09/30/13 11:54:57 (11 years ago)

major reorganization, detailing of Design-chapters; abstract_en

1 edited


  • SMC4LRT/chapters/Design_SMCinstance.tex

    r3553 r3638  
    1 \chapter{System design - mapping on instance level}
     1\chapter{Mapping on instance level, CMD as LOD}
    4 I do think that ISOcat, CLAVAS, RELcat, an actual language
     5I do think that ISOcat, CLAVAS, RELcat and actual language
    56resource all provide a part of the semantic network.
    1112relevant parts in a triple store and do your SPARQL/reasoning on it. Well
    1213that's where I'm ultimately heading with all these registries related to
    13 semantic interoperability ... I hope ;-)
     14semantic interoperability ... I hope ;-)\cite{Menzo2013mail}
    15 \cite{Menzo2013mail}
    18 Linked Data - Express dataset in RDF
    21 Partly as by-product of the entities-mapping effort we will get the metadata rendered in RDF, linked with
    22 So theoretically we then only need to provide them ``on the web'', to make them a nucleus of the LinkedData-Cloud.
    25 Technical aspects (RDF-store?) / interface (ontology browser?)
    27 \todocode{check/install: raptor for generating dot out of rdf}\furl{http://librdf.org/raptor/}
    29 \todocode{check/install: Linked Data browser: LoD p. 81; Haystack}\furl{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haystack_(PIM)}
    31 defining the Mapping:
    32 \begin{enumerate}
    33 \item convert to RDF
    34 translate: MDRecord $\rightarrow$ [\#mdrecord \#property literal]
    35 \item map: \#mdrecord \#property literal  $\rightarrow$ [\#mdrecord \#property \#entity]
    36 \end{enumerate}
    38 \begin{figure*}[!ht]
    39 \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{images/SMC_CMD2LOD}
    40 \caption{The process of transforming the CMD metadata records to and RDF representation}
    41 \label{fig:smc_cmd2lod}
    42 \end{figure*}
     17As described in previous chapters (\ref{ch:infrastructure},\ref{ch:design_schema}), semantic interoperability is one of the main motivations for the CMD infrastructure. However, this machinery pertains mostly to the schema level, the actual values in the fields of CMD instances reman ``just strings''. This is the case even though the problem of different labels for semantically equivalent or even identical entities is even more so virulent on the instance level. While for a number of metadata fields the value domain can be enforced through schema validation, some important fields (like \concept{organization} or \concept{resource type})  have a constrained value domain that yet cannot be explicitly exhaustively enumerated. This leads to a chronically inconsistent use of labels for referring to entities (as the instance data shows, some organizations are referred to by more than 20 different labels, or spelling variants.) prompting an urgent need for better means for harmonizing the constrained-field values.
     19One potential remedy is the use of reference datasets -- controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, ontologies and such. In fact, this is a very common approach, be it the authority files in libraries world, or domain-specific reference vocabularies maintained by practically every research community. Not as strict as schema definitions, they cannot be used for validation, but still help to harmonize the data, by offering preferred labels and identifiers for entities.
     21In this chapter, we explore how this general approach can be employed for our specific problem of harmonizing the (literal) values in selected instance fields and mapping them to entities defined in corresponding vocabularies. This proposal is furthermore embedded in a more general effort to \textbf{express the whole of the CMD data domain (model and instances) in RDF} constituting one large ontology interlinked with existing external semantic resources (ontologies, knowledge bases, vocabularies). This result lays a foundation for providing the original dataset as a \emph{Linked Open Data} nucleus within the \emph{Web of Data}\cite{TimBL2006}
     22as well as for real semantic (ontology-driven) search and exploration of the data.
     24The following section \ref{sec:cmd2rdf} lays out how individual parts of the CMD framework can be expressed in RDF.
     25In \ref{sec:values2entities} we investigate in further detail the abovementioned critical aspect of the effort, namely the task of translating the string values in metadata fields to corresponding semantic entities. Finally, the technical aspects of providing the resulting ontology as LOD and the implications for an ontology-driven semantic search are tackled briefly in \ref{sec:lod} and \ref{semantic-search} respectively.
