Custom Query (69 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Milestone Owner Type Priority Component
#884 Security-critical instructions to data centre support should have integrity Sander Maijers defect critical System administration
#891 dmeventd for LVM hogs CPU on CentOS 7 Willem Elbers defect critical System administration
#19 accomodate Component datcats in SemanticMapping matej enhancement major MDService
#73 result sorting vronk enhancement major MDRepository
#74 result sorting gaba enhancement major MDBrowser
#83 translate MDBrowser-interface gaba task major MDBrowser
#94 problem getting an individual record ljo defect major MDRepository
#95 get sub-collections ljo defect major MDRepository
#108 implement SRU-Proxy vronk enhancement major MDService
#109 publish virtual collections on VCR vronk enhancement major MDBrowser
#110 implement SRU.explain() matej enhancement major MDService
#111 implement SRU.scan() vronk enhancement major MDService
#119 paging-params inconsistent matej task major MDRepository
#123 Schema for MDService data vronk task major MDService
#124 testing suite vronk task major MDService
#128 allow querying of attributes vronk enhancement major MDService
#601 Versioning of virtual collections feature major VCRegistry
#621 Custom user properties override SAML attributes feature major VCRegistry
#622 More lightweight response at /service/virtualcollections enhancement major VCRegistry
#704 VLO data provider level documentation task major VLO-WG
#755 decide which sets from The European Library to import task major VLO-WG
#764 Mimetypes for Linguistic Resources task major VLO-WG
#788 Quoting a query in the Aggregator interface causes query parsing errors on the endpoints defect major SRUAggregator
#864 Automated collection of running Docker containers Sander Maijers enhancement major System administration
#865 Make host pages adhere to host template in Trac Sander Maijers enhancement major System administration
#883 Devise automatic tty I/O auditing setup & policy Sander Maijers enhancement major System administration
#887 Configure local firewall for idp1-clarin and idp2-clarin Sander Maijers task major System administration
#893 "...more results" button should be present only when there are more results enhancement major SRUAggregator
#902 Grant read access to httpd logs Sander Maijers defect major System administration
#955 Add Reverse DNS records for TransIP VMs Sander Maijers task major System administration
#981 Add DKIM, DMARC DNS RRs for Sander Maijers enhancement major System administration
#1000 Review server timezone André Moreira defect major System administration
#1014 Make button group with two choices more clear Willem Elbers defect major VCRegistry
#1017 Logout button Willem Elbers defect major VCRegistry
#1030 Tool for checking broken external links Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement major Website
#1036 Exclude image listing at the bottom of a page Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major Website
#1042 Fill up the value mapping for resourceClass task major MetadataCuration
#1044 Fill up the value mapping for profileName to resourceClass enhancement major MetadataCuration
#1053 Mapping of collections to availability task major MetadataCuration
#1054 Bad URL encoding in -> redirects André Moreira defect major System administration
#1067 Extreme title duplication in Talkbank collection defect major MetadataCuration
#1068 should have information about taskforces André Moreira enhancement major Website
#1069 Curation of VLO organization facet enhancement major MetadataCuration
#1073 normalize modality facet task major MetadataCuration
#1076 profile 2 modality mapping task major MetadataCuration
#1080 Including images in pages causes failure, which causes upstream switch at proxy André Moreira defect major Website
#1082 Please test AAI on our server André Moreira task major AAI
#1090 Authentication to OTA failed for user from University of Tübingen André Moreira defect major AAI
#20 MDService reading isocat with language-param vronk task minor MDBrowser
#21 get html-snippets out of js-code vronk task minor MDBrowser
#67 cache summary navigable gaba enhancement minor MDBrowser
#88 link from collection to its md-record gaba enhancement minor MDBrowser
#115 export result in CSV(?) matej enhancement minor MDBrowser
#117 KWIC-view of the result vronk enhancement minor MDBrowser
#118 cache HTML as well vronk task minor MDService
#120 fall-back resultSummary vronk task minor MDService
#121 allow to group resultset vronk enhancement minor MDBrowser
#122 enhance Terms detail vronk enhancement minor MDBrowser
#863 Automate collection of host info Sander Maijers enhancement minor System administration
#881 Migrate Sander Maijers task minor System administration
#982 False alert for resolution of Dirk Goldhahn defect minor Monitoring
#1029 provide governance view with affiliation field Dieter Van Uytvanck feature minor Website
#1046 Greek Centre not appearing in the VLO defect minor MetadataCuration
#1066 Many MPI-PL records have no MdCollectionDisplayName defect minor MetadataCuration
#1079 investigage automated link checking André Moreira enhancement minor Website
#1084 link blog tags to /blog view instead of standard drupal tag-based list André Moreira enhancement minor Website
#1085 Authentication to OTA failed for user from University of Tübingen André Moreira defect minor AAI
#1086 Problem with admin messages from André Moreira defect minor System administration
#1089 Help with embedding a VLO search box on an external website Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO web app
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.