11 years |
vronk |
11 years |
vronk |
new version of the poster: mainly reduced text
11 years |
vronk |
11 years |
vronk |
just whitespaces
11 years |
vronk |
just whitespaces
11 years |
vronk |
sample xml-files referenced in appendix
11 years |
vronk |
minor orthographic corrections
11 years |
vronk |
small updates (v5)
11 years |
vronk |
adding a poster for SMc
11 years |
vronk |
checking in figures
11 years |
vronk |
final layout cleaning; backup
11 years |
vronk |
11 years |
vronk |
adding Schema Matching info and application
11 years |
vronk |
11 years |
vronk |
adding images, frontmater, userdocs, build
update main files: thesis …
11 years |
vronk |
rework of Results, Definitions, appendix, added Conclusion,
smaller …
11 years |
vronk |
updated version of the component diagram
11 years |
vronk |
adding new figures
11 years |
vronk |
major reorganization, detailing of Design-chapters; abstract_en
11 years |
vronk |
finishing introduction, adding citation, smaller reformulations
11 years |
vronk |
intermediate version - ongoing work on introduction
11 years |
vronk |
updated version of the component diagram
11 years |
vronk |
version 2 of component diagram of the smc modules
11 years |
vronk |
renaming main chapters, + minors
11 years |
vronk |
removing Implementation - content moved to other chapters
11 years |
vronk |
still reformulating Introduction
11 years |
vronk |
restructuring, moved Implementation to Design and Results
11 years |
vronk |
restructuring the chapters
added chapter Structure of the work in the …
11 years |
vronk |
added new images - mainly smc-graphs
11 years |
vronk |
update chapters
added some info about META-SHARE, TEI, Data in general
11 years |
vronk |
adding new chapters
12 years |
vronk |
minor corrections
12 years |
vronk |
adding figures, big reorganization of the content structure
some new …
12 years |
vronk |
various additions
12 years |
vronk |
added notes from Menzo about DCR CLAVAS interaction
12 years |
vronk |
added utils: xml-syntax highlighting, todo-package
12 years |
vronk |
chapter-files moved to separate folder
main file is: thesis.tex
12 years |
vronk |
reorganized according to the MasterThesisTemplate? of the Departement
12 years |
vronk |
mostly outsourcing individual chapters to separate tex-files
12 years |
vronk |
adding a reference diagram
12 years |
vronk |
sections in separate files
13 years |
vronk |
June versions of the Presentation and Outline
13 years |
vronk |
13 years |
vronk |
14 years |
vronk |
Expose intermediate (near finished) version
14 years |
vronk |
initial check in presentation + entities diagram
14 years |
vronk |
14 years |
vronk |
initial import of Expose
14 years |
vronk |
started seriously, but just chaotic intermediate version
14 years |
vronk |
first version of the Outline, as presented to Rauber on 2011-03-16
14 years |
vronk |
Creating the repository for the SemanticMapping component - Matejs …