tightly in all modules of the infrastructure. The task of the SMC module is to collect information maintained in the registries of the infrastructure and process it to generate mappings, i.e. \emph{crosswalks} between fields in heterogeneous metadata formats. This information serves as basis for the concept-based search.
     5In this chapter, we define the part of the proposed system pertaining to the schema level: the concept-based crosswalk and search functionality -- the tasks that the Semantic Mapping Component was originally conceived for within the larger CMD Infrastructure (cf. \ref{def:CMDI}) -- and, additionally,  the aspect of visualization of schema-level (model) data.
    87We start by drawing a global view on the system, introducing its individual components and the dependencies among them.
    9 In the next section, the internal data model is presented and explained. In section \ref{sec:cx} the design of the actual main service for resolving crosswalks is described, divided into the interface specification and actual implementation. In section \ref{def:concept_search} we elaborate on a search functionality that builds upon the aforementioned service in terms of appropriate query language, a search engine to integrate the search in and the peculiarities of the user interface that could support this enhanced search possibilities. Finally, in section \ref{smc-browser} a advanced interactive user interface for exploring the CMD data domain is proposed.
     8In the next section, the internal data model is presented and explained. In section \ref{sec:cx} the design of the actual main service for resolving crosswalks is described, divided into the interface specification and actual implementation. In section \ref{def:concept_search} we elaborate on a search functionality that builds upon the aforementioned service in terms of appropriate query language, a search engine to integrate the search in and the peculiarities of the user interface that could support this enhanced search possibilities. Finally, in section \ref{smc-browser} an advanced interactive user interface for exploring the CMD data domain is proposed.
    1110\section{System Architecture}
    44 \section{Crosswalk service}
    45 \label{sec:cx}
    46 Crosswalk service offers the functionality, that was understood under the term \textit{Semantic Mapping} as conceived in the original plans of the Component Metadata Infrastructure. It allows to translate between search indexes. In particular it expresses data category based indexes as equivalent paths to fields in the CMD profiles. This way it builds the base for query expansion enhancing the recall, when searching in the heterogeneous data collection of the joint CLARIN metadata domain.
     43\section{cx -- crosswalk service}
     46The crosswalk service offers the functionality, that was understood under the term \textit{Semantic Mapping} as conceived in the original plans of the Component Metadata Infrastructure. Semantic interoperability has been one of the main concerns addressed by the CMDI and appropriate provisions were weaved into the underlying meta-model as well as all the modules of the infrastructure.
     47The task of the crosswalk service is to collect the relevant information maintained in the registries of the infrastructure and process it to generate mappings, i.e. \emph{crosswalks} between fields in heterogeneous metadata schemas, building the base for concept-based search in the heterogeneous data collection of the joint CLARIN metadata domain. (cf. \ref{def:qx}).
     49The core means for semantic interoperability in CMDI are the \emph{data categories} (cf. \ref{def:DCR}), well-defined atomic concepts, that are supposed to be referenced in schemata annotating fields to unambiguously indicate their intended semantics. Drawing upon this system, the crosswalks are not generated directly between the fields of individual schemata by some matching algorithm, but rather the data categories are used as bridges for translation. This results in clusters of semantically equivalent metadata fields (with data categories serving as pivotal points), rather than in a collection of pair-wise equivalencies between the fields.
    177 \section{Concept-based search}
    178 \label{def:concept_search}
     179\section{qx -- concept-based search}
    179181To recall, the main goal of this work is to enhance the search capabilities of the search engines serving the metadata.
    180182In this section we want to explore, how this shall be accomplished, i.e. how to bring the enhanced capabilities to the user.
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