    4527\section{CMD to RDF}
    46 \label{ch:cmd2rdf}
    48 A few modules/components of the CMD infrastructure are dedicated to semantic interoperability. The DCR as global registry for concepts, CLAVAS for maintaining controlled vocabularies in SKOS format, RR for expressing arbitrary relations between concepts.
    49 However, the actual values in the CMD instances are ``just strings'' and for the most part cannot be validated by the schema, although they often could be mapped to a corresponding controlled vocabulary.
    51 Thus one aim of this work is to express the whole of the CMD data (model and instances) in RDF. This would allow to map the string values in selected fields to semantic entities, which in turn would allow real semantic (ontology-driven) search and bring about a linking with the web of data \todocite{Web of Data, TimBL}
    53 The following chapter lays out, how individual parts of the CMD framework can be expressed in RDF
     29In this section, RDF encoding is proposed for all levels of the CMD data domain:
     32\item CMD meta model
     33\item profile definitions
     34\item the administrative and structural information of CMD records
     35\item individual values in the fields of the CMD records
    5538\subsection{CMD specification}
    56 The meta model
     40The main entity of the meta model is the CMD component and is typed as specialization of the \code{owl:Class}. CMD profile is basically a CMD component with some extra features, implying a specialization relation:
    59 \begin{example}
    60 cmd\_spec:Profile & subClassOf  & owl:Class. \\
    61 cmd\_spec:Component & subClassOf  & owl:Class. \\
    62 cmd\_spec:Element & subClassOf  & rdf:Property. \\
    63 \end{example}
    65 Typing the profiles, components and elements:
     44cmds:Component & subClassOf  & owl:Class. \\
     45cmds:Profile & subClassOf  & cmds:Component. \\
     46cmds:Element & subClassOf  & rdf:Property. \\
     50This entities are used for typing the actual profiles, components and elements (as they are defined in the Component Registry):
    68 \begin{example}
    69 cmd:collection & a & cmd\_spec:Profile; \\
    70  & rdfs:label & `collection'; \\
     54cmd:collection & a & cmds:Profile; \\
     55 & rdfs:label & "collection"; \\
    7156 & dcterms:identifier & cr:clarin.eu:cr1:p\_1345561703620. \\
    72 cmd:Actor       & a & cmd\_spec:Component. \\
    73 cmd:LanguageName  & a & cmd\_spec:Element. \\
    74 \end{example}
     57cmd:Actor       & a & cmds:Component. \\
     58cmd:LanguageName  & a & cmds:Element. \\
    77 Should the ID assigned in the component registry  for the CMD entities  used as ID in rdf, or rather the verbose name? (if yes, how to ensure uniqueness – generate the name from the cmd-path?)
     62Should the ID assigned in the Component Registry  for the CMD entities be used as identifier in RDF, or rather the verbose name? (if yes, how to ensure uniqueness – generate the name from the cmd-path?)
    8065\subsection{Data Categories}
    81 Windhouwer (2012) proposes to use the data categories as annotation properties.
    82 Definition of the annotation property \code{dcr:datcat}
    84 \begin{example}
     66Windhouwer \cite{Windhouwer2012_LDL} proposes to use the data categories as annotation properties:
    8569dcr:datcat & a  & owl:AnnotationProperty ; \\
    8670 & rdfs:label  & "data category"@en ; \\
    87  & rdfs:comment  & "This resource is equivalent to  \\
    88 this data category."@en ; \\
    89  & skos:note  & "The data category should be  \\
    90  &   & identified by its PID."@en ; \\
    91 \end{example}
    93 Still, leaving open the possibility for “a stronger semantic link” :
    94 \begin{quotation}
    95 By default the RDF export inserts \code{dcr:datcat} annotation properties to maintain the link between the generated RDF resources and the used Data Categories. However, it is possible to also maintain a stronger semantic link when the RDF resources will be used as OWL (2) classes, properties or individuals.
