{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1079 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1 - 200 of 1079)

1 2 3 4 5 6

(empty) (200 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#516 "owner" shoule be removed from permission values DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha@mpi.nl 04/01/14
#312 (test ticket for solving CC problem) Centre Registry closed invalid defect major sanmai 06/11/13
#62 10 facet values instead of 5 VLO web app closed duplicate enhancement critical patdui 12/15/10
#560 2 profile references in CMD records of TLA: DiscAn MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major 02/01/18
#450 2.17 Beta-Beta: In the language facet for latin, still a lot of actors who have learned some latin occur VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/26/13
#454 2.17 Beta: Add XPath for the format facet for the UdS data VLO importer closed fixed defect major keeloo 03/03/14
#203 2.8 deploy errors and issues to be resolved before official release VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 06/13/12
#204 2.9 install error VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 06/13/12
#256 500 ERROR: page don't exists on editing a center entry Centre Registry closed fixed defect critical BSanchezRZG 12/19/13
#259 AILLA OLAC provider broken links MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major dietuyt 05/14/13
#297 Access to packaged National projects mapping file VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 05/16/13
#49 Add "group" to profiles ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major twagoo 04/28/11
#424 Add 'isPartOf' / 'containParts' information to result page of a resource VLO web app closed duplicate feature major Twan Goosen 05/08/15
#479 Add Entities "https://clarin.ids-mannheim.de/shibboleth" and "https://repos.ids-mannheim.de/shibboleth" to SPF-federations AAI closed fixed task major Dieter Van Uytvanck 11/28/14
#656 Add FCS endpoints menu Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 11/26/14
#258 Add IPROSLA to VLO VLO web app closed fixed task major keeloo 05/16/13
#535 Add URN:NBN resolving VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement minor 05/08/15
#11 Add a save and a save as new button ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major patdui 11/12/10
#125 Add attributes on components ComponentRegistry closed fixed task critical twagoo 10/21/11
#163 Add dateTime as value scheme type for elements ComponentRegistry closed fixed task minor twagoo 01/05/12
#47 Add description next to name in the list of results VLO web app closed fixed enhancement major herste 07/05/12
#301 Add discussion plugin Trac closed wontfix enhancement minor Dieter Van Uytvanck 02/17/16
#101 Add external archives to VLO VLO web app closed fixed defect major patdui 09/29/11
#419 Add facet deselection widget to the main VLO page VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement major keeloo 02/10/14
#506 Add include ressources extension Trac closed wontfix enhancement major 02/18/16
#826 Add introduction about Newsflash to news-portal view Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 03/21/16
#508 Add schematron rule to assert that CardinalityMax >= CardinalityMin ComponentSchema closed fixed defect minor menwin 03/06/14
#190 Add search button to 'search in ISOcat' ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement minor twagoo 04/27/12
#407 Add to facet continent: dc-3791 VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 10/15/13
#15 Adding "null" to ValueScheme (controlled vocabulary) doesn't show the item in the editor ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect major patdui 11/12/10
#175 Adding autocomplete-functionality VLO web app closed fixed enhancement critical teckart 01/28/13
#555 Advanced search form VLO web app closed wontfix feature major 05/08/15
#707 Allow for Centres without a Consortium Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#152 Allow multiple ResourceProxy references per component in CMDI profile schema ComponentSchema closed fixed enhancement major twagoo 10/21/11
#17 Allow reorder of elements/components in editor ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major patdui 11/12/10
#156 Allow users to set/modify friendly name ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement minor twagoo 06/11/12
#90 Allow xs:integer in ValueScheme ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement minor olhsha 01/30/13
#706 Always produce correct URLs at /restxml/ Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#823 Avatar for news/blog content disappears after uploading a new one Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 12/11/15
