Custom Query (37 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#569 Incomplete VLO import of new material added to the UdS repository defect blocker VLO importer
#876 Add acceptance host; harmonize dev, acceptance and production Sander Maijers task blocker System administration
#211 XML is always expanded twagoo defect critical ComponentRegistry-1.12 ComponentRegistry
#169 ResourceName element is not recognized herste, teckart defect major VLO web app
#176 Several problems introduced after updating drupal modules Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major Website
#198 simplify event type and theming Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major Website
#207 reset password not always working Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major Website
#312 (test ticket for solving CC problem) sanmai defect major Centre Registry
#341 unknown profile referred in DTA records dietuyt defect major MetadataCuration
#367 The schema: add URI for "Version" peterwithers defect major DASISH backend
#435 Display of multiple results across several pages does not work defect major SRUAggregator
#440 Where does the https in front of the Reference in the information (i) link comes from? kisler defect major SRUAggregator
#445 empty records for Humboldt Uni Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major MetadataCuration
#484 add resourceProxy to Finnish Language Bank Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement major MetadataCuration
#568 CLARIN OAI Harvester Web View no longer updated defect major VLO importer
#593 CMDI dump with recent data, packed regularly by the CMDI feature major VLO importer
#628 invalid references when creating VC from VLO search defect major VCRegistry
#630 Huygens record empty in VLO defect major MetadataCuration
#737 Testi test test Uwe Reichel defect major AAI
#769 Propose fuzzy search in case of 0 records found for searchtext enhancement major VLO web app
#856 Investigate and fix HTTP 500 error Twan Goosen defect major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 VCRegistry
#868 vlo-beta: What should the user do with this (obvious) error message Twan Goosen defect major VLO web app
#870 Improve VLO accessibility Twan Goosen enhancement major VLO-4.2 or later VLO web app
#879 Alter MySQL database name and permissions for Drupal Sander Maijers defect major System administration
#911 Deletion of VirtualCollection fails Willem Elbers defect major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 VCRegistry
#932 'Featured Resource' View on portal home page not changing Sander Maijers defect major Website
#941 Twitter feed on CLARIN ERIC website not displaying tweets Sander Maijers defect major Website
#33 IE 7 renders columns too small Dieter Van Uytvanck defect minor Website
#80 get rid of the role "member" Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement minor Website
#84 Some links are changed from orginal in the result page patdui task minor VLO web app
#98 Record with duplicate id does not show patdui defect minor VLO web app
#171 Facet values with diacritics not in the first character should not be under Other herste defect minor VLO web app
#248 import records with tutorials from CLARIN-D HUB herste enhancement minor VLO web app
#396 Better handling of multiple results Twan Goosen feature minor VLO web app
#572 Support publication via REST service enhancement minor VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.0 VCRegistry
#627 Help tooltips on activation of text input enhancement minor VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 VCRegistry
#943 No tooltips available in wizard popups Willem Elbers defect minor VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 VCRegistry
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.