Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Component: CenterRegistryMetadataCuration
Owner: changed from BSanchezRZG to dietuyt

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Sent following mail to


We received a message of one of the users of the CLARIN virtual language observatory that some of your OLAC metadata records contain broken links, e.g. in:

I hope sending you (as metadata provider) this information can be helpful. If something is unclear please do not hesitate to contact me.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Thank you, Dieter. I will look into these URLs.


Susan Smythe Kung, Ph.D.
Manager, The Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America
Benson Latin American Collection
University of Texas Libraries
2300 Red River Street
SRH 1.108 Code S5410
Austin, Texas 78712-1086

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Dear Susan,

Thank you for the clarifying and fast answer!

The VLO is a portal that brings together metadata about language data
from various sources and offers these for searching

I believe that we have gotten the metadata of the static AILLA OLAC
records at -
although I cannot find that link directly anymore (maybe Lari, our OAI
specialist in CC knows).

If I understand you correctly these OLAC records are completely outdated - shall we instead just add a collection metadata record that points to your website?

best regards,

On 10/1/13 21:37 , Kung, Susan S wrote:

Hi Deiter,

Thank you bringing this to my attention. I don't know anything about
the Clarin virtual language observatory or how AILLA's files were
incorporated into it; additionally, AILLA is not a member of OLAC.
All of the files referenced by these links were among the first files
used as examples during AILLA's prototyping and development phases.
The link to a Real Audio media file tells me that these were from a
demonstration version from 2001-2002 and should never have been
incorporated into any permanent reference. All of these files were
moved to a permanent (non-prototype) location almost 10 years ago,
and a different format was selected for the audio files.
Additionally, for anyone to be able to access any of the materials
archived at AILLA, they will have to register at the site and log in;
they cannot just follow links to materials. Can you give me more
information about what this catalog is and how links to our files
came to be found here?

Thank you, Susan

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Dear Susan,

After talking to some my colleague Paul (in cc) I learned that apart
from the OLAC records we were harvesting we are currently also hosting a
set of AILLA metadata records in our archive here at the TLA:

These IMDI records are automatically imported into the VLO and thus it
seems that after all there were already up-to-date AILLA metada records
in the VLO:

There is one small problem that appeared - these records are all linking to

which contains a broken link -

So if you maybe could have a look at that link everything seems to be

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Thanks for letting me know! I'll try to fix the links next week.


comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Hi Susan,

thanks - that works correctly now!

With respect to the TLA record, there is a mistake in the AILLA
description: we do NOT archive radio programs. We went back and forth
about this, and we finally decided that we do not want to bill
ourselves as accepting radio programs because this could invite
deposits far larger than we are willing and able to archive right

Ok, I'm sure Paul, our corpus manager, can fix this.

With respect to the IMDI records that are imported into VLO, these
records to not seem to be complete. Why is that?

Not all fields are already visible indeed, that will happen at the next update of the VLO (somewhere in February)

best regards,

comment:8 Changed 11 years ago by dietuyt

Resolution: fixed
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