#380 BBAW Organisation name MetadataCuration assigned task minor wiegand@bbaw.de 09/12/18
#396 Better handling of multiple results VLO web app closed invalid feature minor Twan Goosen 05/08/15
#92 Breadcrumb to VLO-home VLO web app closed fixed task blocker patdui 01/28/11
#462 Broken CMDI view for a single ressource (LCC_DataSource) VLO web app closed worksforme defect minor Twan Goosen 05/15/14
#765 Broken link in https://www.clarin.eu/content/assessment-procedure Website closed fixed defect major 09/30/15
#420 Broken link in the VLO header VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 10/21/13
#287 CLARIN Logo in Trac has non-HTTPS URL Trac closed fixed defect trivial sanmai 03/08/13
#568 CLARIN OAI Harvester Web View no longer updated VLO importer closed invalid defect major keesjan.vandelooij@mpi.nl 06/04/14
#317 CLARIN-DK: request to add identifier with repository link MetadataCuration closed fixed enhancement major dietuyt 12/11/13
#413 CLARIN-branding for CLARIN CMDI records VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement minor Dieter Van Uytvanck 04/24/15
#593 CMDI dump with recent data, packed regularly by the CMDI VLO importer closed invalid feature major 10/16/14
#732 CMU SP technical session AAI closed worksforme task major 05/15/15
#502 Center Registry SSL Error Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 09/22/14
#54 Change columnheaders of results VLO web app closed fixed enhancement minor paucas 12/07/10
#810 Change main font on website Website closed fixed defect minor Sander Maijers 07/28/16
#23 Change style to give a more "clarin" feel VLO web app closed fixed task major paucas 11/22/10
#807 Changes to SPF metadata don't propagate to all federations AAI closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 10/23/15
#145 Changing and saving a component in private workspace gives an error ComponentRegistry closed duplicate 2.0 defect critical twagoo 09/20/11
#127 Cleanup of facets VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement minor herste 11/20/12
#99 Clicking in the gui to fold out a component results in duplicate data ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect major patdui 03/02/11
#705 Collection CKCC has very poor metadata VLO importer closed fixed defect minor 11/28/14
#184 Component UI editor should check for duplicate attribute names ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect critical twagoo 04/20/12
#241 Component documentation ComponentSchema closed fixed enhancement major Dieter Van Uytvanck 04/20/16
#333 Configuration variables should be specified outside the application code SCHEMAcat closed fixed SCHEMAcat-1.0 enhancement minor mwindhouwer 05/17/14
#744 Connecting the VLO takes too long VLO web app closed worksforme defect minor Twan Goosen 10/28/15
#488 Consider dynamic loading of (more) search results VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement minor Twan Goosen 05/08/15
#485 Consider removal of "Open in original context" VLO web app closed duplicate defect minor twagoo 02/10/14
#392 Content search in result set - Aufgabe von BAS, BBAW, HZSK, IDS, Saarbrücken, Stuttgart MetadataCuration closed fixed task major Thorsten Trippel 06/04/14
#293 Control the VLO importer heap usage VLO web app closed fixed defect critical keeloo 05/16/13
#106 Create "about" screen ComponentRegistry closed fixed task major twagoo 10/07/11
#702 Create CMDI-profile/-components specifically for the VLO VLO-WG assigned task major hanna.hedeland@uni-hamburg.de, Thorsten Trippel 01/09/15
#676 Create a metadata curation module MetadataCuration closed fixed task major davor.ostojic@oeaw.ac.at 01/31/18
#105 Create import based on conceptlinks VLO web app closed fixed enhancement major patdui 04/06/11
#86 Create make feedback button for a record VLO web app closed fixed enhancement major herste 11/24/12
#201 Create/edit buttons in browser ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major twagoo 05/21/12
#682 Curate the records in LRT inventory MetadataCuration assigned task major stranak@ufal.mff.cuni.cz 03/13/18
#621 Custom user properties override SAML attributes VCRegistry new feature major 08/21/14
#352 DCS to DCIF eats to many resources ISOcat closed fixed defect major mwindhouwer 09/16/13
#701 DNS and hyperlink revision Centre Registry closed fixed defect minor Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#318 DTA: request to add LandingPage MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major herold 07/08/13
#735 Data category should be searchable in the CCR ComponentRegistry assigned enhancement major menzo.windhouwer@di.huc.knaw.nl 04/23/18
