

14:22 Changeset [876] by oschonef
- remove unused lib directory
13:57 Changeset [875] by patdui
* download expandable xml implemented
13:55 Changeset [874] by patdui
* removed download as xsd for components
13:24 Changeset [873] by patdui
* made components and elements movable
13:13 Changeset [872] by oschonef
- correct reference in message (fallout from property rename in Creator)
13:00 Changeset [871] by gaba
12:58 Changeset [870] by gaba


16:19 Changeset [869] by patdui
* ordering changed
15:04 Changeset [868] by patdui
* moved button a bit
14:55 Changeset [867] by patdui
* added initial sorting for profiles and components
13:53 Changeset [866] by patdui
fixed test
13:52 Changeset [865] by patdui
* fixed bug where valueScheme combobox was nog properly updated
11:02 Changeset [864] by patdui
* fixed allowing null values in valuescheme.
10:33 Changeset [863] by vronk
update README + adding default WorkspaceProfileServer?.xml
10:27 Changeset [862] by vronk
many small corrections (optics), dynamic repository resolution for Terms
10:13 CmdiRepositoryImpl created by vronk
creating, collecting the doc-resources about MDRepository
09:54 Changeset [861] by vronk
adding graph of call dependencies in the cmd-model script


21:30 Changeset [860] by gaba
16:08 Changeset [859] by oschonef
- add 'address', 'telephone', 'website' and 'role' fields to creator - …
15:24 Changeset [858] by patdui
* empty component is now the same as an empty profile
15:20 Changeset [857] by patdui
* lazy login, all public items are now browsable * removed jaxb from …
15:18 Changeset [856] by patdui
* added lazy login in such a way that it remembers the page you wanted …
14:54 Changeset [855] by oschonef
- partially revert r854
14:30 Changeset [854] by oschonef
- update maven plugins
14:06 Ticket #7 (serve IsPartOf-information for MDRecords) closed by vronk
fixed: This is resolved as part of the preprocessing in which the MDRecords …
13:41 Changeset [853] by oschonef
- larger textarea
13:39 Changeset [852] by vronk
starting docs-folder for MDRepository with first version of WADL for …
13:05 Changeset [851] by oschonef
- use listIterator() in table models - show 64 resources
13:01 Changeset [850] by oschonef
- remove debugging output


15:18 Ticket #3 (serve MD-recod-detail from the cached recordset, by indexing the ...) closed by vronk
wontfix: Meanwhile we totally rely on MdSelfLink? as Identifiers and the …
14:41 QueryLanguage edited by vronk
added CQL -> XPath mapping (full-text, query expansion) (diff)
13:40 MDServiceImpl edited by vronk
updated MDBrowser screenshot (diff)
13:38 MDBrowser_explained_5_resize.png attached to MDServiceImpl by vronk
MDBrowser explained (status 2010-10)
13:38 MDServiceImpl edited by vronk
13:31 MDBrowser_explained_5.png attached to MDServiceImpl by vronk
MDBrowser explained (status 2010-10)
13:29 Ticket #2 (usage statistics about Values in Elements) closed by vronk
fixed: this is now implemented in MDRepo: If queryModel is called with a …


21:59 Changeset [849] by gaba
11:51 Ticket #22 (logging via log4j) created by vronk
Currently MDService writes simply to sys.out. We want to employ some …
11:02 Ticket #21 (get html-snippets out of js-code) created by vronk
Employ some templating solution, allowing to maintain the …


22:35 Ticket #20 (MDService reading isocat with language-param) created by vronk
MDService has to make use of the language-param when querying isocat. …
22:29 Ticket #19 (accomodate Component datcats in SemanticMapping) created by vronk
when isocat introduces Component-DataCategories?, the semantic-mapping …
22:23 Ticket #18 (dynamic repositories) created by vronk
Allow the user to select from (predefined) list of repositories …
15:27 Changeset [848] by dietuyt
Updates to convert dcterms:... attributes as well.
15:25 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
15:09 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
15:05 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
13:27 Ticket #17 (Allow reorder of elements/components in editor) created by patdui
13:26 Ticket #16 (Make download xml, expanded) created by patdui
13:25 Ticket #15 (Adding "null" to ValueScheme (controlled vocabulary) doesn't show the ...) created by patdui
12:37 Changeset [847] by oschonef
- add some validation
10:43 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
10:40 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
09:42 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
09:41 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt


14:30 Ticket #13 (Support Multilingual attribute) closed by patdui
13:56 Changeset [846] by oschonef
- add some more input validation
13:02 Changeset [845] by oschonef
- overhaul of intensional virtual collection step
10:32 Changeset [844] by oschonef
- automatically redirect to GUI when accessing webapp-root


19:24 Changeset [843] by oschonef
- revert r841
18:51 Changeset [842] by oschonef
- fix CSS for table navigation bar
18:33 Changeset [841] by oschonef
- add keywords editing stuff
18:32 Changeset [840] by oschonef
- (hopefully) resolve value caching issues with model stuff
18:31 Changeset [839] by oschonef
- disable any default form processing
15:53 Changeset [838] by patdui
* added multilingual checkbox
10:34 Changeset [837] by patdui
10:25 Changeset [836] by patdui
* Removed some obsolete stuff * Added update REST call.
10:18 Changeset [835] by patdui
added "save" and "save as new" buttons and move the "clear" button to …
09:45 Changeset [834] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - no need to rewrite to predicate for * etc.
09:13 Ticket #14 (Make browsing open for anyone (lazy login)) created by patdui
Starting the browser requires login atm, this should be lazy only when …
09:11 Ticket #13 (Support Multilingual attribute) created by patdui
Component XSD now supports Multilingual should be supported in the ui …
09:10 Ticket #12 (Move clear changes button and make behaviour more clear) created by patdui
09:10 Ticket #11 (Add a save and a save as new button) created by patdui
Saving in local workspace should override and not create a new one …


