03/28/14 19:38:07 (10 years ago)
Menzo Windhouwer

M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex

  • small fixes
1 edited


  • CMDI-Interoperability/CMD2RDF/trunk/docs/papers/2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex

    r4838 r4839  
    362362\subsubsection{Elements, Fields, Values}\label{sec:values}
    363 Finally, we want to integrate also the actual fvalues in the CMD records into the linked data.
     363Finally, we want to integrate also the actual values in the CMD records into the linked data.
    364364As explained before, CMD elements have to be typed as \code{rdfs:Class}, the actual value expressed as \code{cmdm:ElementValue}, and they are related by a \code{cmdm:hasElementValue} property.
    447447The actual mapping process from CMDI values (see Section \ref{sec:values}) to entities is a complex and challenging task. The main idea is to find entities in selected reference datasets (controlled vocabularies, ontologies) corresponding to the literal values in the metadata records. The obtained entity identifiers are further used to generate new RDF triples, representing outbound links. Within CMDI the SKOS-based vocabulary service CLAVAS,\furl{https://openskos.meertens.knaw.nl/} which will be supported in the upcoming new version of CMDI, can be used as a starting point, e.g., for organisations. In the broader context of LOD Cloud there is the Open Knowledge Foundation’s Working Group on Linked Data in Linguistics, that represents an obvious pool of candidate
    448 datasets to link the CMD data with.\furl{http://linguistics.okfn.org/resources/llod/}  Within these \xne{lexvo} seems a most promising starting point, as it features URIs like \url{http://lexvo.org/id/term/eng/}, i.e. based on the ISO-639-3 language identifiers which are also used in CMD records.
     448datasets to link the CMD data with.\furl{http://linguistics.okfn.org/resources/llod/}  Within these \xne{lexvo} seems a most promising starting point, as it features URIs like \url{http://lexvo.org/id/term/eng/}, i.e., based on the ISO-639-3 language identifiers which are also used in CMD records.
    449449\xne{lexvo} also seems suitable as it is already linked with a number of other LOD linguistic datasets like \xne{WALS}, \xne{lingvoj} and \xne{Glottolog}.
    450450Of course, language is just one dimension to use for mapping.
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