#148 Deal with recursive component definitions when expanding for schema ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect critical twagoo 09/29/11
#132 Delete by dataprovider needs to escape spaces to work properly VLO web app closed fixed defect major patdui 06/24/11
#185 Delete comments from Flex UI ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect major twagoo 04/20/12
#76 Deprecated language codes mapping VLO web app closed wontfix defect major herste 11/20/12
#384 Detect duplicate metadata sets MetadataCuration closed fixed task major Dieter Van Uytvanck 02/01/18
#776 Different spellings of "Meertens:Pilnar collection" in MdCollectionDisplayName MetadataCuration closed fixed defect minor 02/01/18
#208 Disable cardinality if 'multilingual' selected ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major twagoo 05/17/14
#437 Disappearing subject? (ner suppresses named entity recognizer) VLO web app closed duplicate defect major keeloo 10/31/13
#523 DiscoJuice is fed syntactically invalid JSON when SAML URLs are unreachable AAI closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 10/14/14
#726 DiscoJuice not localized properly AAI closed fixed defect major willem.elbers@mpi.nl 04/10/15
#435 Display of multiple results across several pages does not work SRUAggregator closed invalid defect major yana_panchenko@yahoo.com 11/28/13
#728 Display problem in "Show all metadata fields"-section VLO web app closed duplicate defect minor 06/25/15
#389 Don't prune metadata sets if OAI-PMH endpoints fail VLO web app closed fixed enhancement minor keeloo 11/14/13
#664 Donwloading a pdf file from the VLO with firefox results in wrong filename nincluding jsessionid VLO web app closed worksforme defect trivial Jörg Knappen 03/25/15
#234 Doubled collection entry VLO web app closed fixed defect major Thomas Eckart 10/08/12
#107 Elements should have conceptlink ComponentRegistry closed wontfix enhancement major Twan Goosen 05/26/15
#588 Encode state in fragment for bookmarkable URL's VLO web app closed duplicate enhancement minor 04/24/15
#394 Encoding in VLO CMDI view VLO web app closed fixed defect major Twan Goosen 05/15/14
#606 Equip the PID with a checksum VCRegistry closed wontfix enhancement major 08/05/14
#803 Error "Could not load complete CMDI metadata" VLO web app closed duplicate defect major Twan Goosen 10/09/15
#100 Error in ui when loading a component (sometimes) ComponentRegistry closed wontfix defect minor twagoo 04/27/12
#457 Facet "Format": Lots of resources mislabeled "annotation" VLO importer closed wontfix defect major keeloo 04/15/14
#171 Facet values with diacritics not in the first character should not be under Other VLO web app closed invalid defect minor herste 05/02/12
#818 Featured resource does not rotate Website closed worksforme defect major Bas van der Veen 03/10/16
#144 Feedback and discussion options ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement minor twagoo 04/02/12
#302 Feedback form parameter VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 08/14/13
#284 Finnish languagebank MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 01/29/16
#191 Fix 'choose a type' dialog ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement trivial twagoo 06/11/12
#93 Fix scaling of image VLO web app closed fixed defect blocker patdui 01/28/11
#468 Front-/backend refactoring ComponentRegistry closed worksforme enhancement major Twan Goosen 05/26/15
#63 Frontpage changes VLO web app closed fixed enhancement critical paucas 01/28/11
#381 General: Check for ISO-639-2 language code use MetadataCuration closed worksforme task minor Twan Goosen 02/21/18
#53 Get "collection" conceptlinks for Components ComponentRegistry closed duplicate enhancement major twagoo 12/20/11
#425 Get rid of CamelCase and underscores in searchable facet values VLO web app closed duplicate enhancement major Twan Goosen 11/10/14
#460 Getting/Updating xml body DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha@mpi.nl 01/03/14
#471 Group member who are not component/profile owners get an error when viewing a group ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect major George.Georgovassilis@mpi.nl 12/09/13
#801 H2020-footer message for CLARIN-PLUS Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 11/05/15
#136 HandleResolver does not work on catalog.clarin.eu server VLO web app closed fixed defect minor Twan Goosen 05/15/14
#288 Handling of resourceless files VLO web app closed fixed enhancement major Thomas Eckart 06/12/13
#255 Handling of unclean facets VLO importer closed duplicate enhancement minor Twan Goosen 02/17/15
