

14:33 Changeset [1122] by oschonef
- try to avoid autoboxing
14:27 Changeset [1121] by oschonef
- use long for resumption token id
13:46 Changeset [1120] by oschonef
- re-visit getting records from a repository - provider now supplies …
10:12 Changeset [1119] by oschonef
- handle empty resumption token correctly


22:28 Changeset [1118] by oschonef
- produce correct output, if deflate encoding is requested - re-work …
20:35 Changeset [1117] by oschonef
- fix output of resumptionToken according to protocol specs


11:57 Changeset [1116] by mwindhouwer
modified minimal-cmdi.xsd - the target namesapace is now …


19:41 Changeset [1115] by vronk
forgotten xsl-styelsheet for docs
14:11 Changeset [1114] by oschonef
- only process JPA annotations in model directory - minor path fixes
13:58 Changeset [1113] by oschonef
- (hopefully) fix build process and repository uris


21:43 Changeset [1112] by gaba
edit columns wrapper - correction
13:08 FederatedSearch edited by vronk
added status information for the document (diff)
12:51 FederatedSearch created by vronk
12:41 Changeset [1111] by vronk
checking in initial version of the discussion papter for Federated Search
12:40 Changeset [1110] by vronk
12:39 Changeset [1109] by vronk
adding as new "component"


20:15 Changeset [1108] by gaba
Collections - jstree solution, CustomTermsets? - load, save to …


10:42 Changeset [1107] by patdui
* bumped version
10:42 Changeset [1106] by patdui
* released 2.2.
10:41 Changeset [1105] by patdui
* preparing for release
10:23 Changeset [1104] by patdui
09:30 Ticket #93 (Fix scaling of image) closed by patdui
09:30 Ticket #92 (Breadcrumb to VLO-home) closed by patdui
09:30 Ticket #63 (Frontpage changes) closed by patdui
09:27 Changeset [1103] by patdui


16:15 Changeset [1102] by patdui
AAARGGG pixel off by one, finally found it :)
13:18 Changeset [1101] by patdui
* bumped versions
13:17 Changeset [1100] by patdui
* bumped version
13:16 Changeset [1099] by patdui
release 1.7
13:16 Changeset [1098] by patdui
preparing release 1.7
13:16 Changeset [1097] by patdui
preparing release 1.7
13:15 Changeset [1096] by patdui
preparing release 1.7
12:26 Ticket #52 (Make workspace xsd's downloadable) closed by patdui
12:26 Ticket #59 (bookmark profile/component option) closed by patdui
12:26 Ticket #91 (Reload edit pane with registered component/profile) closed by patdui
12:26 Ticket #57 (Publish should move a profile/component out of private and into public ...) closed by patdui
12:19 Changeset [1095] by patdui
* added some names to the component registry admin list
11:06 Changeset [1094] by patdui
Fixed scaling of image and created a back link to the vlo. (new images …


16:35 Changeset [1093] by patdui
* fixed tests
14:29 Changeset [1092] by patdui
Got the kinks out of loading the proper items during startup …
12:28 Changeset [1091] by patdui
only xsd links for profiles
12:22 Changeset [1090] by patdui
Made show info contect menu that allow for some bookmarking of the …


14:17 Ticket #97 (log out button) created by patdui
log out should work, clearing cookies and everything
13:53 Ticket #81 (param rename Record -> Item) closed by vronk
13:49 Ticket #87 (browser-issue IE) closed by vronk
12:51 Changeset [1089] by patdui
Made private xsd's downloadable and linkable etc... no more …
12:48 Changeset [1088] by patdui
You can create urls to xsd's in private workspace. …
12:02 Ticket #96 (no previous / next links for single result) created by dietuyt
When a resultset only contains 1 element there should be no previous - …
11:33 Ticket #82 (repository-selector into query-input) closed by vronk
09:11 Changeset [1087] by patdui
Publishing components/profiles results in a move from private to …
09:09 Changeset [1086] by patdui


23:12 Ticket #95 (get sub-collections) created by vronk
getCollections-function does not seem to work correctly on …
22:00 Changeset [1085] by vronk
updated docs, added new docs
11:20 Ticket #94 (problem getting an individual record) created by vronk
For some handles, the searchRetrieve-function does not work. It seems …


