{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1079 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1 - 200 of 1079)

1 2 3 4 5 6

(empty) (200 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#95 get sub-collections MDRepository new defect major ljo 01/23/11
#788 Quoting a query in the Aggregator interface causes query parsing errors on the endpoints SRUAggregator new defect major emanuel.dima@uni-tuebingen.de 08/27/15
#94 problem getting an individual record MDRepository new defect major ljo 01/25/11
#415 Two different TimeCoverage components MetadataCuration assigned defect major Twan Goosen 02/21/18
#806 OTA OLAC records mingle multi-values (keyword to dc:type field) MetadataCuration accepted defect major matej.durco@oeaw.ac.at 10/19/15
#272 restricted collection: Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid Academia collectie MetadataCuration closed wontfix defect major Twan Goosen 11/20/19
#775 Ignore duplicate non-English Language names (#170) MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Menzo Windhouwer 03/21/18
#559 missing profile in records of INL MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Caspar Jordan 03/13/18
#260 OLAC Audio Archive of Linguistic fieldwork > California Language Archive MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Twan Goosen 02/05/18
#776 Different spellings of "Meertens:Pilnar collection" in MdCollectionDisplayName MetadataCuration closed fixed defect minor 02/01/18
#560 2 profile references in CMD records of TLA: DiscAn MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major 02/01/18
#630 Huygens record empty in VLO MetadataCuration closed invalid defect major 01/31/18
#261 duplicate records for Uppsala Student English corpus (USE) MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 01/31/18
#445 empty records for Humboldt Uni MetadataCuration closed invalid defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 01/31/18
#824 overactive compression on JPEGs Website closed fixed defect minor Dieter Van Uytvanck 11/21/17
#810 Change main font on website Website closed fixed defect minor Sander Maijers 07/28/16
#758 test Swedish IdPs (via eduGAIN) AAI closed fixed defect minor 04/07/16
#826 Add introduction about Newsflash to news-portal view Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 03/21/16
#818 Featured resource does not rotate Website closed worksforme defect major Bas van der Veen 03/10/16
#284 Finnish languagebank MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 01/29/16
#811 add breadcrumb trail for lrtshowcase view Website closed fixed defect minor Bas van der Veen 12/11/15
#827 Person image thumbnails not displaying Website closed duplicate defect major Bas van der Veen 12/11/15
#823 Avatar for news/blog content disappears after uploading a new one Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 12/11/15
#797 Showcase left block shows empty items Website closed wontfix defect major Bas van der Veen 11/12/15
#802 superfluous seal links in clarin-eric-datatables/centres Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 11/12/15
#756 chrome throwing warnings about catalog.clarin.eu certificate AAI closed fixed defect minor 11/06/15
#816 mixed content served when using https connection Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 11/05/15
#801 H2020-footer message for CLARIN-PLUS Website closed fixed defect major Bas van der Veen 11/05/15
#799 svn: Can't write activity db AAI closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 11/04/15
#798 rotating banner frontpage flashes on Firefox 41 Website closed wontfix defect major Bas van der Veen 11/04/15
#744 Connecting the VLO takes too long VLO web app closed worksforme defect minor Twan Goosen 10/28/15
#807 Changes to SPF metadata don't propagate to all federations AAI closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 10/23/15
#803 Error "Could not load complete CMDI metadata" VLO web app closed duplicate defect major Twan Goosen 10/09/15
#765 Broken link in https://www.clarin.eu/content/assessment-procedure Website closed fixed defect major 09/30/15
#786 Logging in for Adelheid fails AAI closed fixed defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 08/26/15
#728 Display problem in "Show all metadata fields"-section VLO web app closed duplicate defect minor 06/25/15
#295 Timeout while using the Flex client ComponentRegistry closed wontfix defect major Twan Goosen 05/26/15
#350 unexpected until dates ISOcat closed wontfix defect major Menzo Windhouwer 05/15/15
#351 disappearing sessions and loosing locks ISOcat closed wontfix defect major Menzo Windhouwer 05/15/15
#477 wrong error message on getting non-existed annotation DASISH backend closed wontfix defect major olhsha@mpi.nl 05/15/15
#461 loading large CMDI results in high server and client load VLO web app closed worksforme defect minor Twan Goosen 05/08/15
#700 Re-establish Shibbolization (make login button work). Centre Registry closed wontfix defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#707 Allow for Centres without a Consortium Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#701 DNS and hyperlink revision Centre Registry closed fixed defect minor Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#706 Always produce correct URLs at /restxml/ Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#492 REST endpoint has inaccurate mimetype Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 04/29/15
#737 Testi test test AAI closed invalid defect major Uwe Reichel 04/25/15
