

18:06 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
18:05 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
18:01 Vorschlag_Saarbruecken.txt attached to VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 by haaf@bbaw.de
Relationen Saarbruecken
18:00 Vorschlag_Stuttgart_Teil-2.txt attached to VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 by haaf@bbaw.de
Relationen Stuttgart (2)
17:59 Vorschlag_Stuttgart_Teil-1.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 by haaf@bbaw.de
Relationen Stuttgart (1)
17:49 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
17:48 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-10-15 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
17:36 Ticket #540 (Ticket owner drop-down) closed by Sander Maijers
16:58 Facettensortierung_Peter.txt attached to VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 by haaf@bbaw.de
Peter Fankhauser: Vorschlag zur Facettensortierung im VLO
15:55 Changeset [5868] by Twan Goosen
merged update of CHANGES file
15:54 Changeset [5867] by Twan Goosen
Updated CHANGES for 1.14
15:52 Ticket #692 (Document REST service with swagger) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Final documentation added in [log:/ComponentRegistry/trunk@5851:5859
15:45 Changeset [5866] by Twan Goosen
Removed CMDValidate, now a separate project. Dependency on 1.2 (no …
15:44 Changeset [5865] by Twan Goosen
removed CMDValidate from compreg aggregator pom
15:43 Ticket #705 (Collection CKCC has very poor metadata) closed by haaf@bbaw.de
15:36 Ticket #710 (Use standard country codes) created by Sander Maijers
I propose that we use and enforce standard country codes, f.i. ISO …
15:34 Changeset [5864] by Twan Goosen
Tagged cmd validate 1.2 (copied from ComponentRegistry-1.14.0)
15:32 Changeset [5863] by Twan Goosen
Tagged 1.14.0 release of ComponentRegistry
15:32 Ticket #709 (xx.clarin.eu, where xx is the alias, should not be mandatory) created by Sander Maijers
I propose that this will become an optional value, and if it is …
15:23 Changeset [5862] by Twan Goosen
Moved CMDValidate out of ComponentRegistry trunk into its own …
15:15 Changeset [5861] by Twan Goosen
renamed 1.14.0 branch to 1.14
15:14 Changeset [5860] by Twan Goosen
merged API documentation additions from trunk to 1.14 branch
15:12 Changeset [5859] by Twan Goosen
api documentation
15:09 Ticket #708 (Provide hyperlinks to primary Centre type certificate on /all_centres) created by Sander Maijers
Show Centre type status when Centre has not yet obtained …
15:06 Ticket #707 (Allow for Centres without a Consortium) created by Sander Maijers
It was found that some Centres do not belong to any real Consortium. …
15:03 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
14:59 Changeset [5858] by Twan Goosen
further documentation of the REST service
14:59 Ticket #706 (Always produce correct URLs at /restxml/) created by Sander Maijers
Some software may try to use the (redundant) URLs listed in the XML …
14:53 Ticket #479 (Add Entities "https://clarin.ids-mannheim.de/shibboleth" and ...) closed by Sander Maijers
14:52 Ticket #478 (Remove Entity "https://idp.ids-mannheim.de/shibboleth" from SPF-federations) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: Done. Reopen if you still find it after giving the identity …
14:47 Changeset [5857] by Twan Goosen
renamed ComponentRegistry 1.14 branch (nothing to do with oauth)
14:47 Centre Registry edited by Sander Maijers
12:58 Ticket #705 (Collection CKCC has very poor metadata) created by haaf@bbaw.de
For collection CKCC only very poor metadata is available via the VLO. …
12:23 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
12:19 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
12:08 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
12:05 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
12:04 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de
10:34 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 edited by haaf@bbaw.de


14:44 Ticket #704 (VLO data provider level documentation) created by haaf@bbaw.de
Provide a draft for a VLO data provider level documentation (e.g. …
14:39 Ticket #703 (VLO user level documentation) created by haaf@bbaw.de
Provide a draft for a VLO user level documentation
14:36 Ticket #702 (Create CMDI-profile/-components specifically for the VLO) created by haaf@bbaw.de
Create a profile that exclusively focuses on metadata elements that …
11:40 Centre Registry edited by Sander Maijers
11:39 Ticket #701 (DNS and hyperlink revision) created by Sander Maijers
DNS improvements: * Rename VM hostname to clarin-centre-registry. …
11:37 Ticket #700 (Re-establish Shibbolization (make login button work).) created by Sander Maijers
This was removed during staging because of configuration issues and …


