

20:40 Changeset [1496] by gaba
repoaction created , options + repositories moved to workspaceprofile
08:44 Ticket #143 (Shared private components (groupspace)) created by twagoo
This enhancement adds a third state to the public/private ('user …
08:34 Ticket #142 (Component and profile versioning/deprecation) created by twagoo
Note: #571 covers support for public drafts (publicly visible private …
08:26 Ticket #141 (enable ISOcat search for component concept links) created by mwindhouwer
ISOcat now supports container data categories. In CMDI these …


20:21 Changeset [1495] by vronk
started cleaning up code, adding inline-documentation; also changes to …
15:03 Archive/ClarinInternalSite edited by dietuyt
15:02 Archive/ClarinInternalSite edited by dietuyt
13:35 Changeset [1494] by larlam
imdi2clarin.xsl: Added a parameter to provide URL context. If defined, …


12:25 FCS-Endpoints edited by herste


20:19 Changeset [1493] by gaba
pazpar timeout clientside
16:39 Ticket #116 (reactivate store query command) closed by vronk
16:38 Ticket #89 (PARSERROR on special character '-' in query) closed by vronk
fixed: it seems to be a CQL-parser problem and occurs only when the "-" is at …
13:07 Changeset [1492] by gaba
12:35 Changeset [1491] by gaba
workspaceprofile options


21:22 Changeset [1490] by vronk
trying to handle error with unnknown format
21:16 Changeset [1489] by gaba
CQL syntax parse problem - escape '-' characters
20:31 Changeset [1488] by vronk
output - method, DOCTYPE, encoding issues (trying to unify for xhtml …


22:30 Changeset [1487] by gaba
22:02 Changeset [1486] by gaba
20:32 Changeset [1485] by vronk
provide header info
14:08 Changeset [1484] by vronk
minor adapt xml/html output-method of xsl
14:03 Changeset [1483] by gaba
pazpar server version
13:14 Changeset [1482] by vronk
debug mdset_pazpar.xsl
12:25 Changeset [1481] by gaba
pazpar server functionality
12:21 Changeset [1480] by vronk
help xsl for generiy analyzing of incoming xml
12:19 Changeset [1479] by vronk
added xsl for pazpar2


21:24 Changeset [1478] by gaba
pazpar client format
20:09 Changeset [1477] by gaba


08:58 FCS-FeatureMatrix edited by vronk


15:21 Ticket #140 (no attributes available when logging in via SurfFederatie) created by dietuyt
When logging in via SurfFederatie?, the name (=ePPN) is emtpy. It is OK …
12:00 Ticket #139 (addition of an importance attribute) created by dietuyt
Summary: introduce an "importance" attribute for all CMD_Elements, …


07:02 Ticket #138 (Description (header) of published profiles should be editable) created by twagoo
Suggested by Menzo: the status of a component or profile may change …


12:08 FCS-Endpoints edited by vronk
12:06 FCS-Endpoints edited by vronk
added sample queries for the end-points (diff)
10:23 FCS-spec edited by vronk
added kwic-DataView? alternatives (diff)


14:27 Viewable edited by vronk
13:31 Ticket #137 (connect VLO to federated search) created by herste
If suitable metadata is present in the records, i.e., entry point for …
10:02 Events created by broeder
10:02 innovation-convention-requirements created by broeder
09:48 FederatedSearch edited by broeder
08:25 screen_europeana4D_resize.png attached to Viewable by vronk
Screenshot of the interactive TimeMap? web user interface …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.