#665 Long loading time ... waiting for stats.clarin.eu VLO web app closed duplicate defect major 04/24/15
#207 reset password not always working Website closed invalid defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 04/13/15
#33 IE 7 renders columns too small Website closed invalid defect minor Dieter Van Uytvanck 04/13/15
#198 simplify event type and theming Website closed invalid defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 04/13/15
#176 Several problems introduced after updating drupal modules Website closed invalid defect major Dieter Van Uytvanck 04/13/15
#716 improvement suggestions Discovery Service AAI closed wontfix defect major 04/10/15
#726 DiscoJuice not localized properly AAI closed fixed defect major willem.elbers@mpi.nl 04/10/15
#664 Donwloading a pdf file from the VLO with firefox results in wrong filename nincluding jsessionid VLO web app closed worksforme defect trivial Jörg Knappen 03/25/15
#739 Multiple MdProfile header elements breaks entire import VLO importer closed fixed defect major 03/09/15
#36 extract year date from year-string facets VLO web app closed fixed defect minor teckart 01/19/15
#453 Revise format/MIMEtype postprocessing VLO importer closed fixed defect minor teckart 12/08/14
#719 SPF LOgin test - test ticket 1 AAI closed fixed defect major kisler 12/04/14
#705 Collection CKCC has very poor metadata VLO importer closed fixed defect minor 11/28/14
#656 Add FCS endpoints menu Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 11/26/14
#474 display Monitoring fields in single centre view Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 11/26/14
#476 editing interface for consortia information Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 11/26/14
#517 add countries Centre Registry closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 11/26/14
#410 Merge facet values that only differ by capitalisation VLO importer closed duplicate defect major keesjan.vandelooij@mpi.nl 11/10/14
#310 facet value mapping VLO importer closed duplicate defect major keesjan.vandelooij@mpi.nl 11/10/14
#523 DiscoJuice is fed syntactically invalid JSON when SAML URLs are unreachable AAI closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 10/14/14
#502 Center Registry SSL Error Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 09/22/14
#628 invalid references when creating VC from VLO search VCRegistry closed invalid defect major 09/10/14
#75 full text search is really slow Website closed worksforme defect major Sander Maijers 07/17/14
#48 use ; as separator for the organisation facet VLO importer closed fixed defect minor Twan Goosen 06/11/14
#569 Incomplete VLO import of new material added to the UdS repository VLO importer closed invalid defect blocker 06/10/14
#568 CLARIN OAI Harvester Web View no longer updated VLO importer closed invalid defect major keesjan.vandelooij@mpi.nl 06/04/14
#58 OLAC mdselflink should be the origin VLO web app closed fixed defect major dietuyt 05/17/14
#334 Integration with an existing BaseX instance serving other applications SCHEMAcat closed fixed SCHEMAcat-beta defect major mwindhouwer 05/17/14
#539 UnicodeEncodeError error while rendering template Trac closed fixed defect major Sander Maijers 05/17/14
#462 Broken CMDI view for a single ressource (LCC_DataSource) VLO web app closed worksforme defect minor Twan Goosen 05/15/14
#136 HandleResolver does not work on catalog.clarin.eu server VLO web app closed fixed defect minor Twan Goosen 05/15/14
#394 Encoding in VLO CMDI view VLO web app closed fixed defect major Twan Goosen 05/15/14
#276 VLO beta tomcat out of memory VLO web app closed fixed defect major Twan Goosen 05/15/14
#196 drupal core update needed Website closed fixed defect major dietuyt 05/14/14
#296 change URL for language codes VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 05/12/14
#343 cleanup user interface VLO web app closed wontfix defect minor sanmai 05/12/14
#442 Problem with right-to-left scripts in facet display VLO web app closed duplicate defect minor Twan Goosen 05/02/14
#456 Support white and black list mechanism in testing VLO importer closed fixed defect major keeloo 04/15/14
#457 Facet "Format": Lots of resources mislabeled "annotation" VLO importer closed wontfix defect major keeloo 04/15/14
#516 "owner" shoule be removed from permission values DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha@mpi.nl 04/01/14
#508 Add schematron rule to assert that CardinalityMax >= CardinalityMin ComponentSchema closed fixed defect minor menwin 03/06/14
#482 VLO tickets view empty Trac closed fixed defect major sanmai 03/04/14
#454 2.17 Beta: Add XPath for the format facet for the UdS data VLO importer closed fixed defect major keeloo 03/03/14
#489 MPI self harvester contains deleted items from LRT VLO web app closed fixed defect major twagoo 02/19/14
#485 Consider removal of "Open in original context" VLO web app closed duplicate defect minor twagoo 02/10/14
#398 Some attachments not accessible Trac closed fixed defect major sanmai 01/24/14
#438 layout in 2.16: Resource link missing left space VLO web app closed worksforme defect major keeloo 01/20/14
#358 VLO Solr interface VLO web app closed worksforme defect major keeloo 01/20/14
#356 VLO web application cannot instantiate page VLO web app closed duplicate defect major keeloo 01/20/14
#279 get open in original context from Landing Page, MdSelfLink VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 01/20/14
#430 VLO 2.16 beta: Another snippet of invalid html in the view of a single resource VLO web app closed fixed defect trivial keeloo 01/15/14