19:42 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27 created by herold@bbaw.de
19:40 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
17:56 Ticket #307 (Support for filtering by consortium) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: Through the UI you can now filter out Centres on …
17:51 Ticket #657 (Include schema in all_centres view handled by REST API) closed by Sander Maijers
17:50 Ticket #656 (Add FCS endpoints menu) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: https://centres-staging.clarin.eu:4430/fcs One should now administer …
17:48 Ticket #474 (display Monitoring fields in single centre view) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: https://centres-staging.clarin.eu:4430/spf gives an overview of SPF …
17:45 Ticket #476 (editing interface for consortia information) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: Consortia can now be edited through …
17:45 Ticket #486 (Sanitize OAI endpoint links / UI enhancement) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: https://centres-staging.clarin.eu:4430/oai_pmh REST API v2 example: …
17:42 Ticket #517 (add countries) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: U.S.A. has been added (country code 'US') Consortia and thus …
17:40 Ticket #505 (add CSS from clarin.eu site) closed by Sander Maijers
wontfix: https://centres-staging.clarin.eu:4430/ now uses a newly developed …
17:38 Ticket #497 (KML export) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: Map and KML export API: https://centres-staging.clarin.eu:4430/map
17:37 Ticket #592 (National consortia missing: Finland) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: They are listed now, will be in production soon. …
10:21 Changeset [5856] by Menzo Windhouwer
M toolkit/xsd/minimal-cmdi.xsd M …


16:02 Changeset [5855] by Sander Maijers
* Correct previous commit adding font-awesome library to CLARIN style: …
15:34 Changeset [5854] by Sander Maijers
* Also add a required library to the CLARIN style distribution.
15:33 Changeset [5853] by Sander Maijers
* Add files required for the CLARIN style to its directory.
14:04 Changeset [5852] by Sander Maijers
* Make CLARIN style more modular.
13:46 Changeset [5851] by Twan Goosen
further API documentation
10:28 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Twan Goosen
added todo for local extensions (diff)
10:24 Taskforces/CMDI edited by Twan Goosen


20:38 Changeset [5850] by olhsha@mpi.nl
when annotation update is received from a "Writer" then it is checked …
15:36 Ticket #699 (Use content language information in description fields) created by Twan Goosen
The importer stores content language (xml:lang) information in …
15:33 Ticket #681 (Regular expressions for national project mapping) closed by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
15:31 Changeset [5849] by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Added support for xml:lang attribute for field description (#667), …
15:20 Changeset [5848] by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Minor refactoring: moving utility methods to new class LanguageCodeUtils?
09:18 Changeset [5847] by Twan Goosen
Merged two fixes from trunk to 1.14 branch
09:03 Changeset [5846] by Twan Goosen
Prevented NPE when anonymous user requests comments on a public component
08:35 Changeset [5845] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-manage-system/manage/dump.acc - fix the HTML - dump …
08:35 Changeset [5844] by Twan Goosen
Drop downs for groups and users in Groups management (admin pages)


19:04 Changeset [5843] by djettka@gmail.com
changed entityID of HZSK entry (https -> http)
19:02 Changeset [5842] by djettka@gmail.com
changed entityID of HZSK entry
16:28 Changeset [5841] by emanuel.dima@uni-tuebingen.de
UI improvements; UI corpus view; improved scan code
13:47 Changeset [5840] by olhsha@mpi.nl
more tests, error message is beter
12:00 Changeset [5839] by djettka@gmail.com
Update of HZSK entries


17:21 Changeset [5838] by olhsha@mpi.nl
units tests updating and adding (all-access)
12:00 Changeset [5837] by Kai Zimmer
BBAW metadata update 19.11.2014 (Kai Zimmer)
09:57 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
09:56 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen


17:52 Changeset [5836] by olhsha@mpi.nl
refactoring. Adding ALL as an access mode.
15:54 Ticket #695 (1.3 DSA Certification - DSA Assessment) closed by Dirk Goldhahn
15:53 Ticket #696 (2.2. CLARIN-D Center Certification - Center Assessment) closed by Dirk Goldhahn
15:50 Ticket #698 (6.3 Further Development Federated Content Search - Evaluation + ...) closed by Dirk Goldhahn
15:49 Ticket #697 (4.5 Further Development of AAI - EduGain) closed by Dirk Goldhahn
15:44 Ticket #698 (6.3 Further Development Federated Content Search - Evaluation + ...) created by Dirk Goldhahn
Goals: - specification on how to deal with POS-tags, phonetic …
15:40 Ticket #697 (4.5 Further Development of AAI - EduGain) created by Dirk Goldhahn
Goals: - integration of CLARIN-D centers (SPs) into EduGain?, Code of …
15:31 Ticket #696 (2.2. CLARIN-D Center Certification - Center Assessment) created by Dirk Goldhahn
Goals: - CLARIN center assessment by all centers Results: - center …
15:25 Ticket #695 (1.3 DSA Certification - DSA Assessment) created by Dirk Goldhahn
Goals: - DSA assessment by all centers Results: - DSA assessment …
09:26 Ticket #694 (try mapping Europeana metadata schema) created by Dieter Van Uytvanck
Some OAI endpoints provide additional useful metadata fields through …


10:49 Changeset [5835] by Twan Goosen
tagged 1.14.0-RC2
10:45 Changeset [5834] by Twan Goosen
merged changes from trunk
10:36 Changeset [5833] by Twan Goosen
Updated REST documentation after removal of group operations in rest …
10:34 Changeset [5832] by Twan Goosen
removed superfluous group methods of REST interface not used by the client
10:22 Changeset [5831] by Twan Goosen
Updated REST documentation to reflect changes in the interface


17:22 Ticket #693 (convert 3-letter language codes in OLAC records to olac-language attribute) created by Dieter Van Uytvanck
Currently in the OLAC2CMDI XSLT only language codes which are encoded …


17:04 Changeset [5830] by djettka@gmail.com
Changed URL https://vs1.corpora.uni-hamburg.de into …
16:41 Ticket #684 (Updates Metadata for IDS SPs) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: Submitted to Haka/Kalmar? Union.
16:15 Changeset [5829] by olhsha@mpi.nl
the full slide collection is done
15:19 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
15:17 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
importer (diff)
15:16 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
15:11 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
Editor (diff)
14:56 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
Editor (incomplete) (diff)
14:43 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
Editor (incomplete) (diff)
14:31 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
Editor (incomplete) (diff)
14:00 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
page outline (diff)
13:59 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
editor actions (diff)
13:52 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
actions. removed REST URIs (diff)
13:22 Changeset [5828] by Twan Goosen
removed rest operation for creating groups
13:15 Changeset [5827] by Twan Goosen
swagger base URI for production
13:13 Ticket #692 (Document REST service with swagger) created by Twan Goosen
Swagger was added to the Component Registry REST …
13:09 Changeset [5826] by Twan Goosen
added and configured swagger.io
08:59 Changeset [5825] by Twan Goosen
removed test web.xml for RC
08:52 Changeset [5824] by Twan Goosen
tagged first release candidate of 1.14.0
08:49 Changeset [5823] by Twan Goosen
branched of 1.14.0, trunk now 1.15.0-SNAPSHOT
08:41 Changeset [5822] by Twan Goosen
button state in browser


17:27 Changeset [5821] by olhsha@mpi.nl
16:37 Ticket #472 (groups function producing errors and failing component registry/lux16) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: All works fine now (r5781). …
16:35 Changeset [5820] by Twan Goosen
added todo for faster lookup of items
16:20 Changeset [5819] by Twan Goosen
added jpaDialect context param to update instructions
15:46 Changeset [5818] by Twan Goosen
removed JMX config requirement from update instructions
15:20 Changeset [5817] by Twan Goosen
made constants for the registry space names
15:16 Ticket #687 (Ensure backwards compatibility of REST interface) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Fixed in r5816
15:14 Changeset [5816] by Twan Goosen
Added support for the deprecated 'userspace' parameter in getting list …
13:48 Ticket #620 (Check datacategory filtering and add to test plan) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: This seems to work as intended and is covered by the …
13:30 Ticket #670 (Component-Browser-gui: "blue-dot") closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Replying to twan.goosen@…: > 'Blue dot' still occurs in …
13:29 Changeset [5815] by Twan Goosen
When a component cannot be found in the current or public registry …
12:04 Changeset [5814] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-interface-rest/representations/dcs2/openskos.xsl - …
11:36 Ticket #674 (the server: een group member cannot move a profile/comp to another goup) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Fixed in r5813
11:36 Changeset [5813] by Twan Goosen
Also allow other (non-creator) group members to transfer an item to …
11:22 Ticket #629 (Investigate 'GC overhead limit exceeded' error) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Not happening anymore, maybe because of increased heapspace
10:43 Ticket #670 (Component-Browser-gui: "blue-dot") reopened by Twan Goosen
'Blue dot' still occurs in case of cross-group or private->group …
09:01 Ticket #691 (Admin interface for group management) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Implemented in ComponentRegistry/trunk/ComponentRegistry@5808:5812
08:58 Changeset [5812] by Twan Goosen
further improvements on the groups admin page refs #691


