Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Status
#139 addition of an importance attribute Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema minor closed
#146 Add a status field (development, production, deprecated) Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema major closed
#235 Implement conversion from CMDI 1.1 to 1.2 Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema major closed
#236 Namespace prefixes for generic CMDI attributes (and possibly elements) Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema major closed
#274 Minimal occurences for attributes Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema major closed
#369 Add support for open and closed vocabularies in component specifications and instances Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema major closed
#403 Make MdProfile mandatory Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema major closed
#491 Undefined type of RelationType creates a hole that can contain any XML Dieter Van Uytvanck ComponentSchema major closed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.