    96 \end{quotation}
    98 For classes the OWL 2 \code{owl:equivalentClass} can be used, for example:
    100 \begin{example}
    101 \#myPOS & owl:equivalentClass & isocat:DC-1345. \\
    102 \end{example}
    104 For properties OWL 2 provides \code{owl:equivalentProperty}, for example:
    106 \begin{example}
    107 \#myPOS & owl:equivalentProperty & isocat:DC-1345. \\
    108 \end{example}
    110 Finally \code{owl:sameAs} can be used for individuals, for example:
    112 \begin{example}
    113 \#myNoun & owl:sameAs & isocat:DC-1333. \\
    114 \end{example}
    117 ISOcat provides a RDF representation of the data categories :
    119 \begin{example}
     71 & rdfs:comment  & "This resource is equivalent to  this data category."@en ; \\
     72 & skos:note  & "The data category should be identified by its PID."@en ; \\
     75That implies that the \code{@ConceptLink} attribute on CMD elements and components as used in the CMD profiles to reference the data category would be modelled as:
     78cmd:LanguageName & dcr:datcat & isocat:DC-2484. \\
     81Encoding data categories as annotation properties is in contrast to the common approach seen with dublincore terms
     82used usually directly as data properties:
     85<lr1> & dc:title & "Language Resource 1"
     89Analogously, we could model \xne{ISOcat} data categories as data properties, i.e. metadata elements referencing ISOcat data categories could be encoded as follows:
     92<lr1> & isocat:DC-2502 & "19th century"
     96However, Windhouwer\cite{Windhouwer2012_LDL} argues against direct mapping of complex data categories to data properties and in favour of modelling data categories as annotation properties, so as to avoid too strong semantic implications.
     98This raises the vice-versa question, whether to rather handle all data categories uniformly, which would mean encoding dublincore terms also as annotation properties, but the pragmatic view dictates to encode the data in line with the prevailing approach, i.e. express dublincore terms directly as data properties.
     102The REST web service of \xne{ISOcat} provides a RDF representation of the data categories:
    120105isocat:languageName & dcr:datcat & isocat:DC-2484; \\
    121106 & rdfs:label & "language name"@en; \\
    122107 & rdfs:comment & "A human understandable..."@en; \\
    123108 & 
    124 \end{example}
     111However this is only meant as template, as is stated in the explanatory comment of the exported data:
     114By default the RDF export inserts \code{dcr:datcat} annotation properties to maintain the link between the generated RDF resources and the used Data Categories. However, it is possible to also maintain a stronger semantic link when the RDF resources will be used as OWL (2) classes, properties or individuals.
     117So in a specific (OWL 2) application the relation with the data categories can be expressed as \code{owl:equivalentClass} for classes, \code{owl:equivalentProperty} for properties or \code{owl:sameAs} for individuals:
     120\#myPOS & owl:equivalentClass & isocat:DC-1345. \\
     121\#myPOS & owl:equivalentProperty & isocat:DC-1345. \\
     122\#myNoun & owl:sameAs & isocat:DC-1333. \\
     126\subsection{RELcat - Ontological relations}
     127As described in \ref{def:rr} relations between data categories are not stored directly in the \xne{ISOcat} DCR, but rather in a dedicated module the Relation Registry \xne{RELcat}. The relations here are grouped into relation sets and stored as RDF triples\cite{SchuurmanWindhouwer2011}. A sample relation from the \xne{CMDI} relation set expressing a number of equivalences between \xne{ISOcat} data categories and \xne{dublincore} terms:
     130isocat:DC-2538 & rel:sameAs & dct:date
     134By design, the relations in Relation Registry are not expressed with predicates from known vocabularies like \xne{SKOS} or \xne{OWL}, again with the aim to avoid too strong semantic implications. This leaves leeway for further specialization of the relations in specific applications.
    127 Output from isocat is only meant as template!
    129 In the RDF representation, the data categories seem to be referenced by their mnemonicIdentifier (rdf:ID=”languageName”) how is this guaranteed URI and how is the data category meant to be referred to?
     137Does this mean, that I would say:
     139rel:sameAs & owl:equivalentProperty & owl:sameAs
     142to enable the inference of the equivalences?