16:01 Changeset [5811] by Twan Goosen
individual group: create and list members refs #691
15:15 Gruppe Vokabular_v5.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Vocabulary by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
15:08 Changeset [5810] by Twan Goosen
listing and creation of groups refs #691
14:54 Changeset [5809] by ccoltekin@gmail.com
Added requested attributes for WebLicht?.
14:44 Changeset [5808] by Twan Goosen
started group management page in wicket admin refs #691
14:40 Changeset [5807] by Twan Goosen
some fixes and refactoring in Wicket front-end
14:40 Changeset [5806] by Oliver Schonefeld
- bump version
14:38 Changeset [5805] by Oliver Schonefeld
- tag version 0.9.4
14:33 Changeset [5804] by Oliver Schonefeld
- some javadoc and other miscellaneous stuff
14:16 Ticket #670 (Component-Browser-gui: "blue-dot") closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Fixed in r5803
14:16 Changeset [5803] by Twan Goosen
Added permanent instances for the public component and profile list …
13:05 Ticket #669 (the server: slow check component usage) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Fixed in r5802. Total response times when deleting a component are …
13:00 Changeset [5802] by Twan Goosen
Improved performance of component usage checking (by at least a factor …
10:21 Changeset [5801] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-interface-rest/representations/dcs2/openskos.xsl - use …
09:40 Changeset [5800] by Twan Goosen
testing of unauthenticated or unauthorized requests for groups
00:07 Changeset [5799] by Oliver Schonefeld
- add support for EndpointDescription? parsing
00:06 Changeset [5798] by Oliver Schonefeld
- add support for EndpointDescription? parsing
00:05 Changeset [5797] by Oliver Schonefeld
- add support for parsing extra response data
00:04 Changeset [5796] by Oliver Schonefeld
- fix parsing in 'skipContent' case


16:13 Changeset [5795] by Twan Goosen
Fixed issue that private profiles & components were requested when …
11:02 Ticket #691 (Admin interface for group management) created by Twan Goosen
Add a section to the Wicket Admin interface to manage the groups (make …
10:56 Ticket #690 (Migrate end user documentation to CLARIN website) created by Twan Goosen
Currently a word document in the project; migrate to a page or set of …
09:01 Changeset [5794] by Twan Goosen
extended development info


17:50 Changeset [5793] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-site/site/index.html M …
17:28 Changeset [5792] by Menzo Windhouwer
Added announcement for December 2014.
16:20 Ticket #689 (Unauthenticated users should be able to access public content) closed by Twan Goosen
15:50 Changeset [5791] by Twan Goosen
Added the authentication required exception, thrown in the Component …
14:26 Changeset [5790] by xnrn@gmx.net
updated the Organisations vocabulary with data from CLAVAS
14:04 Changeset [5789] by Twan Goosen
When a public registry is requested, do not require authentication …
13:59 Ticket #689 (Unauthenticated users should be able to access public content) created by Twan Goosen
Currently accessing any registry or component/profile fails if the …
10:54 Changeset [5788] by Twan Goosen
fixed get user profiles test
10:49 Changeset [5787] by Twan Goosen
Added test for listing public components without authentication
09:59 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
09:20 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
09:08 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec edited by Twan Goosen
08:59 ComponentRegistryAndEditor/FrontEndSpec created by Twan Goosen


07:49 Changeset [5786] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-manage-system/module.xml M …