#630 Huygens record empty in VLO MetadataCuration closed invalid defect major 01/31/18
#33 IE 7 renders columns too small Website closed invalid defect minor Dieter Van Uytvanck 04/13/15
#775 Ignore duplicate non-English Language names (#170) MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Menzo Windhouwer 03/21/18
#399 Importer: keep more context from Center Registry and OAI Endpoints to automatically derive data for ingesting VLO importer closed wontfix enhancement major keesjan.vandelooij@mpi.nl 01/07/15
#181 Improve general HTML view center registry Centre Registry closed fixed enhancement major BSanchezRZG 04/17/12
#264 Improve logging VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement major keeloo 05/17/14
#439 Improve/Polish result set widget on start page VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement major teckart 02/10/14
#182 Improvements to HTML table with centers Centre Registry closed fixed enhancement major BSanchezRZG 09/13/12
#282 Include component specification header information in schema as appinfo ComponentSchema closed fixed enhancement major twagoo 02/26/13
#657 Include schema in all_centres view handled by REST API Centre Registry closed fixed enhancement major 11/26/14
#569 Incomplete VLO import of new material added to the UdS repository VLO importer closed invalid defect blocker 06/10/14
#458 Inconsistent truncation in facet FORMAT VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/19/13
#417 Install ndg OAuth server on catalog.clarin.eu ServerManagement closed fixed task major twagoo 05/17/14
#6 Integrate metadata from web-inventory into the Repository TestDataSet closed fixed task minor dietuyt 12/03/10
#334 Integration with an existing BaseX instance serving other applications SCHEMAcat closed fixed SCHEMAcat-beta defect major mwindhouwer 05/17/14
#629 Investigate 'GC overhead limit exceeded' error VLO importer closed fixed task major 11/13/14
#525 Investigate VLO import failures VLO importer closed wontfix task major 10/16/14
#443 Investigate sudden build failure ComponentRegistry closed fixed task critical George.Georgovassilis@mpi.nl 11/11/13
#497 KML export Centre Registry closed fixed feature major Sander Maijers 11/26/14
#117 KWIC-view of the result MDBrowser new enhancement minor vronk 04/22/11
#28 Keep track of recently viewed results/items VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement minor patdui 09/29/11
#433 LDC catalog records missing MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major dietuyt 12/11/13
#531 Limit number of facet values retrieved VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement minor 05/15/14
#546 Link to Federated Content Search to deeply hidden VLO web app closed worksforme VLO-3.0 feature minor Twan Goosen 10/28/15
#29 Link to correct archives based on the metadata VLO web app closed fixed enhancement minor patdui 01/11/11
#332 Logging in NetKernel 5 should be configurable and independent for each web application SCHEMAcat closed fixed SCHEMAcat-1.0 feature major mwindhouwer 05/17/14
#786 Logging in for Adelheid fails AAI closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 08/26/15
#763 Logical combinations within facet selection VLO web app closed duplicate enhancement major Twan Goosen 10/28/15
#736 Login Test BAS Repository AAI closed fixed task major Martin Matthiesen 03/11/15
#665 Long loading time ... waiting for stats.clarin.eu VLO web app closed duplicate defect major 04/24/15
#1 MDRepository provide collections list MDRepository closed fixed task major ljo 08/12/10
#20 MDService reading isocat with language-param MDBrowser new task minor vronk 11/05/10
#489 MPI self harvester contains deleted items from LRT VLO web app closed fixed defect major twagoo 02/19/14
#177 MULCE archive OLAC mapping VLO web app closed fixed task minor dietuyt 05/08/12
#340 Maintain the original order of the config parameters SCHEMAcat closed fixed SCHEMAcat-beta enhancement major mwindhouwer 05/17/14
#25 Make "more..." pages more navigatable VLO web app closed fixed enhancement major paucas 11/30/10
#30 Make a "accesible resources" facet VLO web app closed duplicate enhancement major herste 11/14/13
#14 Make browsing open for anyone (lazy login) ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major patdui 11/12/10
#331 Make debug information configurable without editing code SCHEMAcat closed wontfix SCHEMAcat-1.0 enhancement major Menzo Windhouwer 05/15/15
#16 Make download xml, expanded ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major patdui 11/12/10
#24 Make non-ascii facets work VLO web app closed fixed defect major patdui 11/16/10
