
Version 5 (modified by, 5 years ago) (diff)


CCR coordinators virtual meeting 2019-05-21



  • AGENDA pt1 [Ineke] will contact CCR Coordinators who didn't attend to encourage more active participation
  • PARTIALLY [Menzo] generate reports on the profile, component and example instances for rights, right statement and licence
  • DONE [Ineke & Menzo] aggregate the proposals and comments for rights, right statement and licence into one proposal/discussion document per concept


  1. welcome
  2. tasks CCR-coordinator
    • expectations everybody does its fair share of tasks, attends the vidconfs and votes
    • procedure: o we note down:
      • who attended a meeting
      • or known absence: via mail or indication in the doodle
      o periodic followup
      • reasons
      • maybe look around for replacement?
  3. *'licenc/se' et al, OLD, cf last meeting

  1. how generic can/should we be, cf discussion Rights/RightStatement?
  2. new tasks
  3. aob


Action list