#475 alphabetic centre type sorting Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 01/09/14
#460 Getting/Updating xml body DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha@mpi.nl 01/03/14
#405 temporary id's for new sources DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha 01/03/14
#366 Sending and storing cached representations DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha 01/03/14
#364 Serialization annotation's body DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha 01/03/14
#256 500 ERROR: page don't exists on editing a center entry Centre Registry closed fixed defect critical BSanchezRZG 12/19/13
#433 LDC catalog records missing MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major dietuyt 12/11/13
#323 TLA records: missing Landing Page MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major sanmai 12/11/13
#471 Group member who are not component/profile owners get an error when viewing a group ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect major George.Georgovassilis@mpi.nl 12/09/13
#435 Display of multiple results across several pages does not work SRUAggregator closed invalid defect major yana_panchenko@yahoo.com 11/28/13
#450 2.17 Beta-Beta: In the language facet for latin, still a lot of actors who have learned some latin occur VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/26/13
#458 Inconsistent truncation in facet FORMAT VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/19/13
#319 ResourceLinkPanelTest failure VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/15/13
#451 VLO 2.17 beta: Strange value "true" in language facet VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/14/13
#385 Type inference partly fails for DTA texts VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/14/13
#452 Still too many "latin" in the language facet VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/14/13
#280 VLO shows 0 records upon running importer VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/14/13
#426 VLO tests VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/14/13
#441 The search function should also search <MdCollectionDisplayName> from the CMDI header VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 11/11/13
#440 Where does the https in front of the Reference in the information (i) link comes from? SRUAggregator closed invalid defect major kisler 11/06/13
#437 Disappearing subject? (ner suppresses named entity recognizer) VLO web app closed duplicate defect major keeloo 10/31/13
#194 convert LRT tools inventory to CMDI and insert records in VLO MetadataCuration closed fixed defect minor sanmai 10/26/13
#429 VLO 2.16 beta: More broken links in the header VLO web app closed fixed defect trivial keeloo 10/25/13
#420 Broken link in the VLO header VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 10/21/13
#408 VLO Facet mapping Country VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 10/15/13
#407 Add to facet continent: dc-3791 VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 10/15/13
#406 even with datcat, no continent mapping for BAS records VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 10/08/13
#386 Outdated, duplicate BAS IMDI records VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 10/07/13
#400 Ticket "disappeared" after moving Trac closed fixed defect major sanmai 10/02/13
#397 Only one subject is used by the VLO VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 10/02/13
#365 type-tamp misprint n Source (schema + JAXB-generated class) DASISH backend closed fixed defect trivial olhsha 10/01/13
#368 The schema: remove URI's from lists DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha 10/01/13
#367 The schema: add URI for "Version" DASISH backend closed invalid defect major peterwithers 10/01/13
#395 The Webservice CMDI of BAS does not appear in the VLO VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 09/30/13
#341 unknown profile referred in DTA records MetadataCuration closed invalid defect major dietuyt 09/19/13
#378 check access rights of the importer ISOcat closed fixed defect major mwindhouwer 09/16/13
#352 DCS to DCIF eats to many resources ISOcat closed fixed defect major mwindhouwer 09/16/13
#377 directionality of check propagation ISOcat closed fixed defect major mwindhouwer 09/03/13
#371 simple UUID instead of resource identifier classes DASISH backend closed fixed defect major peterwithers 08/26/13
#363 Making external-id a part of URI DASISH backend closed fixed defect major olhsha 08/26/13
#302 Feedback form parameter VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 08/14/13
#311 repair incorrect url encoding VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 08/14/13
#290 Potential problem with resolving of ResourceProxy entries (doubled requests) VLO web app closed fixed defect minor Thomas Eckart 08/12/13
#344 Retrieve profile from expanded xml VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 08/08/13
#285 add data category mapping for arthurian fiction VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 08/08/13
#321 VLO theming VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 07/08/13
#315 search link instead of text box for FCS VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 07/08/13
#318 DTA: request to add LandingPage MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major herold 07/08/13
#286 link TEI profile title datcat to name/title facet datcat MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major herold 06/25/13
#312 (test ticket for solving CC problem) Centre Registry closed invalid defect major sanmai 06/11/13