     144Is this correct:
    132 Finally, the ConceptLink attribute used in the CMD profiles to reference the data category is modelled as:
    134 \begin{example}
    135 cmd:LanguageName & dcr:datcat & isocat:DC-248. \\
    136 \end{example}
     146?? That means, that to be able to infer that a value in a CMD element also pertains to a given data category, e.g.:
     149 cmd:PublicationYear = 2012 $\rightarrow$ & dc:created = 2012
     153following facts need to be present in the ontology :
     156<lr1> & cmd:PublicationYear & 2012\^{}\^{}xs:year \\
     157cmd:PublicationYear &  owl:equivalentProperty & isocat:DC-2538 \\
     158isocat:DC-2538 & rel:sameAs & dc:created \\
     159rel:sameAs & owl:equivalentProperty &  owl:sameAs \\
     160$\rightarrow$ \\
     161<lr1> & dc:created & 2012\^{}\^{}xs:year \\
     165What about other relations we may want to express? (Do we need them and if yes, where to put them? – still in RR?) Examples:
     168cmd:MDCreator   & owl:subClassOf & dcterms:Agent \\
     169clavas:Organization & owl:subClassOf & dcterms:Agent \\
     170<org1> & a & clavas:Organization \\
    139173\subsection{CMD instances}
     174In the next step, we want to express the individual CMD instances, the metadata records, making use of the previously defined entities on the schema level, but also entities from external ontologies.
    142176\subsubsection {Resource Identifier}
    144 It seems natural to use the PID of a Language Resource ( \code{<lr1>} ) as the resource identifier for the subject in the RDF representation. While this seems semantically sound, not every resource has to have a PID . Alternatively we could use the PID of the MD record ( \code{<lr1.cmd>}  from \code{<cmd:MdSelfLink>}) as the resource identifier.
    145 The relationship between the resource and the metadata record could be expressed as an annotation :
    147 \begin{example}
     178It seems natural to use the PID of a Language Resource ( \code{<lr1>} ) as the resource identifier for the subject in the RDF representation. While this seems semantically sound, not every resource has to have a PID. (This is especially the case for ``virtual'' resources like collections, that are solely defined by their constituents and don't have any data on their own.) As a fall-back the PID of the MD record ( \code{<lr1.cmd>}  from \code{cmd:MdSelfLink} element) could be used as the resource identifier.
     179If identifiers are present for both resource and metadata, the relationship between the resource and the metadata record can be expressed as an annotation using the \xne{OpenAnnotation} vocabulary\furl{http://openannotation.org/spec/core/core.html\#Motivations}:
    148182\_:anno1  & a & oa:Annotation; \\
    149183 & oa:hasTarget  & <lr1>; \\
    150184 & oa:hasBody  & <lr1.cmd>; \\
    151185 & oa:motivatedBy  & oa:describing \\
    152 \end{example}
    154 \subsection{Provenance}
    156 Use the information from CMD-Header for information about the modelled data  :
    158 \begin{example}
    159 <lr1.cmd>
    160  & dcterms:identifier  & <lr1.cmd>;  \\
    161  & dcterms:creator ??  & "\{<cmd:MdCreator>\}";  \\
    162 \end{example}
    164 Other proposed fields:
    166 \begin{example}
    167  & dcterms:publisher  & <http://clarin.eu>,  \\
    168  & <provider-oai-accesspoint>; ?? \\
    169  & dcterms:created/modified “\{<cmd:MdCreated>\}” ?? \\
    170 \end{example}
     190The information from \code{cmd:Header} represents the provenance information about the modelled data:
     193<lr1.cmd> & dcterms:identifier  & <lr1.cmd>;  \\
     194 & dcterms:creator ??  & "\var{\{cmd:MdCreator\}}";  \\
     195 & dcterms:publisher  & <http://clarin.eu>, <provider-oai-accesspoint>; ?? \\
     196 & dcterms:created /dcterms:modified? & "\var{\{cmd:MdCreated\}}" ?? \\
    172199\subsubsection{Hierarchy ( Resource Proxy – IsPartOf)}
    173 In CMD, <cmd:ResourceProxyList> is used to express both collection hierarchy and point to resource(s) described by the MD record. This can be modeled as OAI-ORE Aggregation\furl{http://www.openarchives.org/ore/1.0/primer\#Foundations}
    174 \furl{http://openannotation.org/spec/core/core.html\#Motivations}
     200In CMD, the \code{cmd:ResourceProxyList} structure is used to express both collection hierarchy and point to resource(s) described by the MD record. This can be modelled as \xne{OAI-ORE Aggregation}\furl{http://www.openarchives.org/ore/1.0/primer\#Foundations}
    177 \begin{example}
    178204<lr0.cmd>  & a   & ore:ResourceMap \\
    179205<lr0.cmd> & ore:describes & <lr0.agg> \\
    180206<lr0.agg> & a   & ore:Aggregation \\
    181 ore:aggregates  & <lr1.cmd>, <lr2.cmd>; \\
    182 \end{example}
     207& ore:aggregates  & <lr1.cmd>, <lr2.cmd>; \\
    185211?? Should both collection hierarchy and resource-pointers (collection and resource MD records) be encoded as ore:Aggregation?