18:03 Ticket #425 (Get rid of CamelCase and underscores in searchable facet values) closed by haaf@bbaw.de
18:03 Ticket #410 (Merge facet values that only differ by capitalisation) closed by haaf@bbaw.de
18:03 Ticket #310 (facet value mapping) closed by haaf@bbaw.de
18:03 Ticket #255 (Handling of unclean facets) closed by haaf@bbaw.de
18:02 Ticket #688 (Metadata curation) created by haaf@bbaw.de
(is: combination of closed tickets #255, #310, #410, #425) Mapping of …
15:07 Changeset [5785] by Oliver Schonefeld
- fix parsing of extra response data
13:09 SystemAdministration/Monitoring/Icinga/Outdated edited by Sander Maijers
Add MPI Nagios URL (diff)


18:36 Changeset [5784] by emanuel.dima@uni-tuebingen.de
more code cleanup + UI improvements: kwic checkbox, info popover
16:29 Changeset [5783] by Twan Goosen
Added tests for unauthenticated requests to public components/profiles
16:23 Changeset [5782] by Twan Goosen
added tests for getting and deleting components/profiles
13:58 Changeset [5781] by Twan Goosen
added development build profile that causes app to log to console
13:58 Changeset [5780] by Twan Goosen
merged database upgrade scripts
13:41 Ticket #687 (Ensure backwards compatibility of REST interface) created by Twan Goosen
Support calls such as * …
12:58 Ticket #675 (Update database schema for testing) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Copied database content of production to lux16 and applied upgrade script
12:40 Changeset [5779] by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Extented tests
12:36 Changeset [5778] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-interface-rest/representations/dcs2/openskos.xsl - use …
10:34 Changeset [5777] by Mitchell Seaton
Added Organization and Contact details for infra.clarin.dk
10:16 Changeset [5776] by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Support for explicit ISO639-2 language codes (=with prefix) and test …
08:50 Changeset [5775] by Twan Goosen
extended README file


14:51 Gruppe Vokabular_v4.2.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Vocabulary by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
14:33 Gruppe Vokabular_v4.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Vocabulary by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
14:32 Changeset [5774] by olhsha@mpi.nl
updating annotations: if the current user is not owner then the …
13:11 Changeset [5773] by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Declared RCF1766_Pattern final
12:23 Ticket #686 (Better support for RFC1766 codes (or similar) in LanguageCodePostprocessor) closed by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
fixed: Commited to trunk r5772
12:14 Changeset [5772] by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Better support for RFC1766 language codes (or similar) #686
12:10 Ticket #686 (Better support for RFC1766 codes (or similar) in LanguageCodePostprocessor) created by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Especially support for the very frequent (and invalid) values: "nl_NL" …
10:33 Changeset [5771] by emanuel.dima@uni-tuebingen.de
upgraded to new SRUClient with new spec and legacy support + fast …


12:46 Ticket #685 (Make display of 'beta' badge in UI configurable through context parameter) created by Twan Goosen
The 'beta' badge which is include in the abstract base page template …
09:33 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
07:50 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
07:23 CMDI 1.2/Resource proxies/ResourceRelation edited by herold@bbaw.de
corrected VLO-TF link (diff)
07:21 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by herold@bbaw.de
corrected link to VLO-TF (diff)


17:20 Changeset [5770] by Oliver Schonefeld
- remove BETA badge (jaja, don't commit to tag, but ask me if I care ;)
13:30 Ticket #684 (Updates Metadata for IDS SPs) created by Oliver Schonefeld
Hi SPF-Admin, the metadata for both IDS SPs …
13:26 Changeset [5769] by Oliver Schonefeld
- Update IDS SPs metadata (new SHA-2 certificates)
13:11 Taskforces/Meeting20141024 edited by xnrn@gmx.net
13:10 Ticket #683 (employ the curated org vocab for the organisation facet) created by xnrn@gmx.net
employ the (already curated) …
12:25 Changeset [5768] by Kai Zimmer
BBAW metadata update 3.11.2014 (Kai Zimmer)
11:23 Taskforces/Meeting20141024 edited by xnrn@gmx.net
11:06 Ticket #682 (Curate the records in LRT inventory) created by xnrn@gmx.net
The content of the LRT inventory has been moved to the …
10:54 Taskforces/Meeting20141024 edited by xnrn@gmx.net