#245 install documentation VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 05/29/13
#309 Repair meta data importer test VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 05/16/13
#308 add support for SearchPage VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 05/16/13
#297 Access to packaged National projects mapping file VLO web app closed fixed defect minor keeloo 05/16/13
#263 Revise parameter persistence VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 05/16/13
#244 configuration script error VLO web app closed worksforme defect major herste 05/16/13
#293 Control the VLO importer heap usage VLO web app closed fixed defect critical keeloo 05/16/13
#257 add support for LandingPage VLO web app closed fixed defect critical keeloo 05/16/13
#259 AILLA OLAC provider broken links MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major dietuyt 05/14/13
#266 many DFKI tool records outdated MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major dietuyt 05/14/13
#303 use new version of cmdi2html XSL VLO web app closed fixed defect major keeloo 04/29/13
#299 map TEI title to name field MetadataCuration closed duplicate defect major dietuyt 04/08/13
#271 More tolerant search interface VLO web app closed fixed defect major teckart 04/03/13
#287 CLARIN Logo in Trac has non-HTTPS URL Trac closed fixed defect trivial sanmai 03/08/13
#283 The id generator of olac2cmdi.xsl is too weak MetadataCuration closed fixed defect major dietuyt 02/18/13
#262 test ticket to see if mail works - please ignore Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 01/11/13
#205 url too long Website closed worksforme defect blocker dietuyt 12/27/12
#247 add text to report error icon VLO web app closed fixed defect minor herste 12/06/12
#216 have a better user management Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 12/05/12
#254 list of web services errors Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 12/05/12
#253 wrong link at "list of centers contact" Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 12/04/12
#252 layout center contacts Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 12/04/12
#251 Metadata table column Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 12/04/12
#242 language links with capitalized letters do not work VLO web app closed fixed 2.0 defect major herste 11/23/12
#76 Deprecated language codes mapping VLO web app closed wontfix defect major herste 11/20/12
#226 on import of language/countre code mapping, remove (.*) VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 11/15/12
#230 map DC purl ConceptLink to facets VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 11/15/12
#220 Smaller design issues with VLO 2.10 VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 11/12/12
#219 encoding issue (VLO 2.10) VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 11/05/12
#234 Doubled collection entry VLO web app closed fixed defect major Thomas Eckart 10/08/12
#187 The CMDI profiles of the individual centers do not validate Centre Registry closed fixed defect critical BSanchezRZG 09/13/12
#215 center types R and E instead of D Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 08/23/12
#192 assessment field missing in HTML center view Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 08/16/12
#41 subject mapping for OLAC VLO web app closed wontfix defect major dietuyt 08/08/12
#200 facet for CMDI profile VLO web app closed duplicate defect major herste 07/05/12
#178 add a line break between result count and the < > controls VLO web app closed wontfix defect minor herste 06/13/12
#204 2.9 install error VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 06/13/12
#203 2.8 deploy errors and issues to be resolved before official release VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 06/13/12
#183 remove CMDI envelope of xml center list Centre Registry closed fixed defect major BSanchezRZG 05/07/12
#171 Facet values with diacritics not in the first character should not be under Other VLO web app closed invalid defect minor herste 05/02/12
#100 Error in ui when loading a component (sometimes) ComponentRegistry closed wontfix defect minor twagoo 04/27/12
#184 Component UI editor should check for duplicate attribute names ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect critical twagoo 04/20/12
#185 Delete comments from Flex UI ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect major twagoo 04/20/12
#169 ResourceName element is not recognized VLO web app closed invalid defect major herste, teckart 03/20/12
#31 memory exception when editing page Website closed fixed defect critical radu.simionescu@info.uaic.ro 03/19/12
#39 signup not working Website closed fixed defect major dietuyt 03/19/12
#168 Prevent recursive component definitions in editor ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect critical twagoo 02/20/12
#161 dropping components on 'big' components/profiles ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect major twagoo 01/12/12
#154 Remove ann:label attribute in xsd for empty string appInfo in controlled vocabulary ComponentRegistry closed duplicate defect critical twagoo 12/01/11
#101 Add external archives to VLO VLO web app closed fixed defect major patdui 09/29/11
#148 Deal with recursive component definitions when expanding for schema ComponentRegistry closed fixed defect critical twagoo 09/29/11
#44 show more link that displays the whole CMDI record VLO web app closed fixed defect major herste 09/21/11
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.