    186 Additionally the flat header field <cmd:MdCollectionDisplayName> has been introduced to indicate by simple means the collection, of which given resource is part.
    187 This information can be used to generate a separate one-level grouping of the resources, in which the value from the <cmd:MdCollectionDisplayName> element would be used as the label of an otherwise undefined ore:ResourceMap.
     212Additionally the flat header field \code{cmd:MdCollectionDisplayName} has been introduced to indicate by simple means the collection, of which given resource is part.
     213This information can be used to generate a separate one-level grouping of the resources, in which the value from the \code{cmd:MdCollectionDisplayName} element would be used as the label of an otherwise undefined \code{ore:ResourceMap}.
    188214Even the identifier/ URI for this collections is not clear. Although this collections should match with the ResourceProxy hierarchy, there is no guarantee for this, thus a 1:1 mapping cannot be expected.
    189216\todocode{check consistency for MdCollectionDisplayName vs. IsPartOf in the instance data}
    191 \begin{example}
    192219\_:mdcoll  & a   & ore:ResourceMap; \\
    193220 & rdfs:label & "Collection 1"; \\
    194 \_:mdcoll\#aggregation & a   & ore:Aggregation \\
     221\_:mdcoll\#aggreg & a   & ore:Aggregation \\
    195222 & ore:aggregates  & <lr1.cmd>, <lr2.cmd>; \\
    196 \end{example}
    199225\subsubsection{Components – nested structures}
    201 \begin{note}
    202 ?? Model (instance) components as blank nodes via objectProperty:
    203 \end{note}
    205 \begin{example}
     227There are two variants to express the tree structure of the CMD records, i.e. the containment relation between the components:
     230\item the components are encoded as object property
    206233<lr1>  & cmd:Actor  & \_:Actor1 \\
    207234<lr1>  & cmd:Actor  & \_:Actor2 \\
    210237\_:Actor1  & cmd:role & "Interviewer" \\
    211238\_:Actor2 & cmd:role & "Speaker" \\
    212 \end{example}
    214 ?? or rather as Classes (and express the containement hierarchy with some extra predicate):
    215 \begin{example}
     241\item a dedicated object property is used
    216244\_:Actor1  & a & cmd:Actor \\
    217245<lr1> & cmd:contains & \_:Actor1 \\
    218 \end{example}
    220 \subsubsection{Elements, Fields, Values}
    222 There are two steps to the modeling of the actual values in the fields of CMD records in RDF. The first one is to express the values as triples with literal values, then for selected fields – using the literal values – try to find corresponding entities in appropriate controlled vocabularies and generate new triples.