21:13 Taskforces/Meeting20141024 edited by xnrn@gmx.net
added notes on the discussion during the meeting (diff)
20:48 Taskforces/Curation/ValueNormalization edited by xnrn@gmx.net
20:30 Taskforces/Curation/ValueNormalization edited by xnrn@gmx.net
answered the questions about VLO pre-/postprocessing (diff)


15:00 ServiceProviderFederation/Archive/SP configuration guide edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
added spf@clarin.eu mail contact (diff)
13:51 VLO-Taskforce/Facets edited by Jörg Knappen
13:50 fassetten.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Facets by Jörg Knappen
About facets (in German)
12:26 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
12:19 VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-10-15 edited by herold@bbaw.de
12:16 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
12:07 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
12:01 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
11:54 VLO-Taskforce/Best-Practice created by herold@bbaw.de
11:52 VLO-Taskforce/Vocabulary edited by herold@bbaw.de
fixed link to attachment (diff)
11:51 Gruppe Vokabular_v3.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Vocabulary by herold@bbaw.de
3rd draft of vocabulary recommendations (in German)
11:51 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
refactored to wiki:VLO-Taskforce/Vocabulary (diff)
11:50 VLO-Taskforce/Vocabulary created by herold@bbaw.de
from wiki:%20VLO%20Taskforce
11:49 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
refactored to wiki:VLO-Taskforce/Facets (diff)
11:49 VLO-Taskforce/Facets edited by herold@bbaw.de
from wiki:%20VLO%20Taskforce (diff)
11:47 time_coverage.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Facets by herold@bbaw.de
Time Coverage: Definition, Use Cases, VLO Interface, Data Categories, …
11:47 VLO_facets.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce/Facets by herold@bbaw.de
VLO facets with ISO Cats (9.10.2013)
11:46 facets.ods attached to VLO-Taskforce/Facets by herold@bbaw.de
Summary of desired facets for the VLO (15.10.2013)
11:46 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
Refactored to wiki:VLO-Taskforce/Facets (diff)
11:45 VLO-Taskforce/Facets created by herold@bbaw.de
11:43 VLO_Tischvorlage_2014-01-07.pdf attached to VLO-Taskforce by herold@bbaw.de
Summary of VLO data curation issues and plans
11:43 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
refactored to wiki:VLO-Taskforce (diff)
11:42 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
input from %20VLO%20Taskforce (diff)
11:40 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
11:36 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
incorporated information from the %20VLO%20Taskforce page (diff)
11:34 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by herold@bbaw.de
11:34 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
11:32 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de
11:27 VLO-Taskforce edited by herold@bbaw.de


14:57 Changeset [5767] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-interface-rest/representations/dcs2/openskos.xsl - …
14:34 Changeset [5766] by Menzo Windhouwer
D mod-ISOcat-access-system/info/revision.log - should have never …
14:30 Changeset [5765] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-interface-rest/etc/HTTPBridgeConfig.xml - pass on …
14:25 Changeset [5764] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-site/site/clarin/vlo/mapping/facetConcepts.acc - pass …
14:21 Changeset [5763] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-site/site/clarin/vlo/mapping/facetConcepts.acc - …
14:19 Changeset [5762] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-site/site/clarin/vlo/mapping/facetConcepts.acc - a bit …
14:00 Changeset [5761] by Menzo Windhouwer
M mod-ISOcat-manage-system/manage/dump.acc - dump more …
12:53 Changeset [5760] by Twan Goosen
bumped heap space for importer to 2G
11:33 Changeset [5759] by systeembeheer@inl.nl
update COC Attributes toegevoegd
09:47 SoftwareDevelopment/EPIC/APIv2 edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
added 11459 prefix (diff)


18:42 Changeset [5758] by emanuel.dima@uni-tuebingen.de
updated to the latest SRUClient version (new spec support and legacy …
17:51 Changeset [5757] by Menzo Windhouwer
M toolkit/xslt/olac2cmdi.xsl - removed unused variable - check for …
14:33 ServiceProviderFederation edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
14:32 ServiceProviderFederation edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
11:13 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by fankhauser@ids-mannheim.de
10:54 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by fankhauser@ids-mannheim.de
10:30 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by fankhauser@ids-mannheim.de
10:11 VLO-Taskforce/Relations edited by fankhauser@ids-mannheim.de
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.