#65 Make validation fail if two consecutive elements have the same name ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major twagoo 03/09/12
#52 Make workspace xsd's downloadable ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major patdui 01/26/11
#363 Making external-id a part of URI DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha 08/26/13
#305 Maximum file size VLO web app closed fixed enhancement critical keeloo 05/16/13
#316 Meertens Liederenbank: request to add LandingPage MetadataCuration closed fixed enhancement major menzo.windhouwer@di.huc.knaw.nl 08/28/18
#410 Merge facet values that only differ by capitalisation VLO importer closed duplicate defect major keesjan.vandelooij@mpi.nl 11/10/14
#251 Metadata table column Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 12/04/12
#764 Mimetypes for Linguistic Resources VLO-WG new task major 06/04/15
#622 More lightweight response at /service/virtualcollections VCRegistry new enhancement major 08/22/14
#271 More tolerant search interface VLO web app closed fixed defect major teckart 04/03/13
#12 Move clear changes button and make behaviour more clear ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major patdui 11/12/10
#759 Multi-word queries SRUAggregator closed fixed enhancement major Leif-Jöran 11/10/15
#739 Multiple MdProfile header elements breaks entire import VLO importer closed fixed defect major 03/09/15
#551 Multivalued field separator in record view VLO web app closed fixed enhancement trivial teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de 04/27/15
#592 National consortia missing: Finland Centre Registry closed fixed enhancement major Sander Maijers 11/26/14
#388 New facet "coverage" VLO importer closed fixed feature minor teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de 02/02/15
#167 New facet: national anchoring VLO web app closed fixed enhancement major herste 05/17/14
#390 Normalize/unify name variants VLO web app closed duplicate enhancement minor Twan Goosen 04/08/15
#260 OLAC Audio Archive of Linguistic fieldwork > California Language Archive MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Twan Goosen 02/05/18
#58 OLAC mdselflink should be the origin VLO web app closed fixed defect major dietuyt 05/17/14
#806 OTA OLAC records mingle multi-values (keyword to dc:type field) MetadataCuration accepted defect major matej.durco@oeaw.ac.at 10/19/15
#165 Only allow 'save as new' button when editing from public space ComponentRegistry closed fixed enhancement major twagoo 04/03/12
#397 Only one subject is used by the VLO VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 10/02/13
#386 Outdated, duplicate BAS IMDI records VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 10/07/13
#89 PARSERROR on special character '-' in query MDBrowser closed fixed defect minor gaba 08/22/11
#455 Paging widget also at the bottom of the result list VLO web app closed wontfix enhancement major keeloo 02/10/14
#827 Person image thumbnails not displaying Website closed duplicate defect major Bas van der Veen 12/11/15
#290 Potential problem with resolving of ResourceProxy entries (doubled requests) VLO web app closed fixed defect minor Thomas Eckart 08/12/13
#55 Preprocessing CMDI files VLO web app closed fixed enhancement critical paucas 01/20/11
#168 Prevent recursive component definitions in editor ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect critical twagoo 02/20/12
#442 Problem with right-to-left scripts in facet display VLO web app closed duplicate defect minor Twan Goosen 05/02/14
#769 Propose fuzzy search in case of 0 records found for searchtext VLO web app closed invalid enhancement major 06/17/15
#383 Provide a description for facets VLO web app closed fixed task major teckart 11/15/13
#708 Provide hyperlinks to primary Centre type certificate on /all_centres Centre Registry closed fixed enhancement major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#57 Publish should move a profile/component out of private and into public workspace, keeping the id ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect critical patdui 01/26/11
#788 Quoting a query in the Aggregator interface causes query parsing errors on the endpoints SRUAggregator new defect major emanuel.dima@uni-tuebingen.de 08/27/15
#492 REST endpoint has inaccurate mimetype Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#700 Re-establish Shibbolization (make login button work). Centre Registry closed wontfix defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#98 Record with duplicate id does not show VLO web app closed invalid defect minor patdui 05/11/11
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.