    223 There seems to need to be a separate property (predicate) for fields that are mapped to entities, like:
    225 \begin{example}
    226 <lr1> & cmd:Organisation & "MPI" \\
    227 <lr1> & cmd:Organisation\_? & <org1> \\
    228 \end{example}
    230 %\subsubsection{Literal Values}
    231 \paragraph{Literal Values}
    233 Usually, RDF-mapping of dublincore descriptions is to data properties (cf. OLAC-DcmiTerms profile )
    235 \begin{example}
    236 <lr1> & dct:title & "Language Resource 1"
    237 \end{example}
    239 Analogously, we could model isocat data categories  as data properties . Metadata elements referencing ISOcat datacategories could be encoded as follows:
    241 \begin{example}
    242 <lr1> & isocat:DC-2502 & "19th century"
    243 \end{example}
    245 However, Windhouwer (2012) argues against direct mapping of complex data categories to data properties, but proposes to rather model data categories as annotation properties.
    247 \begin{example}
    248 cmd:timeCoverage  & a   & cmd\_spec:Element \\
     250\subsection{Elements, Fields, Values}
     251Finally, we want to integrate also the actual field values in the CMD records into the ontology.
     254As explained before CMD elements are typed as \code{rdf:Property} with the corresponding data category expressed as annotation property:
     257cmd:timeCoverage  & a   & cmds:Element \\
    249258cmd:timeCoverage  & dcr:datcat  & isocat:DC-2502 \\
    250259<lr1>  & cmd:timeCoverage  & "19th century" \\
    251 ...
    252 \end{example}
    254 This raises the vice-versa question, whether to rather handle all data categories uniformly, thus encoding dublincore terms also as annotation properties.
    256 %\subsubsection{Mapping to entities – Vocabularies  – CLAVAS}
    257 \paragraph{Mapping to entities – Vocabularies  – CLAVAS}
    259 A major (if not the main) motivation for the CMD to RDF mapping is the wish to have better control over  and better quality of values in metadata fields with constrained value domain like organization or resource type. As the allowed values for these fields often cannot be explicitly enumerated, it is not possible to restrict them by means of an XML schema. This leads to inconsistent use of labels for referring to entities. (As the instance data shows, some organizations are referred to by more than 20 different labels.)
    260 Thus, one goal of this work is to map (string) values in selected fields to entities defined in corresponding vocabularies. The main provider of relevant vocabularies is ISOcat and CLAVAS  – a service for managing and providing vocabularies in SKOS format. Closed and corresponding simple data categories are already being exported from ISOcat in SKOS format and imported into CLAVAS/OpenSKOS and also other relevant vocabularies shall be ingested into this system, so that for our purposes we can assume OpenSKOS as the one source of vocabularies.
    261 Data in OpenSKOS is modelled purely in SKOS, so there is no more specific typing of the entities in the vocabularies, but rather all the entities are \xne{skos:Concepts}:
    263 \begin{example}
     263\subsubsection{Literal values -- data properties}
     265To generate triples with literal values is straightforward:
     267\begin{definition}{Literal triples}
     268lr:Resource \ \quad cmds:Property \ \quad xsd:string
     272<lr1> & cmd:Organisation & "MPI" \\
     275\subsubsection{Mapping to entities -- object properties}
     277The more challenging but also more valuable aspect is to generate objectProperty triples with the literal values mapped to semantic entities:
     279\begin{definition}{new RDF triples}
     280lr:Resource \ \quad cmd:Property \ \quad xsd:anyURI
     284<lr1> & cmd:Organisation\_? & <org1> \\
     288Don't we need a separate property (predicate) for the triples with object properties pointing to entities,
     289i.e. \code{cmd:Organisation\_} additionally to \code{cmd:Organisation}
     292The mapping process is detailed in \ref{sec:values2entities}
     295\section{Mapping field values to semantic entities}
     298This task is a prerequisite to be able to express also the CMD instance data in RDF. The main idea is to find entities in selected reference datasets (controlled vocabularies, ontologies) matching the literal values in the metadata records. The obtained entity identifiers are further used to generate new RDF triples. It involves following steps:
     301\item identify appropriate controlled vocabulares for individual metadata fields or data categories (manual task)
     302\item extract \emph{distinct data category, value pairs} from the metadata records
     303\item actual \textbf{lookup} of the individual literal values in given reference data (as indicated by the data category) to retrieve candidate entities, concepts
     304\item assess the reliability of the match
     305\item generate new RDF triples with entity identifiers as object properties
     310\caption{Sketch of the process of transforming the CMD metadata records to a RDF representation}
     314\subsubsection{Identify vocabularies  – CLAVAS}
     316\todoin{Identify related ontologies, vocabularies? - see DARIAH:CV}
     317LT-World \cite{Joerg2010}
     319One generic way to indicate vocabularies for given metadata fields or data categories being discussed in the CMD community is to use dedicated annotation property (tentatively \code{@clavas:vocabulary}) in the schema or data category definition. For such a mechanism to work, the consuming applications (like metadata editor) need to be made aware of this convention and interpret it accordingly.
