Custom Query (28 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#205 url too long dietuyt defect blocker Website
#75 full text search is really slow Sander Maijers defect major Website
#244 configuration script error herste defect major VLO web app
#265 Standardize package names and context parameters Twan Goosen task major ComponentRegistry-1.16 ComponentRegistry
#358 VLO Solr interface keeloo defect major VLO web app
#393 add license facet enhancement major VLO-3.4 VLO importer
#438 layout in 2.16: Resource link missing left space keeloo defect major VLO web app
#468 Front-/backend refactoring Twan Goosen enhancement major ComponentRegistry
#562 Proxied location not used in permalink defect major VLO-3.0.1 VLO web app
#688 Metadata curation feature major VLO-4.2 or later VLO importer
#732 CMU SP technical session task major AAI
#818 Featured resource does not rotate Bas van der Veen defect major Website
#835 Generate sitemap Twan Goosen defect major VLO-3.4 VLO web app
#889 Resolve Icinga check error states Sander Maijers task major System administration
#901 Robots.txt for Sander Maijers defect major System administration
#934 WAYF Birk IDP cert/key changed Sander Maijers task major AAI
#962 is down Sander Maijers defect major Website
#988 CLARIN-FCS finding endpoints Dirk Goldhahn task major CLARIN-D
#989 CLARIN-FCS endpoints cardinality Dieter Van Uytvanck task major AAI
#233 mouse scroll does not work in Mozilla defect minor ComponentRegistry-1.14 ComponentRegistry
#381 General: Check for ISO-639-2 language code use Twan Goosen task minor MetadataCuration
#461 loading large CMDI results in high server and client load Twan Goosen defect minor VLO web app
#462 Broken CMDI view for a single ressource (LCC_DataSource) Twan Goosen defect minor VLO web app
#546 Link to Federated Content Search to deeply hidden Twan Goosen feature minor VLO web app
#744 Connecting the VLO takes too long Twan Goosen defect minor VLO web app
#976 Update ISO 639-3 support enhancement minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO importer
#986 pos support in fcs Oliver Schonefeld enhancement minor CLARIN-D
#664 Donwloading a pdf file from the VLO with firefox results in wrong filename nincluding jsessionid Jörg Knappen defect trivial VLO web app
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.