Custom Query (26 matches)


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Status: assigned (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#391 Decide on 'Content search in result set' feature Twan Goosen task minor VLO web app
#545 The search function should not strip diacritics Twan Goosen defect minor VLO web app
#721 Produce bookmarkable links with Ajax updates Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO web app
#734 Postprocessor for field temporalCoverage + Support in Web app Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO web app
#791 Support Sitelinks search box Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO web app
#872 vlo-beta: Combined search (search term + facet) does not order the search resualts correctly enhancement minor VLO web app
#436 RSS-support for search results Twan Goosen feature trivial VLO web app
#527 Proposes similar facet values in case of no matches Twan Goosen enhancement trivial VLO web app

Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#357 Availability of harvest output to VLO defect major VLO importer
#688 Metadata curation feature major VLO importer
#855 Make available selected facets to LR switchboard Twan Goosen enhancement major VLO web app
#870 Improve VLO accessibility Twan Goosen enhancement major VLO web app
#960 Show secondary facets unconditionally if few facets remain Twan Goosen enhancement major VLO web app
#564 Ignore non-alphabetical characters when sorting all values Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO web app
#587 Compounds and phrases in suggester enhancement minor VLO importer
#738 Present content language information in description fields Twan Goosen feature minor VLO web app
#771 Preview of image resources Twan Goosen feature minor VLO web app
#777 Custom error page for VLO web app Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO web app
#796 CSV vocabulary maps for MD curators task minor MetadataCuration
#817 Unexpected expansion behaviour on multiple occurrences of the same record in a hierarchy tree Twan Goosen defect minor VLO web app
#819 Better Integration of MetadataMapper helper class enhancement minor VLO importer
#825 Add a "cite this" button to the presentation of a single resource Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO web app
#959 Redundant XPath extraction defect minor VLO importer
#976 Update ISO 639-3 support enhancement minor VLO importer
#792 show missing values for facets in VLO feature trivial VLO importer VLO-3.0
#849 Document ID in URL path for record pages Twan Goosen enhancement trivial VLO web app
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.