17:43 QueryLanguage edited by vronk


12:40 Ticket #93 (Fix scaling of image) created by patdui
http://catalog.clarin.eu/ds/vlo/ and http://www.clarin.eu/vlo The …
12:39 Ticket #92 (Breadcrumb to VLO-home) created by patdui
Create a breadcrumb in the vlo page VLO Home >> Faceted Browser …


15:38 ServiceProviderFederation created by dietuyt
15:28 WikiStart edited by dietuyt
14:00 Ticket #40 (link to language information URL) closed by paucas
fixed: done
13:59 Ticket #55 (Preprocessing CMDI files) closed by paucas
fixed: done, it now needs to be reviewed for extension
11:55 Changeset [1084] by paucas
- front page changes
11:54 Changeset [1083] by paucas
- front page changes
10:42 Ticket #91 (Reload edit pane with registered component/profile) created by patdui
if you create a new profile -> it show the browse screen -> go back to …


16:21 Changeset [1082] by paucas
- small updates
14:18 Changeset [1081] by vronk
14:16 Changeset [1080] by vronk
minor update
11:04 Changeset [1079] by paucas
- first version of preprocessing
10:59 Ticket #90 (Allow xs:integer in ValueScheme) created by dietuyt
The types you can select for the valueScheme does not allow integers. …


16:45 CMDI edited by dietuyt
16:45 CmdiDataSources edited by dietuyt
16:44 CmdiDataSources created by dietuyt
16:43 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
08:31 Changeset [1078] by patdui
*bumped version


21:18 Changeset [1077] by gaba
trac 87
15:17 Changeset [1076] by vronk
reduced logging messages, changes to CQL-handling in js and …
11:56 Changeset [1075] by gaba
04:38 Changeset [1074] by gaba
paging- first version


15:20 Ticket #89 (PARSERROR on special character '-' in query) created by vronk
if '-' is used in the query (both full-text query and term in the …
15:15 Ticket #88 (link from collection to its md-record) created by vronk
In the collection-list (and also in the full detail-view) link …
15:10 Ticket #87 (browser-issue IE) created by vronk
IE does not know String.trim(), js-error on: …
13:50 SemanticMapping edited by vronk
13:43 SemanticMapping edited by vronk
adding level 3 Component Data Categories (diff)
13:36 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
12:53 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk


23:57 Changeset [1073] by gaba
MDRepo.scan values - corrections
12:37 Ticket #86 (Create make feedback button for a record) created by dietuyt
User can click it and perhaps say what is wrong and propose solution? …
11:57 Changeset [1072] by vronk
fix terms/values repository handling
11:39 Changeset [1071] by vronk
further work on terms/values (layout, behaviour) fix in repository handling
11:25 Changeset [1070] by gaba
09:54 Ticket #77 (record-detail always from default repository) closed by vronk
09:51 Ticket #78 (remove result from result-set does not work) closed by vronk


23:32 Changeset [1069] by gaba
14:51 Changeset [1068] by patdui
14:50 Ticket #85 (show context (record nr in result set) while browsing through results) created by dietuyt
Right now when looking at a single record, there is a Previous and …
14:44 Ticket #84 (Some links are changed from orginal in the result page) created by patdui
All attribute values are processed for links. For instance …
14:42 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by dietuyt
14:02 Changeset [1067] by dietuyt
Adds a ResourceProxy? for dc:identifiers that contain the string "http://"
14:01 Changeset [1066] by patdui
* releasing VLO 2.1
13:54 Ticket #83 (translate MDBrowser-interface) created by vronk
allow the user to switch the language of the interface (needs to make …
13:53 Changeset [1065] by patdui
* made some cosmetic changes in results page and changed audio icon
12:51 Ticket #82 (repository-selector into query-input) created by vronk
Move the repository-select-list to query_input (next to withSummary) …
12:43 Ticket #81 (param rename Record -> Item) created by vronk
changed param-names in MDService recordset: startRecord -> startItem …
12:39 Ticket #66 (query.detail show all info) closed by vronk
12:39 Ticket #71 (restrict access to admin/cache/del) closed by vronk
12:31 Changeset [1064] by vronk
rework recordset-view, display columns-selection (based on result-summary)
12:30 Changeset [1063] by gaba
10:24 Ticket #80 (get rid of the role "member") created by dietuyt
Right now we are relying on the role member to give trustworthy users …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.