Opened 9 months ago

Closed 7 months ago

#1091 closed task (fixed)

Need support setting up a new sp

Reported by: Owned by: André Moreira
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: AAI Version:
Keywords: Cc:


I've created a searchable online corpus at a dedicated website. I would like to use the Clarin Federation login to provide corpus access, as is done (for example) at and many other sites.

I have gone through the tutorial at, but am stuck at point 4.3. "Creating SAML metadata about your SP for external distribution". It is not clear to me how to create the SAML metadata file. Is this to be created manually? Or from a template, such as

4.3.5 reads "Optionally, fetch the original SAML metadata about your SP that is being generated automatically by the Metadata Generator handler by opening its default URL in XML editor:"

Here, "" is substituted with the address of my corpus website, as per the tutorial instructions, but why would it have a Shibboleth.sso page? There are no instructions, as far as I can determine, about how to set up this page on one's own website.

I am creating this ticket based on the instruction on I would be grateful if you could provide guidance on how to complete the necessary tasks so that I can use a CLARIN Federation login on my site; additionally, on how to set up the required pages on my own domain to handle the login.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 7 months ago by André Moreira

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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