Custom Query (59 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#8 overview statistics accepted ljo enhancement minor
#20 MDService reading isocat with language-param new vronk task minor
#21 get html-snippets out of js-code new vronk task minor
#67 cache summary navigable new gaba enhancement minor
#88 link from collection to its md-record new gaba enhancement minor
#115 export result in CSV(?) new matej enhancement minor
#117 KWIC-view of the result new vronk enhancement minor
#118 cache HTML as well new vronk task minor
#120 fall-back resultSummary new vronk task minor
#121 allow to group resultset new vronk enhancement minor
#122 enhance Terms detail new vronk enhancement minor
#147 Add a parameter to link to the components/profiles tab assigned Twan Goosen enhancement minor
#221 add a favicon for the component registry assigned Twan Goosen enhancement minor
#380 BBAW Organisation name assigned task minor
#391 Decide on 'Content search in result set' feature assigned Twan Goosen task VLO-4.2 or later minor
#545 The search function should not strip diacritics assigned Twan Goosen defect VLO-4.2 or later minor
#603 Auto-recognize links in description field new enhancement VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 minor
#605 Make it possible to re-use authors that have been entered before new enhancement VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 minor
#610 enable single logout for CLARIN IdP assigned Willem Elbers enhancement minor
#612 add creator lookup based on ORCID new enhancement VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.2 minor
#626 Bootstrap styled pagination controls new enhancement VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1 minor
#721 Produce bookmarkable links with Ajax updates assigned Twan Goosen enhancement VLO-4.2 or later minor
#734 Postprocessor for field temporalCoverage + Support in Web app assigned Twan Goosen enhancement VLO-4.2 or later minor
#791 Support Sitelinks search box assigned Twan Goosen enhancement VLO-4.2 or later minor
#863 Automate collection of host info new Sander Maijers enhancement minor
#871 Record page could be stateless assigned Willem Elbers enhancement minor
#872 vlo-beta: Combined search (search term + facet) does not order the search resualts correctly assigned enhancement VLO-4.2 or later minor
#881 Migrate new Sander Maijers task minor
#907 support multi-file upload again assigned André Moreira enhancement minor
#912 1.4 DSA Certification - Alternative Certifications new Dirk Goldhahn task CLARIN-D Q2/2016 minor
#914 1.6 DSA Certification - Nestor Certification Requirements new Dirk Goldhahn task CLARIN-D Q4/2016 minor
#916 3.3 Single Sign-on for all CLARIN-D Applications - Coordination with CLARIN ERIC new Marie Hinrichs task CLARIN-D Q4/2016 minor
#917 3.4 Single Sign-on for all CLARIN-D Applications - Documentation assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck task CLARIN-D Q2/2016 minor
#922 24.2 Sustainability - Technical Feasibility new Dirk Goldhahn task CLARIN-D Q2/2016 minor
#923 26.1 Concept & Implementation Transfer of Tools - Identification of Candidates assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck task CLARIN-D Q2/2016 minor
#958 Files missing assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck defect minor
#965 Clean up Drupal redirects assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck task minor
#971 Provider - assigned Dirk Goldhahn defect minor
#972 Provider - assigned Thomas Kisler defect minor
#974 Provider - assigned Marie Hinrichs defect minor
#982 False alert for resolution of new Dirk Goldhahn defect minor
#995 Integrate Perseids SP in the SPF assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck task minor
#1002 strip typographic quotes from URLs accepted André Moreira enhancement minor
#1003 Investigate possibilities to add the content of views to search index assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement minor
#1006 Investigate a web-based alternative to google earth for the VLW assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement minor
#1010 Piwik overlay accepted André Moreira defect minor
#1020 mixed content warning for loading http images assigned Leif-Jöran defect minor
#1029 provide governance view with affiliation field new Dieter Van Uytvanck feature minor
#1043 Flickr icon in footer accepted André Moreira enhancement minor
#1046 Greek Centre not appearing in the VLO new defect minor
#1047 language:1978 assigned defect minor
#1057 Force responsive images by default reopened enhancement minor
#1066 Many MPI-PL records have no MdCollectionDisplayName new defect minor
#1079 investigage automated link checking new André Moreira enhancement minor
#1081 TU-Dresden not releasing attributes assigned André Moreira task minor
#1084 link blog tags to /blog view instead of standard drupal tag-based list new André Moreira enhancement minor
#1085 Authentication to OTA failed for user from University of Tübingen new André Moreira defect minor
#1086 Problem with admin messages from new André Moreira defect minor
#1089 Help with embedding a VLO search box on an external website new Twan Goosen enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.