10/02/13 19:52:31 (11 years ago)

rework of Results, Definitions, appendix, added Conclusion,
smaller changes to Design, Data

1 edited


  • SMC4LRT/chapters/abstract_en.tex

    r3638 r3665  
    4 This work is embedded in the context of a large research infrastructure initiative aimed at easing and harmonizing access to language resources and technology (LRT) in Europe, the \emph{Common Language Resource and Technology Infrastructure} or CLARIN. A core technical pillar of this initiative is the \emph{Component Metadata Infrastructure}, a distributed system for creating and providing metadata for LRT in a coherent harmonized way. The outcome of this work, the \emph{Semantic Mapping Component}, was conceived as one module within the infrastructure dedicated to overcome the semantic interoperability problem stemming from the heterogeneity of the resource descriptions, by harnessing the mechanisms of the semantic layer built-in at the core of the infrastructure.
     4This work is embedded in the context of a large research infrastructure initiative aimed at providing easy, stable, harmonized access to language resources and technology (LRT) in Europe, the \emph{Common Language Resource and Technology Infrastructure} or CLARIN. A core technical pillar of this initiative is the \emph{Component Metadata Infrastructure}, a distributed system for creating and providing metadata for LRT in a coherent harmonized way. The outcome of this work, the \emph{Semantic Mapping Component}, was conceived as one module within the infrastructure dedicated to overcome the semantic interoperability problem stemming from the heterogeneity of the resource descriptions, by harnessing the mechanisms of the semantic layer built-in into the core of the infrastructure.
    6 The ultimate objective of the effort -- in line with the overall mission of the infrastructure -- was to \emph{enhance search functionality} over the large heterogeneous collection of resource descriptions. This was pursued by two separate, complementary approaches: a) Enriching the search capabilities with concept-based crosswalks on schema level.
    7 And -- acknowledging the integrative power of the \emph{Linked Open Data} paradigm  -- b) expressing the domain data as a \emph{Semantic Web} resource.
     6The ultimate objective of this work -- in line with the overall mission of the whole initiative -- was to \emph{enhance search functionality} over the large heterogeneous collection of resource descriptions. This objective was pursued in two separate, complementary approaches: a) design a service delivering crosswalks (i.e. equivalences between fields in disparate metadata formats) based on well-defined concepts and apply this concept-based crosswalks in search scenarios to enhance recall. b) acknowledging the integrative power of the \emph{Linked Open Data} paradigm, express the domain data as a \emph{Semantic Web} resource, to enable the application of semantic technologies on the dataset.
    9 In parallel with the two approaches, the work delivered two main results: a) the \emph{specification} of the module for \emph{concept-based search} together with the underlying \emph{crosswalks service} accompanied by a proof-of-concept implementation. And b) the blueprint for expressing the original dataset in RDF, effectively laying a foundation for providing this dataset as \emph{Linked Open Data}.
    10 As a by-product, the application \emph{SMC browser} was developed -- a visualization tool for interactive exploration of the dataset. This tool provided means to generate a number of advanced analyses of the data, directly used by the community for exploration and curation of the complex dataset.  As such, they are considered the main contribution of this work by the author.
     8In parallel with the two approaches, the work delivered two main results: a) the \emph{specification} of the module for \emph{concept-based search} together with the underlying \emph{crosswalks service} accompanied by a proof-of-concept implementation. And b) the blueprint for expressing the original dataset in RDF format, effectively laying a foundation for providing this dataset as \emph{Linked Open Data}.
     10Partly as by-product, the application \emph{SMC browser} was developed -- an interactive visualization tool to explore the dataset on the schema level. This tool provided means to generate a number of advanced analyses of the data, directly used by the community for exploration and curation of the complex dataset.  As such, the tool and the reports can be considered a valuable contribution to the community.
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