     321The primary provider of relevant vocabularies is \xne{ISOcat} and \xne{CLAVAS} – a service for managing and providing vocabularies in SKOS format (cf. \ref{def:CLAVAS}). Closed and corresponding simple data categories are already being exported from ISOcat in SKOS format and imported into CLAVAS/OpenSKOS and also other relevant vocabularies shall be ingested into this system, so that we can assume OpenSKOS as a first source of vocabularies. However definitely not all of the existing reference data will be hosted by OpenSKOS, so in general we have to assume/consider a number of different sources (cf. \ref{refdata}).
     323Data in OpenSKOS is modelled purely in SKOS, so there is no more specific typing of the entities in the vocabularies, but rather all the entities are \code{skos:Concepts}:
    264326<org1> & a   & skos:Concept \\
    265 \end{example}
    267 We may want to add some more typing and introduce classes for entities from individual vocabularies like clavas:Organization or similar.
    268 As far as CLAVAS will also maintain mappings/links to other datasets:
    270 \begin{example}
    271 <org1>   skos:exactMatch    <dbpedia/org1>, <lt-world/orgx>;
    272 \end{example}
     330We may want to add some more typing and introduce classes for entities from individual vocabularies like \code{clavas:Organization} or similar. As far as CLAVAS will also maintain mappings/links to other datasets
     333<org1> & skos:exactMatch  & <dbpedia/org1>, <lt-world/orgx>;
    274337we could use it to expand the data with alternative identifiers, fostering the interlinking of data:
    276 \begin{example}
    277 <org1>   dcterms:identifier <org1>, <dbpedia/org1>, <lt-world/orgx>;
    278 \end{example}
    282 \paragraph{Mapping from strings to Entities}
    284 Find matching entities in selected Ontologies based on the textual values in the metadata records.
    287 Identify related ontologies:
    288 LT-World \cite{Joerg2010}
    290 task:
    291 \begin{enumerate}
    292 \item  express MDRecords in RDF
    293 \item  identify related ontologies/vocabularies (category $\rightarrow$ vocabulary)
    294 \item  use a lookup/mapping function (Vocabulary Alignement Service? CATCH-PLUS?)
    296 %\fbox{ function lookup: Category x String -> ConceptualDomain}
    297 \begin{eqnarray*}
    298 lookup(Category, Literal) \rightarrow ConceptualDomain??
    299 \end{eqnarray*}
    302 Normally this would be served by dedicated controlled vocabularies, but expect also some string-normalizing preprocessing etc.
    303 \end{enumerate}
    307 \subsection{RELcat - Ontological relations}
    308 Information in RELcat is already stored in RDF \cite{SchuurmanWindhouwer2011}.  One relation from the example relation set for CMDI :
    310 \begin{example}
    311 isocat:DC-2538 rel:sameAs dct:date
    312 \end{example}
    314 Should we generate the redundant triples based on the relations defined between data categories?  I.e.  if there is a relation and a resource has value:
    316 \begin{example}
    317 <lr1> isocat:DC-2538 2012^^xs:year
    318 \end{example}
    320 should we generate
    322 \begin{example}
    323 <lr1> dct:date 2012^^xs:year
    324 \end{example}
    326 ?
