Custom Query (75 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1008 Suspicious IdP UNICON André Moreira task critical AAI IdP Blacklist
#130 Importing component/profile should strip out components with componentId attributes. Twan Goosen enhancement major ComponentRegistry
#155 error message when not enough attributes to login Twan Goosen defect major ComponentRegistry
#164 Copy data category properties into component/element Twan Goosen enhancement major ComponentRegistry
#186 Transfer ownership of components Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement major ComponentRegistry
#379 Throw exceptions from update method of ComponentRegistry interface Twan Goosen enhancement major ComponentRegistry
#415 Two different TimeCoverage components Twan Goosen defect major MetadataCuration
#428 Examine why ConcurrentRestServiceTest does not fail Twan Goosen task major ComponentRegistry
#503 Update of AID does not work on the local SQL Lite database olof defect major DASISH client DASISH client
#636 3.2 Single Sign-on for all CLARIN-D Applications - Evaluation Shib & WS dietuyt task major CLARIN-D Q2/2016 CLARIN-D
#638 4.2 Further Development of AAI - CLARIN IDP Dieter Van Uytvanck task major CLARIN-D Q1/2016 CLARIN-D
#640 6.3 Further Development Federated Content Search - Evaluation + Specification of new Functionality Oliver Schonefeld task major CLARIN-D Q2/2016 CLARIN-D
#641 7.1 Further Integration of Existing CLARIN-D Components & Applications - AAI & Workspaces Marie Hinrichs task major CLARIN-D Q4/2016 CLARIN-D
#642 9.1 Further Development VLO - Implementation of Taskforce Proposals dietuyt task major CLARIN-D Q4/2016 CLARIN-D
#643 9.2 Further Development VLO - Adaptation of Metadata dietuyt task major CLARIN-D Q2/2015 CLARIN-D
#649 19.3 Common Branding for all CLARIN-D Applications - Implementation task major CLARIN-D Q1/2015 CLARIN-D
#650 20.4 Further Development/Stabilization of Handle System - Check of Specification task major CLARIN-D Q1/2015 CLARIN-D
#651 23.5 Further Development CMDI - Component Registry Dieter Van Uytvanck task major CLARIN-D Q2/2016 CLARIN-D
#652 24.1 Sustainability - Specification of Requirements Dirk Goldhahn task major CLARIN-D Q2/2016 CLARIN-D
#662 20.1 Further Development/Stabilization of Handle System - Adoption & Test API 2.0 task major CLARIN-D Q1/2015 CLARIN-D
#663 27.1 Further Development TFC / WebLicht+Services - TCF to TEI: Evaluation & Implementation Marie Hinrichs task major CLARIN-D Q4/2015 CLARIN-D
#682 Curate the records in LRT inventory task major MetadataCuration
#702 Create CMDI-profile/-components specifically for the VLO, task major VLO-WG
#703 VLO user level documentation,, task major VLO-WG
#730 7.4 Further Integration of Existing CLARIN-D Components & Applications - Evaluation + integration web portal Thorsten Trippel task major CLARIN-D Q1/2015 CLARIN-D
#735 Data category should be searchable in the CCR enhancement major ComponentRegistry
#837 Automatically detect mimetype of references Twan Goosen enhancement major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.2 VCRegistry
#842 DataCite metadata store Twan Goosen enhancement major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.2 VCRegistry
#847 resources unreachable for collection "Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America" Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major MetadataCuration
#921 23.1 Further Development CMDI - CMDI 1.2 Dieter Van Uytvanck task major CLARIN-D Q3/2016 CLARIN-D
#924 28.1 Further Development Virtual Collection Registry - Determination of Requirements Dieter Van Uytvanck task major CLARIN-D Q4/2016 CLARIN-D
#935 Tracking: CLARIN guidelines conformance of SPs Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major AAI
#938 Replace clarin_datatable custom code by standard feeds module Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major Website
#967 User involvement group pages on new website Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major Website
#990 Recreate organig group views Dieter Van Uytvanck task major Website
#993 Investigate and fix error for defect major Monitoring
#998 Access/Login Problems at Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major AAI
#1004 Key rollover request LBR Dieter Van Uytvanck task major AAI
#1007 old certificate removed Dieter Van Uytvanck task major AAI
#1009 BBAW - teiHeader - licensing info missing defect major MetadataCuration
#1011 BBAW - teiHeader - bad curation score defect major MetadataCuration
#1040 Items to keep sticky on the top of the News page: CfP CLARIN2018, Workshop and UI events proposals André Moreira enhancement major Website
#1049 Records with NO title - Liederenbank@Meertens defect major MetadataCuration
#1051 tei-consolidation sprint task major MetadataCuration
#1052 Do a full ResourceProxy link availability check task major MetadataCuration
#1070 Separate breadcrumb trail for tour de CLARIN blogs Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement major Website
#1071 Show block with content with the same tags for blog posts Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement major Website
#1077 alter view-contact view to enable hiding of email Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major Website
#147 Add a parameter to link to the components/profiles tab Twan Goosen enhancement minor ComponentRegistry
#221 add a favicon for the component registry Twan Goosen enhancement minor ComponentRegistry
#380 BBAW Organisation name task minor MetadataCuration
#391 Decide on 'Content search in result set' feature Twan Goosen task minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#545 The search function should not strip diacritics Twan Goosen defect minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#610 enable single logout for CLARIN IdP Willem Elbers enhancement minor AAI
#721 Produce bookmarkable links with Ajax updates Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#734 Postprocessor for field temporalCoverage + Support in Web app Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#791 Support Sitelinks search box Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#871 Record page could be stateless Willem Elbers enhancement minor VCRegistry
#872 vlo-beta: Combined search (search term + facet) does not order the search resualts correctly enhancement minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#907 support multi-file upload again André Moreira enhancement minor Website
#917 3.4 Single Sign-on for all CLARIN-D Applications - Documentation Dieter Van Uytvanck task minor CLARIN-D Q2/2016 CLARIN-D
#923 26.1 Concept & Implementation Transfer of Tools - Identification of Candidates Dieter Van Uytvanck task minor CLARIN-D Q2/2016 CLARIN-D
#958 Files missing Dieter Van Uytvanck defect minor Website
#965 Clean up Drupal redirects Dieter Van Uytvanck task minor Website
#971 Provider - Dirk Goldhahn defect minor Harvesting
#972 Provider - Thomas Kisler defect minor Harvesting
#974 Provider - Marie Hinrichs defect minor Harvesting
#995 Integrate Perseids SP in the SPF Dieter Van Uytvanck task minor AAI
#1003 Investigate possibilities to add the content of views to search index Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement minor Website
#1006 Investigate a web-based alternative to google earth for the VLW Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement minor Website
#1020 mixed content warning for loading http images Leif-Jöran defect minor SRUAggregator
#1047 language:1978 defect minor MetadataCuration
#1081 TU-Dresden not releasing attributes André Moreira task minor AAI IdP Blacklist
#436 RSS-support for search results Twan Goosen feature trivial VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#527 Proposes similar facet values in case of no matches Twan Goosen enhancement trivial VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.