Opened 13 years ago

#124 new task

testing suite

Reported by: vronk Owned by: vronk
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: MDService Version:
Keywords: Cc:


We need continuous testing of the REST-interface (both MDRepository, MDService).

A set of sample queries (requests) should be run against the service and evaluated, summarized, displayed.

Experimented with soapUI (it does REST as well),
but couldn't get it run satisfyingly well yet.

eXist has it's own testing-suite (runnable via ant-build), which we also tried, but it is rather for running directly xqueries..

One way would be to implement it directly in the MDService, input would be a XML-file with test-requests/sample-queries, that would be called either from xsl, or in some dedicated class. output being a html-summary of the results.

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