    328 What about other relations we may want to express? (Do we need them and if yes, where to put them? – still in RR?) Examples:
    330 \begin{example}
    331 cmd:MDCreator   & owl:subClassOf & dcterms:Agent \\
    332 clavas:Organization & owl:subClassOf & dcterms:Agent \\
    333 <org1> & a & clavas:Organization \\
    334 \end{example}
     340<org1>  & dcterms:identifier  & <org1>, <dbpedia/org1>, <lt-world/orgx>;
     345In abstract term, the lookup function takes as input the identifier of data category (or CMD element) and a literal string value and returns a list of potentially matching entities. Before actual lookup, there may have to be some string-normalizing preprocessing.
     347\begin{definition}{signature of the lookup function}
     348lookup \ ( \ DataCategory \ ,  \ Literal \ )  \quad \mapsto \quad ( \ Concept \ | \ Entity \ )*
     351In the implementation, there needs to be additional initial configuration input, identifying datasets for given data categories,
     352which will be the result of the previous step.
     354\begin{definition}{Required configuration data indicating data category to available }
     355DataCategory \quad \mapsto \quad Dataset+
     358As for the implementation, in the initial setup the system could resort to the \code{find}-interface provided by \xne{OpenSKOS}.
     359However, in the long term a more general solution is required, a kind of hybrid \emph{vocabulary proxy service} that allows to search in a number of datasets, many of them distributed and available via different interfaces. Figure \ref{fig:vocabulary_proxy} sketches the general setup. The service has to be able to a) proxy search requests to a number of search interfaces (SRU, SPARQL), b) fetch, cache and search in datasets.
     363\caption{Sketch of a general setup for vocabulary lookup via a \xne{VocabularyProxy} service}
     367\subsubsection{Candidate evaluation}
     368The lookup is the most sensitive step in the process, as that is the gate between strings and semantic entities. In general, the resulting candidates cannot be seen as reliable and should undergo further scrutiny to ensure that the match is semantically correct.
     370One example: A lookup with the pair \code{<organization, "Academy of sciences">} would probably return a list of organizations, as there is a national Academy of Sciences, in a number of countries. It would require further heuristics, e.g. checking the corresponding department, contact or -- less reliably -- the language of the described resource, to determine which specific Academy of Sciences is meant in given resource description.
     372In some situation this ambiguities can be resolved algorithmically, but in the end in many cases it will require human curation of the generated data. In this respect, it is worth to note, that the CLARIN search engine VLO provides a feedback link, that allows even the normal user to report on problems or inconsistencies in CMD records.
    338376\section{SMC LOD - Semantic Web Application}
    340379\todoin{read: Europeana RDF Store Report}
     381Technical aspects (RDF-store?): Virtuoso
    342383\todocode{install Jena +  fuseki}\furl{http://jena.apache.org}\furl{http://jena.apache.org/documentation/serving_data/index.html}\furl{http://csarven.ca/how-to-create-a-linked-data-site}
    346387\todocode{check install siren}\furl{http://siren.sindice.com/}
     390\todocode{check/install: raptor for generating dot out of rdf}\furl{http://librdf.org/raptor/}
     392\todocode{check/install: Linked Data browser: LoD p. 81; Haystack}\furl{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haystack_(PIM)}
     394 / interface (ontology browser?)
    348396semantic search component in the Linked Media Framework
    354402\section {Full semantic search - concept-based + ontology-driven ?}
    356405With the new enhanced dataset, as detailed in section \ref{ch:cmd2rdf}, the groundwork is laid for the full-blown semantic search as proposed in the original goals, i.e. the possibility for ontology-driven or at least `semantic resources assisted' exploration of the dataset.
    358407Namely to enhance it by employing ontological resources.
    359 Mainly this enhancement shall mean, that the user can access the data indirectly by browsing one or multiple  ontologies, with which the data will then be linked. These could be for example ontologies of Organizations and Projects.
     408Mainly this enhancement shall mean, that the user can access the data indirectly by browsing one or multiple ontologies, with which the data will then be linked. These could be for example ontologies of Organizations and Projects.
     413rechercheisidore, dbpedia, ...
     416In this chapter, an expression of the whole of the CMD data domain into RDF was proposed, with special focus on the way how to translate the string values in metadata fields to corresponding semantic entities. Additionally, some technical considerations were discussed regarding exposing this dataset as Linked Open Data and the implications for real semantic ontology-based data exploration.
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