

17:59 Changeset [188] by oschonef
- add support for partial retrieval of virtual collections - add …


12:30 RelationRegistryOutlineSpec edited by burt
12:05 Changeset [187] by dietuyt
Addition of a "skeleton" XSD for CMDI instances, only requiring the …
10:38 RelationRegistryOutlineSpec created by burt
09:58 CmdiRelationRegistry edited by burt


15:09 Changeset [186] by dietuyt
Changes/corrections suggested by INL to clarin-nl components
11:05 Changeset [185] by dietuyt
xslts are moved to separate directory now
11:01 Changeset [184] by dietuyt
Removed components that are now available in ../common
10:54 Changeset [183] by dietuyt
Final fixes to clarin-nl components and examples
10:44 Changeset [182] by dietuyt
Moved contact to common components
10:39 Changeset [181] by dietuyt
Changed lexicon components (common components now in ../common)
10:35 Changeset [180] by dietuyt
Restructuring of clarin-nl components, moved addtional XSLTs to …


17:37 Changeset [179] by dietuyt
Addition of the commom components between collection and lexicon


14:50 Changeset [178] by dietuyt
Addition of IsPartOf? to standard header and updates of the collection …
14:25 Changeset [177] by dietuyt
Changes as discussed at the INL meeting


15:13 Changeset [176] by oschonef
- correct dependencies in pom.xml - start working on query language …


23:37 Changeset [175] by ljo
queryModel() now taking parameters q (eg MDGroup.Actors.Actor), …
23:33 Changeset [174] by ljo
queryModel() now taking parameters q (eg MDGroup.Actors.Actor), …
14:27 CmdiRelationRegistry edited by broeder
14:26 CmdiRelationRegistry edited by broeder
14:25 CmdiRelationRegistry edited by broeder
14:22 MeetingWithAlastair.pptx attached to CmdiRelationRegistry by broeder


14:57 Changeset [173] by patdui
* Remove old implementation of infopanel
14:25 Changeset [172] by patdui
* added version.properties to the build, makes it a bit easier to …


16:28 Changeset [171] by oschonef
- require Java 1.5 - remove them pesky @Override annotations Eclipse …


13:20 ComponentRegistryRest edited by patdui
13:18 WebServices for the CLARIN Component Registry.docx attached to ComponentRegistryRest by patdui
13:17 ComponentRegistryRest created by patdui
13:10 ComponentRegistry edited by patdui
12:56 Changeset [170] by patdui
resolving another jar conflict
12:55 Changeset [169] by patdui
resolving another jar conflict
10:48 Changeset [168] by patdui
* bumped version
10:47 Changeset [167] by patdui
* Bumped versions
10:47 Changeset [166] by patdui
10:46 Changeset [165] by patdui
* Prepare for release 1.0
10:38 Changeset [164] by patdui
10:31 Changeset [163] by patdui
* release 1.0
10:27 Changeset [162] by patdui
* preparing for 1.0 release
10:25 Changeset [161] by patdui
* added Filter searchbox on dataGrid
10:21 Changeset [160] by patdui
* added thirdparty free component (nice searchbox)
10:21 Changeset [159] by patdui
* added thirdparty free component (nice searchbox)
10:21 Changeset [158] by patdui
* added thirdparty free component (nice searchbox)
10:12 Changeset [157] by patdui
* fixed tools to initialize repositories based on existing metadata toolkit
08:38 Changeset [156] by patdui
added isProfile attribute
08:21 Changeset [155] by patdui
fixed profile attributes
08:06 Changeset [154] by patdui
removed duplicated components from clarin folder
08:05 Changeset [153] by patdui
setting isProfiles attributes correct


15:14 Changeset [152] by patdui
Added isProfile attributes and deleted components already in 'clarin' …
11:23 Changeset [151] by dietuyt
Updated the examples and the XSD for collection to reflect the recent …
10:47 Changeset [150] by dietuyt
Merged cmdi-collection into COMPONENT-COLLECTION
10:39 Changeset [149] by oschonef
- correct some scope settings in the dependencies


20:11 QueryLanguage edited by vronk
added Lucene in the introduction (diff)
12:28 Changeset [148] by dietuyt
Removed a duplicate of cmdi-collection in clarin, use the version in …


16:59 Changeset [147] by oschonef
- move database configuration to container using JNDI
16:50 QueryLanguage edited by vronk
16:49 QueryLanguage edited by vronk


18:36 Changeset [146] by oschonef
- set some SVN properties
14:18 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
14:16 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
14:14 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
12:58 interaction_MDBrowser_MDService.png attached to CmdiMetadataServices by vronk
12:20 QueryLanguage edited by vronk
12:19 EDC_combinedquery.png attached to QueryLanguage by vronk
12:18 QueryLanguage edited by vronk


23:54 QueryLanguage edited by vronk
21:11 QueryLanguage edited by vronk
19:30 QueryLanguage edited by vronk
minor (diff)
19:28 QueryLanguage created by vronk


16:04 Changeset [145] by oschonef
- (again) initial import of virtual collection registry
16:01 Changeset [144] by oschonef
- initial import of virtual collection registry
15:59 Changeset [143] by oschonef
- structure for virtual collection registry
15:58 Changeset [142] by oschonef
- nope ... this was wrong. sorry, …
15:56 Changeset [141] by oschonef
- create structure for virtual collection registry
12:26 Changeset [140] by ljo
Changed entry point to cmd-model.xql
12:26 Changeset [139] by ljo
Changed entry point to cmd-model.xql.


15:13 Changeset [138] by patdui
* styling: made rule a bit wider and indented CMD_elements a bit more


15:52 Changeset [137] by alekoe
new perl script to create tsv files for tools


15:25 Changeset [136] by patdui
* added possibility to get an expanded CMDComponentSpec, used to get …
15:24 Changeset [135] by patdui
* fixed so profiles can also be migrated
09:40 Changeset [134] by patdui
* created expanding component that is used to view nested components. …
09:10 Changeset [133] by dietuyt
Removed components that are now available in the collection and …


16:23 Changeset [132] by dietuyt
Addition and cleanup of the Lexicon and Collection profiles
14:56 Changeset [131] by patdui
* Refactored RegistryFiller? and added RegistryMigration? a tool to …
14:56 Changeset [130] by patdui
* added test for non-existing content
14:55 Changeset [129] by patdui
* made get*File() methods public so they can be used in the migration …


13:00 Changeset [128] by patdui
* commented classpath echo
12:59 Changeset [127] by patdui
* added validation on nested components, they should all be …
12:57 Changeset [126] by patdui
* clean up dependencies, add specific stax implementation and removed …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.