Opened 11 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#350 closed defect (wontfix)

unexpected until dates

Reported by: mwindhouwer Owned by: Menzo Windhouwer
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: ISOcat Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Users report that ISOcat adds until dates, while they didn't specify any. Reported examples are: DC-5719, DC-5714, DC-5726, DC-5728. Some of these, but not all, have until dates that are the same as the last modification date.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by mwindhouwer

Made it now possible to explicitly clear an effective or until date. However, there was a bug in dc_sql.xsl which let these clear actions disappear.

However, this doesn't resolve the possibly spontaneous appearance of (until) dates. This DB dump (20130808) supports the randomnes of the dates:

  id  |            identifier             |          owner          | effective_date | until_date
 2448 | A123456789                        | Ramthun, Hans           | 2009-06-29     | 2011-06-29
 2588 | content-Channel                   | Wittenburg, Peter       | 2009-08-14     | 2009-08-14
 2589 | continents                        | Wittenburg, Peter       | 2009-08-14     | 2009-08-14
 2590 | countries                         | Wittenburg, Peter       | 2009-08-14     | 2009-08-14
 2683 | testValue3                        | Broeder, Daan           |                | 2009-11-18
 2702 | t1                                | Kindermann, Stephan     | 2009-12-15     | 2009-12-31
 2797 | first_dual_vernacular             | Nevskaya, Irina         | 2010-08-11     | 2010-04-20
 2799 | test6                             | Depoorter, Griet        | 2010-02-03     | 2010-02-03
 2801 | test5                             | Depoorter, Griet        | 2010-02-04     | 2010-02-04
 2811 | Lexicon                           | van Eerten, Laura       |                | 2010-02-26
 2848 | KOUS                              | Beck, Kathrin           |                | 2010-02-28
 2924 | TestIdentifier                    | Richter, Evelyn         | 2010-03-23     | 2010-05-19
 2941 | TestIdentifier2                   | Richter, Evelyn         | 2010-03-28     | 2010-06-08
 2943 | Terminology                       | van Eerten, Laura       |                | 2010-04-08
 3028 | first_plural_exclusive_vernacular | Nevskaya, Irina         | 2010-08-11     | 2010-04-18
 3034 | sttsComma                         | Beck, Kathrin           | 2010-05-07     | 2010-05-07
 3561 | DiminutiveAdjective               | Wesseling, Franca       |                | 2010-06-09
 3693 | definition_English                | Nevskaya, Irina         | 2010-08-30     | 2010-08-30
 3709 | definition_national               | Nevskaya, Irina         | 2010-08-24     | 2010-08-24
 3710 | definition_regional               | Nevskaya, Irina         | 2010-08-30     | 2010-08-30
 3711 | gloss_national                    | Nevskaya, Irina         | 2010-08-24     | 2010-08-24
 3712 | gloss_regional                    | Nevskaya, Irina         | 2010-08-24     | 2010-08-24
 5062 | aa                                | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-04-17     | 2012-04-17
 5135 | OriginalTune                      | Kemps-Snijders, Marc    |                | 2012-04-15
 5176 | MPEG21                            | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-05-09     | 2012-05-07
 5179 | collectionIdentifier              | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-05-10     | 2012-05-12
 5180 | digitizationProject               | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-05-10     | 2012-05-14
 5189 | metadataSource                    | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-05-10     | 2012-05-07
 5201 | speaker                           | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-05-14     | 2012-05-14
 5240 | AudioStorageType                  | Bountouridis, Dimitrios | 2012-06-04     | 2012-06-05
 5241 | LP                                | Bountouridis, Dimitrios | 2012-06-05     | 2012-06-06
 5264 | recordID                          | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-06-14     | 2013-03-25
 5271 | dailyNewsBulletin                 | Matthezing, Henk        | 2012-06-25     | 2012-06-26
 5274 | ERROR                             | Haltrup Hansen, Dorte   | 2012-06-28     | 2012-06-28
 5430 | encodingScheme                    | Treurniet, Maaske       |                | 2012-07-17
 5642 | endDate                           | Matthezing, Henk        | 2013-01-30     | 2013-01-30
 5668 | Quotation                         | van Rookhuijzen, Janric | 2013-04-13     | 2013-04-14
 5714 | isPrimaryFaciliator               | Orr, Rosemary           | 2013-04-13     | 2013-07-12
 5719 | isAffiliate                       | Orr, Rosemary           | 2013-04-07     | 2020-07-31
 5726 | caeScore                          | Orr, Rosemary           | 2013-04-05     | 2020-06-30
 5728 | musicalInstruments                | Orr, Rosemary           | 2013-04-08     | 2013-07-09
 5747 | substantive                       | van Rookhuijzen, Janric |                | 2013-05-14
 6015 | southLimit                        | Barwick, Linda          | 2013-06-11     | 2013-06-11
 6021 | northLimit                        | Barwick, Linda          | 2013-06-11     | 2013-06-11
 6022 | eastLimit                         | Barwick, Linda          | 2013-06-11     | 2013-06-11
(45 rows)

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Menzo Windhouwer

Owner: changed from mwindhouwer to Menzo Windhouwer
Status: newassigned

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Sander Maijers

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

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