Custom Query (49 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#654 Improve dealing with failed PID minting accepted Willem Elbers critical VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 VCRegistry
#884 Security-critical instructions to data centre support should have integrity new Sander Maijers critical System administration
#891 dmeventd for LVM hogs CPU on CentOS 7 new Willem Elbers critical System administration
#94 problem getting an individual record new ljo major MDRepository
#95 get sub-collections new ljo major MDRepository
#155 error message when not enough attributes to login assigned Twan Goosen major ComponentRegistry
#345 Wired-Marker and DASISH Web Annotator Firefox extensions cannot be installed simultaneously accepted major DASISH client DASISH client
#415 Two different TimeCoverage components assigned Twan Goosen major MetadataCuration
#499 Special characters need to be replaced by their predefined entity names accepted major DASISH client DASISH client
#503 Update of AID does not work on the local SQL Lite database assigned olof major DASISH client DASISH client
#510 OS X 10.8.5: Sidebar gets automatically hidden at restart new major DASISH client DASISH client
#788 Quoting a query in the Aggregator interface causes query parsing errors on the endpoints new major SRUAggregator
#789 VLO exposes to little meta-data / too much data new major CLARIN-D Q3/2015 VLO-WG
#806 OTA OLAC records mingle multi-values (keyword to dc:type field) accepted major MetadataCuration
#847 resources unreachable for collection "Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America" assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck major MetadataCuration
#885 Django security update to 1.9.3 accepted Sander Maijers major System administration
#902 Grant read access to httpd logs new Sander Maijers major System administration
#935 Tracking: CLARIN guidelines conformance of SPs assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck major AAI
#938 Replace clarin_datatable custom code by standard feeds module assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck major Website
#967 User involvement group pages on new website assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck major Website
#993 Investigate and fix error for assigned major Monitoring
#996 SP: aa-statistics error message on login accepted André Moreira major System administration
#998 Access/Login Problems at assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck major AAI
#1000 Review server timezone new André Moreira major System administration
#1009 BBAW - teiHeader - licensing info missing assigned major MetadataCuration
#1011 BBAW - teiHeader - bad curation score assigned major MetadataCuration
#1014 Make button group with two choices more clear new Willem Elbers major VCRegistry
#1017 Logout button new Willem Elbers major VCRegistry
#1036 Exclude image listing at the bottom of a page new Dieter Van Uytvanck major Website
#1045 Records with NO title reopened major MetadataCuration
#1049 Records with NO title - Liederenbank@Meertens assigned major MetadataCuration
#1054 Bad URL encoding in -> redirects new André Moreira major System administration
#1067 Extreme title duplication in Talkbank collection new major MetadataCuration
#1077 alter view-contact view to enable hiding of email assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck major Website
#1080 Including images in pages causes failure, which causes upstream switch at proxy new André Moreira major Website
#1090 Authentication to OTA failed for user from University of Tübingen new André Moreira major AAI
#545 The search function should not strip diacritics assigned Twan Goosen minor VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#958 Files missing assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck minor Website
#971 Provider - assigned Dirk Goldhahn minor Harvesting
#972 Provider - assigned Thomas Kisler minor Harvesting
#974 Provider - assigned Marie Hinrichs minor Harvesting
#982 False alert for resolution of new Dirk Goldhahn minor Monitoring
#1010 Piwik overlay accepted André Moreira minor System administration
#1020 mixed content warning for loading http images assigned Leif-Jöran minor SRUAggregator
#1046 Greek Centre not appearing in the VLO new minor MetadataCuration
#1047 language:1978 assigned minor MetadataCuration
#1066 Many MPI-PL records have no MdCollectionDisplayName new minor MetadataCuration
#1085 Authentication to OTA failed for user from University of Tübingen new André Moreira minor AAI
#1086 Problem with admin messages from new André Moreira minor System administration
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.