
Version 7 (modified by Twan Goosen, 9 years ago) (diff)

general settings

CLARIN Nexus Maven Repository

A publicly accessible Maven repository, intended to be used by the broader CLARIN development community, is available at:

Users with a CLARIN website account in the 'developer' role can log in (username = email address) and use these credentials to deploy artefacts into the repository.


Add the following sections to your Maven settings.xml file:

                <name>CLARIN Repository</name>
                <name>CLARIN Snapshot Repository</name>

Settings for deployment of artifacts

You can deploy both 'snapshot' and stable artifacts to the Nexus repository if you have a valid account. Maven needs to be configured to use this account before you can deploy artifacts.

Use the following in your project POM files:


Add the following sections to your Maven settings.xml file:

                <username></username> <!-- e-mail address associated with your CLARIN website account -->
                <password>{....}</password> <!-- encrypted password of your CLARIN website account -->

                <username></username> <!-- e-mail address associated with your CLARIN website account -->
                <password>{....}</password> <!-- encrypted password of your CLARIN website account -->

Store passwords encrypted! See for instructions.

More information about deployment to Nexus in general can be found at

More information

If you have questions or remarks, please contact Twan Goosen?.