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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1 fixed MDRepository provide collections list ljo vronk

MDRepository has to list the hierarchy of available collections.

Collections are defined as MD-records linking to other MD-records (think 'folder'), thus the hierarchy is constituted by linking in: ResourceProxy[ResourceType='Metadata']:

<ResourceProxy id="d71803e14">

The link (ResourceRef) being a path to appropriate MD-records in the data. In the current test-data set the collection-MD-records are in the respective Corpusstructure folders.

So MDRepository needs to build up an index (tree) of this structure (as it seems way to expensive and unnecessary to traverse the hierarchy on every request) and provide this on the agreed upon interface:


Here is a proposal of the XML-structure: source:MDService2/trunk/MDService2/testdata/collections_extract_lv3.xml There is unfortunately no schema for that yet, but it is also subject for discussions. However this proposal is newer (=?better) than what MDRepository currently offers on that interface. In any case we need the hierarchical structure reflected in the xml and the counts.

MDService currently serves it's own static snapshot of the collection-tree, derived directly from the folder-structure! This is just a temporary workaround. Although the collection-hierarchy is to large extent parallel to the folder-structure in the test-dataset, the correct way is clearly defined and there we need to go.

It should be yet discussed how to arrange the top level. One sensible option seems to put every provider as a separate top-level-node.

(This probably should find way into the documentation as well.)

#2 fixed usage statistics about Values in Elements ljo vronk

MDRepository shall provide statistics about values used in individual elements, on the queryModel interface (as it already does for child-elements), as described in CmdiMetadataServices#queryModel. This also collection-based.

#4 fixed queryModel-result needs refer collection ljo vronk

the queryModel-result (Terms/Term) has to contain the reference to the collection(s) it applies to (is summary of). For this the root-element: Terms shall carry an attribute @collection

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.