
CLARIN Nexus Maven Repository

A publicly accessible instance of the Nexus Maven repository, intended to be used by the broader CLARIN development community, is available at:

Users with a CLARIN website account in the 'developer' role can log in (username = email address) and use these credentials to deploy artefacts into the repository. An account is also required to access the front end. Anyone can download artifacts, typically through Maven builds.

Please note!!! The integration of Nexus with the CLARIN website LDAP server is currently broken. This means that you can expect failures when trying to deploy artifacts to the CLARIN Nexus. If this happens, and you need to deploy or carry out other actions that require authenticated access, a functioning local account can be provided. Please contact the system administrators ( about this if applicable.


Add the following sections to your Maven settings.xml file:

                <name>CLARIN Repository</name>
                <name>CLARIN Snapshot Repository</name>

Settings for deployment of artifacts

You can deploy both 'snapshot' and stable artifacts to the Nexus repository if you have a valid account. Maven needs to be configured to use this account before you can deploy artifacts.

Use the following in your project POM files:


Add the following sections to your Maven settings.xml file:

                <username></username> <!-- e-mail address associated with your CLARIN website account -->
                <password>{....}</password> <!-- encrypted password of your CLARIN website account -->

                <username></username> <!-- e-mail address associated with your CLARIN website account -->
                <password>{....}</password> <!-- encrypted password of your CLARIN website account -->

Store passwords encrypted! See for instructions.

More information about deployment to Nexus in general can be found at

Automated deployment (Travis)

A travis user is available for automated deployment as part of the continuous integration workflow. See TravisCI for more information.

More information

If you have questions or remarks, please contact Twan Goosen or

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on 12/20/21 15:10:37