22:25 Changeset [833] by ljo
cmd-model.xql - searchRetrieve query rewrite first step.
20:52 Changeset [832] by gaba
QUERY(xml,htmlpage,link) - created; cache properties added - …
15:25 Changeset [831] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - fixing some small stuff before going on with changes.
12:06 Changeset [830] by vronk
introducing init-cache.xql, proposing search-retrieve queries in the …
10:36 Changeset [829] by dietuyt
Fix to match elements from OLAC 1.1 as well.
09:48 Changeset [828] by oschonef
- use Wicket 1.4.13


23:30 Changeset [827] by vronk
adding build (for tests) + basic version of the test-queries file; …
13:24 Changeset [826] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - first merge.
12:50 Changeset [825] by vronk
caching refactored


23:23 Changeset [824] by oschonef
- re-factor modal dialogs - more CSS stuff


20:07 Changeset [823] by vronk
14:00 Changeset [822] by oschonef
- force fetching of Creators


21:26 Changeset [821] by oschonef
- some more CSS
20:48 Changeset [820] by oschonef
- wizard markup changes - many CSS changes
08:49 Changeset [819] by vronk
bigger rework, get rid of the path-based identifiers = filling …


15:47 Changeset [818] by dietuyt
Several updates to process the olac:code attributes correctly
15:36 Changeset [817] by oschonef
- some more general fields
14:34 Changeset [816] by dietuyt
Re-enabled support for the Multilinguality attribute
14:24 Changeset [815] by vronk
adding first version of README for MDRepository
13:36 Changeset [814] by oschonef
- fix getName()
09:51 Changeset [813] by oschonef
- re-order dependencies - update slf4j to 1.6.1
09:36 Changeset [812] by oschonef
- remove empty directories
09:13 Changeset [811] by oschonef
- pass on init error


12:46 Changeset [810] by dietuyt
Corrected ISOcat namespace URI
12:41 Changeset [809] by dietuyt
Fixed the ISOcat namespace URL


09:53 Changeset [808] by oschonef
- more preliminary GUI work
09:33 Changeset [807] by vronk
adaptations in vienna


09:42 Changeset [806] by oschonef
- further work on GUI


10:38 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt


18:10 Changeset [805] by oschonef
- preliminary GUI stuff (far from being useful ;)
18:07 Changeset [804] by oschonef
- add constructors needed by GUI


15:35 Changeset [803] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - not all ResourceProxies? have ids - say so.
14:59 Changeset [802] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - move som more lookups to ft:query().
08:28 Changeset [801] by patdui
* got some more config stuff out of the code * Fixed lots of minor things


21:52 Changeset [800] by vronk
small but important change to get-children-colls()
10:07 Changeset [799] by vronk
style changes - polishing layout, new icons


21:41 Changeset [798] by vronk
20:31 Changeset [797] by gaba
20:10 Changeset [796] by vronk
welcome message
20:09 Changeset [795] by vronk
dcr/rr terms htmllist, welcome-message
12:48 Changeset [794] by vronk
finishing terms (autocomplete, htmlselect)
12:37 Changeset [793] by gaba
detail-float - dialog UI; login,logout- relativ paths
11:32 Changeset [792] by vronk
rework get-collections


09:30 Changeset [791] by oschonef
- update created/modified properties as well (missed in last commit)
09:18 Changeset [790] by oschonef
- rename created/modified properties of VirtualCollection? - fix …


21:39 Changeset [789] by vronk
finalization of terms2view.xsl (autocomplete), @id, @path..; adding …
13:14 Changeset [788] by oschonef
- make serializable
13:13 Changeset [787] by oschonef
- add public default constructor to VirtualCollection?
09:38 Changeset [786] by oschonef
- move constructor to package scope
09:35 Changeset [785] by oschonef
- remove obsolete comments
09:32 Changeset [784] by oschonef
- more domain classes validation


20:49 Changeset [783] by gaba
20:19 Changeset [782] by gaba
autocomplete , context autocomplete values
16:59 Changeset [781] by oschonef
- fix NPE when getID() is called on never saved VirtualCollection?
16:57 Changeset [780] by oschonef
- more work in progress of domain model classes
16:56 Changeset [779] by oschonef
- some cleanup - remove @id from Resource elements
14:27 Changeset [778] by oschonef
- work-in-progress commit for new domain model classes and related stuff
11:59 Changeset [777] by patdui
* made some fields multivalue cause of olac/cmdi stuff


19:50 Changeset [776] by vronk
implementing shortest-unique-path, terms-autocomplete


21:12 Changeset [775] by vronk
adding first version terms2autocomplete
20:46 Changeset [774] by gaba
20:23 Changeset [773] by vronk
terms views
19:48 Changeset [772] by vronk
adding TermsProxyAction?.java
15:35 Changeset [771] by dietuyt
Addition of a script to * generate an HTML list of all components and …
15:09 Changeset [770] by patdui
* made some things configurable * added "more..." page * Made all …
11:41 Changeset [769] by vronk
@label -> @name
10:32 Changeset [768] by vronk
terms-matrix; model, datcats to terms; model-matrix-all!
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.